Child seemingly born mentally ill..

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by visceral_instinct, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. Bells Staff Member


    I guess they should just have been lucky and been born with your enormous patience and care..

    Residential care wouldn’t take her. As I said, the two in-state facilities rejected her because her psychosis was a bigger deal to them than my “abuse” (please for the love of God realize I am being sarcastic here). Maryvale and Five Acres were worried about Jani’s safety all right, but not from me. No, they were worried about being on the hook for a lawsuit if Jani ran into traffic or otherwise wandered off (both are “open” facilities-locked “level 14” or chronic severe mental health facilities do not exist in California. However, we have plenty of jail cells for our mentally ill (again, being sarcastic)).

    The DCFS social worker had already read my blog (in its entirety) and, unlike my critics, knew exactly what I was talking about, knew what I meant when I said we had tried “starving” Jani, knew that when I wrote that “we hit in impotent rage” that I meant that is how I felt EMOTIONALLY, not what I actually did, and noticed the disclaimer above my blog that says these entries are meant to represent my emotions AT THE TIME OF WRITING, NOT FACT.

    She knew that I was given to be melodramatic in my writing (which obviously I can do no longer do). She happened to be the same DCFS social worker who had checked on Jani five months ago (for reasons I have blogged about before).

    Unfortunately, Jani has been in and out of psychiatrist’s offices, psychologist’s offices, been evaluated by the school district (over and over again), seen by County Department of Mental Health, social workers up the yin-yang, County therapists, County psychologists, three hospitals, not to mention her standard check-ups at the pediatrician (two separate pediatricians because we moved) over the last two and half years.

    If I had really hit Jani in “impotent rage,” given that I am a fully-grown man, don’t you think that one of those HUNDREDS of people who have Jani day in and day out over the last two and a half years would have NOTICED something?


    all those people and all those agencies and all those facilities are working together in a grand conspiracy to conceal Jani’s abuse.

    Which, by the way, was basically what we and UCLA were accused of. You see, this person or persons (or maybe a certain “church” that many celebrities belong to that has a history of an irrational hatred toward psychiatry all because a certain science fiction writer’s ideas about treating the mentally ill were rejected by the American Psychiatric Society because he didn’t have ANY evidence to back up his claims), did not just file a report on me and Susan. They also filed a report against UCLA, alleging that UCLA was breaching the “standard of care” and was apparently concealing child abuse.

    This DCFS worker also read the forums where I have been attacked. So she got both sides.

    Then she did her job, which is to check up on Jani and Bodhi’s well-being.

    I told her we were meeting the doctor and Jani’s social worker and invited her to attend. She took me up on that offer.

    We were bringing Bodhi anyway, because we always do, but it turns out we had to so she could see Bodhi.

    She talked to Jani’s doctor. She talked to Jani’s social worker. She talked to me and I went through the formality of responding to the claims against me. I reiterated that I am always willing to co-operate with any investigation of me.


    Because as my blog readers know by now, I have nothing to hide.

    Then she went to see Jani, and brought the Del Taco we had brought for her. We stayed and went back to our meeting with Jani’s doctor, getting back to the business of taking of Jani.

    About twenty minutes later, the DCFS social worker popped her head back in the meeting to say that Jani was doing “hreat!” This DCFS worker had seen Jani in February. Jani had attacked her. At the time, Jani had been so unstable that the DCFS worker had to bring a therapist as “back up.” This time, she happily reported, Jani was happy to see her and they talked nicely for several minutes.

    I have not heard any more about the matter, but I assume the investigation will go on until DCFS is satisfied that no abuse is taking place. Then the case will be closed until the next time somebody takes something I write literally and calls DCFS.

    That was about the hitting and the supposed starvation they did to her..

    I repeat..

    Are you asserting that this child is not mentally ill? Do you have any proof or evidence to counter what her numerous specialists have diagnosed?

    Do you think this child is perfectly normal and will grow up to be "a pillar of the community"?

    I have seen a child in the midst of a psychotic break and I can assure you, it is not normal. Sure, during the lucid moments he was a lovely child. But they became fewer and further between as he grew older in his teenage years. He is now in a home and has been there for many years after he tried to slice his sister's throat open with a meat cleaver when he was 15.. while she slept.

    So while she may look like a lovely little girl, she is very mentally ill.. Unless of course you have facts and evidence to the contrary...? Do you?

