Can a hollow planet exist?

So you belong to the priesthood of the academia

You mean people who have an education?

Let met guess, you either didn't get in or you flunked out your first term. Thus your hatred for education.
Bad Science

You mean people who have an education?

Let met guess, you either didn't get in or you flunked out your first term. Thus your hatred for education.

You are documenting your own personal character. Stop your personal attacks because you are debasing yourself in front of all who will ever view these threads.

By these instances you are only proving my point that the academia and those who defend it are prone to susceptible to bad science and the prosecution/suppression of contrary views.

Here are other instances that prove my point:

- Science retractions

- Mistakes, Missteps and Misdeeds of 2012

- Array of errors

- Small African Village Were Used as Lab Rats

Because of the motivation for money/prestige/power collusion in academia, sciences, government etc. occur even in these current era:



These are other people's findings, not mine. They are trying to wake us up. And one of my motivation for this thread is to do the same.

We should always try to use common sense. Sciences do go bad.
Truth Embargo

Perhaps, a corollary thread for this is about the real nature of NASA and their credibility. I suggest somebody make that one and include the testimony of the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure.

Here is one exhorting such audit of science, NASA, government etc.
An inflated basketball retains its shape even when subjected to shock because there is a counter force inside that pushes the shell outwards. A hollow planet may only exist if there is a push towards the shell acting in equilibrium towards all the points of the inner shell and in equilibrium with any force that tends to collapse the outer shell towards the center.

In answer to the OP, that is how I can envision it to be feasible.
Unfortunately, that violates the definition of "Planet" (spherical under its own gravity). What you would have is a very large space craft, not a planet.
I don't know Sheldrake really. I just happen to agree with that particular view of G being not constant. Do you believe it is a constant, despite it varying (not due to instrumentation calibration)? If you do, then go back to your math teachers and indoctrinate them about a new definition of constant.

Now for morphic resonance, I wouldnt know how others define it. But here are demonstrated abilities of sound to influence the shape of matter. If you don't believe this, take it up to the video maker or ask your professors to debunk it as just another woo-woo:

Watch and learn. Here another one just for you:

Apparently, Tesla believe also that frequency/resonance have major effect in creating a grid into which particles fall in to create various configurations. If that is a woo-woo, then tell your teachers to learn it!
I don't believe that "morphic resonance" has anything to do with acoustics but with a kind of mental telepathy.
Unfortunately, that violates the definition of "Planet" (spherical under its own gravity). What you would have is a very large space craft, not a planet.

Accordingly, the planet is indeed a large ship that carries us through the vast space around the galactic center Alcyone. And we on the surface, born under the Veil of Forgetfulness are beings using human avatar bodies which we think we are.

There is a point of view that we were gods and goddesses with stepped down awareness.
The Source: Creator, Creature, Creation

I don't believe that "morphic resonance" has anything to do with acoustics but with a kind of mental telepathy.

Well in that case, I would say I have no knowledge of its definition and I am following my own path of understanding. Anyway, my layman's definition is related to how I view the universe as a Synergistic Exchange, all parts coming from an existential Source.

The Source creates by using vibrations/frequencies/waves/light/sound - however you term them. He vibrates the null into producing negative and positive forms.

Many parts of this exchange are experiential beings. We are among the experiential beings, endowed with Life Force essences with varying awareness of Godnesses. In other words, the universe is SELF - Synergistic Exchange involving Life Force essences which manifested in order to understand itself - the Source!

Its all a game. A game in our sector have gone bad and we are to find our way.
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If you derived Pi from a certain circle, you should be able to produce a similar circle using the Pi you derived.

With G, you can derive it this year to a limit of accuracy but when you apply it several months thereafter to the same degree of accuracy you derived, you must arrive at the same actual result. And apparently, that was not the case because Sheldrake verified it had 1.3% variance. That may be negligible for some but when applying to planetary mass, it can result to big numbers.

Look, the whole import of my post was that someone then CHECKED the MIT measurements and found their conclusion was all balls. That's what I mean about you taking your brain out. You've read my post but seem unable to take in what it means!

