

many leagues under the sea.
Valued Senior Member
:confused: Cockroaches, :eek: what good are they? Why did they have to be "created"? How could someone eat them!? I think I heard somewhere but I could not find it. Is there flesh eating roaches? How do they survive so dang much? An why oh why did there have to be flying cockroaches!? They are gross. Are they not? How do you view them? And they are every where on Earth!
Do you believe they were created?

Actually, roaches are very smart. They have mushroom bodies. I used to feed one sugar every night. It would run away when someone came into the room, except with me.
Do you believe they were created?

Actually, roaches are very smart. They have a mushroom body. I used to feed one sugar every night. It would run away when someone came into the room, except with me.

Was it a tropical cucaracha or just a one of the mil.
Thought I would post this.
wikipedia said:
An inexpensive roach trap can easily be made from a deep smooth-walled jar with some roach food inside, placed with the top of the jar touching a wall or with sticks (outside the jar) leading up to the top, so that the roaches can reach the opening. Once inside, they cannot climb back out. An inch or so of water or stale beer (by itself a roach attractant) will ensure they drown. The method works well with the American cockroach but less so with the German cockroach.[37] A bit of Vaseline can be smeared on the inside of the jar to enhance slipperiness. The method is sometimes called the "Vegas roach trap" after it was popularized by a Las Vegas-based TV station. This version of the trap uses coffee grounds and water.[38]

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Some of the earliest writings about cockroaches encouraged their use as medicine. Pedanius Dioscorides (1st century), Abu Hanifa ad-Dainuri (9th century), and Kamal al-Din al-Damiri (14th century ) all offered medicines that either suggest grinding them up with oil or boiling them, and Lafcadio Hearn claimed[39] that in the 1870s many New Orleanians had great faith in a remedy of boiled cockroach tea
(R1D2 is not trying that tea!)
Tashja said:
Do you believe they were created?
You can pick either by a god, or by a "devil". Or you can pick that roaches parents. Who did the "deed" ( :shake: ). But what's it matter what I think let alone believe, how they came about?
The only place I've seen roaches was when I was stationed in Kentucky. The only bug I despise more is the tick, another resident of Kentucky. They had several ugly critters in Kentucky. The June bug was also another that I came to know while stationed there.
The only place I've seen roaches was when I was stationed in Kentucky.
We had the large cockroaches in the Arizona desert. I've seen the smaller ones in Los Angeles. If you're a good housekeeper and you have roaches, it means that your neighbors aren't.

The only bug I despise more is the tick, another resident of Kentucky.
Yes. Roaches are icky but harmless except from a general public-health perspective. But ticks transmit Lyme disease. I pull one off one of my dogs every couple of weeks. I assume that I examine them often enough that even if the tick has Lyme, it hasn't been on long enough to transmit. (24-48 hours depending on who you ask, but by then they're kind of swollen from eating blood.) I get one on me about once a year.

The June bug was also another that I came to know while stationed there.
There are several species of large, clumsy flying insects called June bugs so you may have had a different kind than the ones in Arizona. We used to make a little leash out of thread, put it around their neck, and fly them in circles like toy airplanes.
We had the large cockroaches in the Arizona desert. I've seen the smaller ones in Los Angeles. If you're a good housekeeper and you have roaches, it means that your neighbors aren't.

Yes. Roaches are icky but harmless except from a general public-health perspective. But ticks transmit Lyme disease. I pull one off one of my dogs every couple of weeks. I assume that I examine them often enough that even if the tick has Lyme, it hasn't been on long enough to transmit. (24-48 hours depending on who you ask, but by then they're kind of swollen from eating blood.) I get one on me about once a year.

There are several species of large, clumsy flying insects called June bugs so you may have had a different kind than the ones in Arizona. We used to make a little leash out of thread, put it around their neck, and fly them in circles like toy airplanes.

I know you were not really talking to me. But I dislike ticks and have had them on me several times. Last year I had maybe 4. I get them during hunting season. And I would like to see the bug fly in circles, sounds cool. And you might be right about the "june bug". Up in Ohio I have heard the term love bugs, referring to lady bugs. But here in Florida there is a such thing as a love bug.
And of course there's the lovely mosquito. In a creationist point of view, why in the world was that created? At least cockroaches are useful.
:confused: Cockroaches, :eek: what good are they? Why did they have to be "created"? How could someone eat them!? I think I heard somewhere but I could not find it. Is there flesh eating roaches? How do they survive so dang much? An why oh why did there have to be flying cockroaches!? They are gross. Are they not? How do you view them? And they are every where on Earth!

The various species of cockroach don't really have a "purpose". They are simply one successful organism. They weren't created, but they continue to be successful because their environment facilitates their ongoing survival. People can eat the ones that aren't inedible for one reason or another (contaminated/poisonous). I'm going to make a wild guess and say that some species of cockroach are opportunistic enough to eat tissues from other organisms, but whether or not they are living at the time is debatable. I know there are species that live in bat caves that will eat whatever falls on the floor - including the bats. There's a paragraph on the cockroach wiki that mentions their survivability. Flying cockroaches continue to be successful. They are not gross as long as they stay outside and out of my pantry. There are currently no true cockroach species living underwater in the oceans.
Talk about giving me the willies the other night. I was unfortunate to have just found out first hand. There is a GREEN cockroach!
Known here
As Green Banana Cockroach (Panchlora nivea) - Panchlora nivea or the cuban cockroach.