can bush just do no good?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by weed_eater_guy, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    I have managed people and I have to say you are 100% right about that.
    Unfortunately, it seems Bush never learned that lesson himself.
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    Last edited: Sep 5, 2005
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  5. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member


    I understand making profits but this is price gouging the consumers. The oil companies have always made a profit but when the consumer is getting less pay, pays more for food, taxes, clothing wouldn't it be considerate not to rip them off? I can understand oil companies charhging more for the increase they must pay bur seeing a 5 to 10 billion profit in 1 quarter is unreasonable profit taking in my eyes. I can afford it but millions of people live below the poverty line abnd this isn't going to help them much.

    The few make the billions while the many suffer the higher costs. This is why revolutions start.
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  7. alain du hast mich Registered Senior Member

    MRjack4war said "You dont think the Shia are happy with our presence!
    We basically are aiding them in their somewhat of a civil war right now!
    your 100% bullshit"

    then why are the americans being attacked by many of the shias?
  8. hypewaders Save Changes Registered Senior Member

    I've seen no tally, but it seems to me that Sadr City has been as deadly for GIs as have been Fallujah and Ramadi. Obviously Shia, like other sects will fight the Americans until we leave the convulsing corpse of Iraq to its final agony.
  9. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    I think we has officially reached the low point of Bush's presidency, if the best you can say about him is that he can dress and feed himself adequately.
  10. Mr.Jack4WAR Hating the Hated Registered Senior Member


    umm.. i neever knew about this shia attacks..

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    may i please see some evidence?
    the only anti-americans i knew of, were the "radical" sunnis.
  11. Mr.Jack4WAR Hating the Hated Registered Senior Member

    actually i was simply addressing his appropriate attire, rather than a lazy guy in a cowboy outfit. Im stating more of his personal life also. Not that hes austere, but he is serious when he needs to be.
    Adding to the matter, a president may have casual clothes. It is said in the
    "Presidency Guidelines", you know... the book that you critique George so harshly by.
  12. hypewaders Save Changes Registered Senior Member

    Last edited: Sep 6, 2005
  13. Cottontop3000 Death Beckoned Registered Senior Member

    As you so aptly put it, barren. A leader does not just continue his vacation, for two days after the largest american hurricane in recorded history, and tell his director of FEMA to "get 'er dun." He leads by example. Something it sounds like you know very little about, barren. For your information, I have led many people in my life. Up to 80 at one time in Somalia. More, or less, at differing times in my U.S. Army career. One thing I learned, very early, is that you lead by example. Not by shouting "Do that job!" You ever "lead" anyone barren?
  14. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    And where was YOUR commander in Somalia? ...out in front of you? ...leading YOU by example?????

    Does the manager of the Ford Motor Company do all the welding on the Ford cars and trucks?

    Now tell me again, Cotton, how many people have you led??

    Baron Max
  15. Cottontop3000 Death Beckoned Registered Senior Member


    I thought I just answered that, moron. Can you read? If so, care to read before you type?
  16. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Nope, you didn't, Cotton. If leading by example is what you believe in and did/do, then in Somalia, for example, we you the number one leader?? had no commander at all? And if you did, was he out in front leading? ...and where was HIS commander?? ...was he also out in front leading? ....LOL!

    Baron Max
  17. weed_eater_guy It ain't broke, don't fix it! Registered Senior Member

    that's not the way the military works, baron.

    and on a different thought, i would bet my own leg that bush would not be going through the shit storm he's having to endure... if he were a democrat. I mean, for shit's sake, Clinton got away with going in and toying around in kosovo! He got away with an affair that was publicised beyond comprehension! He could DO NO WRONG!!!

    Several years later, the oil prices are bushes fault, since we all know he has a direct strangle hold on the world's oil supplies just because he's so stupid and... and... well-talking, er, well-spoken that he can pull off such a daxterdly yet ingenious deception plot. I mean c'mon, pick a story! Either he's stupid, or smart enough to screw the oil system. And if he's smart enough, why hasn't he been caught? It's not exactly a cover operation if it affects all of us blatently. If he's stupid, and he's not jacking oil prices, but rather just stealing iraq's oil, then why the hell are the prices still high?!

    Would people have questioned Clinton's intervention in kosovo? Hell no. Bush in Afghanistan? Hell yes. Iraq, which, oh by the way, the UN should've done something about before 2002 to begin with? All bush's fault. I mean, for god's sakes, this is f***ing ridiculous.
  18. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Alright, Somalia was a mistake. Democrats can admit our mistakes, unlike Republicans. It led to a dozen US soldiers killed, and around 78 wounded, and should not have happened.

    How does this compare to the aftermath of New Orleans?
    (or Iraq?)
  19. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    did you ever think it might have been the REASONS before those wars that set them apart?
  20. weed_eater_guy It ain't broke, don't fix it! Registered Senior Member

    I'm sorry, i must have misunderstood you, sipidergoat, it sounds like you're implying that republicans started the hurricane, seeing as you're talking about the causes of wars that we started. That, and that it's somehow an exclusively republican problem. Let's not forget the liberal media assholes who are too busy scrambing for cool shots of houses getting blown over rather than dropping their shit and pulling elderly out of their homes.

    Oh, and I'm especially pissed because I just found out my blood stream is not FDA approved, and by that i mean the drive people wouldn't take it cause i've been to europe for over 5 years during their specified time period and thus i just might have mad cow disease... nothing to do with this conversation... it's just... stupid... kinda like bipartisan politics can be
  21. Cottontop3000 Death Beckoned Registered Senior Member

    Since you are so dense, barren, I will repeat myself. I LED up to 80 young men and women in Somalia. More or less previous to or after Somalia.
    I take it you have never been a leader. Or a good "speller."

    I had a shit-for-brain company commander that almost got several of MY soldiers killed, if you really want to know. You sound kind of like him, now that I think about it. The kind of CO that liked to sit behind a desk at a secure compound while HIS troops (ie., MY troops and myself) did the dirty work.

    Read my previous statement, if you are capable.

    In another secure compound giving stupid orders over a walkie-talkie, where do you think?!


    Yeah, you are a fucking moron. Ha. Ha.

    Hardly a baron. Probably a max, though. I used to have a real stupid dog named max. Doberman. Got run over by a ford-truck on a dirt road. Feels like the same might happen to you someday barren.

    P.S. bush can do no good. he is a fucking moron like someone else I know.
  22. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    The "liberal" media I saw were pulling people out, and they had no problem getting there immediately.
  23. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    Absolute nonsense, Weed_Eater_Guy. Bush himself has said that the war was over oil, and he says that's good enough for him.

    No, Bush cannot do anything right, at all. If he had even a trace of that capability, he just blew the chance to show it.

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