cirumcision poll

Discussion in 'Science & Society' started by Asguard, Jan 7, 2010.


when i reached the age of medical consent I...

  1. Female: i chose to have the clit skin removed(FC)

    0 vote(s)
  2. Female: I chose NOT to have the Clit skin removed (FC)

    2 vote(s)
  3. Male: I chose to have my forskin removed (MC)

    1 vote(s)
  4. Male: I chose NOT to have my forskin removed (MC)

    11 vote(s)
  5. Female: I chose to have more than just the skin removed

    0 vote(s)
  6. Male: I chose to have more than just the skin removed

    0 vote(s)
  7. Other (god only knows what you would put under this but *shrug*)

    7 vote(s)
  1. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    He's just making a comparison. Cut away something to prevent contracting a disease further down the road.
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  3. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    Vaccines leave no scars, pretty much. Circumcision apologists often attempt to excuse the practice that way: compare circumcision to normal medical procedures that have no lasting effects on your body image or sexual functionality, in order to mask the difference.
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  5. John99 Banned Banned

    After all that he says he HAD to get it done anyway.:wallbang:
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  7. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    All you have ever had is a scarred penis, so you've never known anything better, string. Of course you will say it's good, because you couldn't stand thinking about yourself in terms of being damaged goods.
  8. John99 Banned Banned

    The only real way it is comparable is because it is in the same area. It doesnt get infected or cause infections either.
  9. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Mod Hat - You've got to be kidding me

    Mod Hat — You've got to be kidding me

    I really don't feel like cleaning up the mess people are making. Seriously, what the hell is the problem here? Is there any reason I should leave this thread open?
  10. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    Which means very little.

    A lot of cut humans will also declare that circumcision reduces your chance of contracting HIV. Yah... and guess what else? So does not having sex with people who have AIDS. Try it some time.

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    The reason that no health organizations recommend circumcision is that the procedure itself also has risks, and those risks outweigh all of these remote benefits that are presented. Even if you accept that 1000 circumcisions will prevent one case of UTI in the first year of life, the complication rate from circumcisions is between 2 and 5%. UTI is not serious and treatable with antiobiotics, a very benign illness. Meanwhile, circumcision botch-ups and its resultant scars are permanent. That's what happened to David Reimer, who had his gender reassigned by his parents after a circumcision destroyed his penis. He later committed suicide.
  11. BenTheMan Dr. of Physics, Prof. of Love Valued Senior Member

  12. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    That isn't an American organization, ben, and it recommends it only for countries with high rates of HIV prevalence. No dice.

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  13. John99 Banned Banned

    How can that mean very little? At the same time you are telling us about one case where it was a 'botch-up'.

    One out of a thousand people is a high number so far the consensus seems to be it is better, and aethetically enhancing.
  14. BenTheMan Dr. of Physics, Prof. of Love Valued Senior Member

    From wikiPedia

    The studies are linked here, for your convenience:
  15. BenTheMan Dr. of Physics, Prof. of Love Valued Senior Member

    What difference does that make?
  16. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    I'm afraid that isn't true, ben. If you read the WHO article, it states that its effects were measured only in the countries of Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa. It has no information pertaining to how everyday citizens in developed countries benefit (they don't).
  17. BenTheMan Dr. of Physics, Prof. of Love Valued Senior Member

    Ahh I see. We're drastically different in physiology from all those niggers. You're right.
  18. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    Different in that we are not afflicted by an AIDS epidemic, yes. Odd that you would make insulting accusations of racism on the drop of a dime like that, however. Are you getting steamed up or something?

    That wiki article states that the improvement was due to men having body image issues to begin with and pain due to penal illness. Do try to aim for some consistency.
  19. shorty_37 Go! Canada Go! Registered Senior Member

    I think that is a bit different.

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    So are you saying that a circumcised man doesn't enjoy sex? :bugeye: Again from my own experience I have only ever had sex with circumcised men, and they seemed to enjoy themselves quite a bit.
  20. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    I'm not saying it's a good analogy

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  21. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    It is not very different, nor is it a matter of severity -- it is a matter of both practices being genital mutilation. Both procedures are carried out upon unsuspecting and defenseless children. Both procedures are barbaric and cruel. Both procedures arose from insane superstitions. Both procedures are 100% unnecessary. Both procedures scar the victim for life.
  22. shorty_37 Go! Canada Go! Registered Senior Member

    Well I live with 3 males, Nietzsche and my 2 boys. The only one having problems with his penis is my youngest who hasn't been circumcised. My Dr.
    says that many men who aren't circumcised have these kind of problems, so IMO for medical reasons it is better to be circumcised. I am not saying that all uncircumcised men have problems but there are quite a few who do.
    Listen I know, I went through the screaming of my first son. I felt so horrible and heart wrenched, that is why I couldn't deal with it the second time around. But as I said before, I think I should have.
    If he has to have this problem fixed later on in life. I think it will be more traumatic to have it fixed then, then performed on him when he was a baby.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2010
  23. BenTheMan Dr. of Physics, Prof. of Love Valued Senior Member

    ...or herpes or HPV, but whatever.

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