    You also mentioned fostering her out of her home.. Do you know that removing a child from a safe environment, catered solely for her with supervision 24/7 by parents and trusted medical professionals and those in training to become medical professionals and plonking her with complete strangers would possibly cause more harm than good..? What do you think?

    I guess what it comes down to is whether you believe schizophrenia is a mental illness and whether children can develop it as babies and children.. or not.

    Also, no one in the State is willing to take her in.. At all..

    Unless you are volunteering?
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2011
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  3. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    no no no.
    This time it was you that made the claim, and it is you who must substantiate it.
    You said she tried to eat her brother.
    And I asked how much did she actually eat.
    The amount is zero isn't it?
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  5. visceral_instinct Monkey see, monkey denigrate Valued Senior Member

    @ Bells, believe me, I'm not a patient person although my mom is. It doesn't mean we resort to outright violence.
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  7. Bells Staff Member

    You are asking how much flesh she managed to eat before she was stopped?

    They don't say in weight..

    Read the link I posted in the previous post..

    As he asks, if he had "hit her" in the way the anti-psychiatric medicine sites assert (some of them think she's possessed while others believe she is acting out and some others believe that her parents force her to be like she is schizophrenic.. apparently they're all so good that she fools the numerous doctors, nurses and care-givers she has around her daily), surely someone else would have noticed, considering she was in and out of doctors and specialist offices, had constant contact with social workers, etc..?

    As he says, unless it is all one big conspiracy, which some of these sites which concentrate solely on that very emotional paragraph he wrote on his blog about his experience, seem to believe. That the State and this couple are all in on it and that there is actually nothing wrong with this girl.

    The State investigated the abuse claims, yes, one of these internet sites from out of state reported him and his wife for child abuse and they were investigated (I believe it wasn't the first time because of the way he writes in the blog) and found that they had not abused her at all.. From reading the blog, one even reported him for sex abuse because he commented on the blog that he showers her..
  8. Guest264 Registered Member

    It's possible that both parents are products of child abuse, too.
  9. Guest264 Registered Member

    It's a shame she doesn't seem to be into art - although I make this conclusion from seeing just one drawing by her.

    I've seen ADHD kids aged 3-4 who are able to sit quietly for hours working on page after page of fully realized drawings - each page a complete expression of their internal world. They don't draw clouds or buildings the way we do, they have their own strange, recurring vocabulary, and you can see the evolution in their drawings. The drawing of Janni's that I saw (she was 7 by that time) was far from being as realized as what these kids were doing.

    It would be fascinating to see Janni making a real effort to express her world using art.

    I wonder if I have the guts to contact the mother's via their facebook page and ask how she has responded to art therapy - I'm sure they've tried it.
  10. Crunchy Cat F-in' *meow* baby!!! Valued Senior Member

    That girl is so screwed. Schizophrenia only gets worse as time goes on... never better.
  11. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    If teh parents have her committed, does that make them bad parents or good parents for protecting their other child?
  12. Crunchy Cat F-in' *meow* baby!!! Valued Senior Member

    Good and bad don't objectively exist. If the girl can be trained to survive on her own then she's golden; otherwise, she may need professional care for the rest of her life.
  13. Stryder Keeper of "good" ideas. Valued Senior Member

    Didn't you mean Sumerian?

    I would suggest her reality is a product of potentially an external influence* and the internet, you just have to look at search output of "Calalini", the poor girl is going to end up an internet legend because of her exploits, servers across the planet filled with stories, pictures and film and possibly another film industry potential. Even a band seems to be cashing in.

    Not to forget to mention to all the conspiracy buffs such anagrams as "Clan Ilia"

    (* External influence means radiological abuse/mind control, the argument of whether it exists is a moot point. If it was the case, the possible conclusion would be to create a symbiotic bond between a machine and a person, since the person would be a labrat to those operating it, they would use illusions of "friends" to manipulate her to their will, obviously a psychiatric project, otherwise they would stimulate art, literature or make her a world leader etc.)

    The only way to disregard external influence is with the use of such things as TEMPEST shielding, however this will likely cause people to don their tinfoil hats in mockery. (Don't knock something until you try it)
  14. chimpkin C'mon, get happy! Registered Senior Member

    One of the things that the internet has seen is the creation of online support for, ahem, "victims of government electronic mind control."

    From what I've read, DARPA is still working on the ability to broadcast subvocalized communications electronically amongst military team members...this rather suggests that our government has nowhere near the capacity to actually beam thoughts into people's heads...

    *waits for the paranoids to start shouting*

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