I know you may WANT to believe G is variable but the accurate, proper measurements show that any variation there must be very small indeed and far far less that the MIT experiment found. So there is no problem to which your wacky theory is the solution.
Look, the whole import of my post was that someone then CHECKED the MIT measurements and found their conclusion was all balls. That's what I mean about you taking your brain out. You've read my post but seem unable to take in what it means!

I know you may WANT to believe G is variable but the accurate, proper measurements show that any variation there must be very small indeed and far far less that the MIT experiment found. So there is no problem to which your wacky theory is the solution.

No. I am not saying my theory is the solution. In fact, I was saying I am a student of the universe.

In accounting and audit, the fact that you find an imbalance of 1 centavo however minuscule it is not to be out-rightly dismissed. If pursued further it could mean an overstatement in one account by the millions and an understatement in another account by the about the same millions of amount!

A small variance can be an effect of two or more large variances! Under certain conditions such large variances may show with disastrous consequence.

Science - physics/astronomy is borrowing a discipline from Mathematics in their computations. They should be as professional about it and use the definition of the word "constant" as defined by Math from which they borrow.

Creating cop-outs will really result in wacky situations among the disciplines.

But as for me, I prefer to be a common man and a student. I am more freer to chose what inspires and stimulate my own growth. I am not boxed-in by their disciplines, although I can admire them.
But as for me, I prefer to be a common man and a student. I am more freer to chose what inspires and stimulate my own growth. I am not boxed-in by their disciplines, although I can admire them.

What chung appears to be saying here is that he's freer to make up whatever he wants, without any regard for reality.
Science - physics/astronomy is borrowing a discipline from Mathematics in their computations. They should be as professional about it and use the definition of the word "constant" as defined by Math from which they borrow.

Chung, if you want to make the point that very, very small variation in G cannot be ruled out then of course you are quite right and nobody would disagree. That's why the astronomers and the physicists in the 2 papers I cited carefully state upper bounds to any scope for variation, rather than making a flat assertion that G is a constant.

But this illustrates the difference between observations and theories in science. The observations can only rule out variation in excess of the upper limits they state, because no physical measurement can be absolutely accurate. That is what they are saying, NOT that they have positively identified variations in G. You have to realise that Science is NOT LIKE accounting or mathematics in this respect.

Their findings are CONSISTENT with the THEORY of gravitation that takes it to be constant: F = GmM/r². All theories are models of the world that are considered good until data comes along that cannot fit it. The 2 papers show data that still fits. So they do not justify revising the theory to allow for G to vary.

You are most welcome to speculate about the possibility and consequences of a very small variation in G, so long as this is NO BIGGER THAN the upper limit set by these findings. But this will NOT be enough for it to be used to explain any of the phenomena you originally listed, and in fact all of those have other explanations already.

Do you understand this?
But as for me, I prefer to be a common man and a student. I am more freer to chose what inspires and stimulate my own growth. I am not boxed-in by their disciplines, although I can admire them.

That's great. But you will learn far more by asking "what is 1 plus 1?" than saying "I believe that 1 plus 1 is 3! I heard someone say that on a YouTube video once, and I believe them because I am not boxed-in by all those fossilized mathematics teaching the 1+1=2 dogma! I am open minded and free!"
That's great. But you will learn far more by asking "what is 1 plus 1?" than saying "I believe that 1 plus 1 is 3! I heard someone say that on a YouTube video once, and I believe them because I am not boxed-in by all those fossilized mathematics teaching the 1+1=2 dogma! I am open minded and free!"

1 + 1 = 10 if you are using the binary paradigm. - there many paradigms that could all exist as true!
Chung, if you want to make the point that very, very small variation in G cannot be ruled out then of course you are quite right and nobody would disagree. That's why the astronomers and the physicists in the 2 papers I cited carefully state upper bounds to any scope for variation, rather than making a flat assertion that G is a constant.

But this illustrates the difference between observations and theories in science. The observations can only rule out variation in excess of the upper limits they state, because no physical measurement can be absolutely accurate. That is what they are saying, NOT that they have positively identified variations in G. You have to realise that Science is NOT LIKE accounting or mathematics in this respect.

Their findings are CONSISTENT with the THEORY of gravitation that takes it to be constant: F = GmM/r². All theories are models of the world that are considered good until data comes along that cannot fit it. The 2 papers show data that still fits. So they do not justify revising the theory to allow for G to vary.

You are most welcome to speculate about the possibility and consequences of a very small variation in G, so long as this is NO BIGGER THAN the upper limit set by these findings. But this will NOT be enough for it to be used to explain any of the phenomena you originally listed, and in fact all of those have other explanations already.

Do you understand this?

Consistent during the years they were observing. Just like a variance in the books of account that can go on for years and years. Then when it finally implode, it is like an Enron anomaly.

They must rename this G from its former name of 'Universal' Gravitational Constant. Drop the name universal, it may be different in other sections of the universe and rename the 'Constant' to something that designates a rule of thumb. Something like a 'gravitational observed value'.

Do you and 'origin' understand the propriety of this?

If Mr. Science borrow from Mr. Mathematics, a tool, say a wrench. Don't use it like a hammer, though it can serve that purpose.
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What chung appears to be saying here is that he's freer to make up whatever he wants, without any regard for reality.

No, I'm freer to explore a new paradigm. It is an essential element of new discovery. If we are taught the decimal number system, then I learned that already. And I payed my tuition and received my diploma by regurgitating whatever they taught me. Now, I'm free to a explore a 12 base number system though I have to shift into another paradigm. It is a new reality that may be equally true and may in the end serve to expand on the knowledge of the decimal system.

Who knows if using this number system, the Pi of the decimal system will turn into a more elegant and exact number?
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Explicit answers to thread poster

Can a planet exist with no core, just empty space? Perhaps a bubble of molter rock could solidify filled with gas. How thick would the crust have to be for the planet to remain intact?

Water: If the planet contained some water would it pool at the bottom of the planet, or would it constantly slosh around?

Gravity: Would the spinning of the planet act as a centrifuge forcing the contents of the planet to the sides? So people in a hollow Earth would walk on the crust internally, as we do externally? Their 'sky' would be a ceiling with people walking on it!

Though I have implicitly answered the above questions, here are my explicit answers:

It can exist but with a central sun at the center of the core. This central sun have to have a repel force to make the shell in equilibrium with the forces coming from the outside. The thickness of the crust will depend on the strength of the material, if the earth elements are vulnerable to tearing, then miles of layers of it will compensate for this vulnerability.

Water: The repel force within the hollow earth will have to be enough to create equilibrium water levels both from the surface and within the hollow earth so that the oceans seeping into the poles will attain their water levels on both sides of the mantle.

Gravity: The spinning of the planet is not the relevant force to keep beings inside the hollow earth walking on the concave topography. It is the central emitter of repel or push force. This force acting on all sides of the concave inside the mantle of the earth makes this central sun suspended at the center. Some of these force emitted flows out towards the upper pole and then it encounters the cosmic forces bending it and making it flow back on the other pole. This flow is in fact a toroidal flow of waves/frequencies.

Wow. Here is a very relevant illustration I found searching to illustrate:


Flood of Noah quote from Genesis 7:
10 It came about after the seven days, that the water of the flood came upon the earth.
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened.

- when the inner sun was agitated and emitted a stronger push or repel force, the oceans in the hollow earth burst through the poles. The rushing friction melted the snow causing further flooding of the surface lands. The imbalances also collapsed the thicker canopy of moisture surrounding the planet and enormous rains fell for many days. The spacetime curvature thereby was compressed upon the surface of the earth creating a stronger gravity making the earth more reactive to the rays of the sun, further collapsing the ice mountains.

The Grand Canyon and such sculpting of surface features were a result of the giant vortical flow of collapsed ice mountains - something like a moving liquid hurricane of ice, water, mud etc.

Another effect of this cataclysm could have been that bigger animals and beings have to adapt and grow denser but smaller body types. The mammoth animals that could not adapt fast enough have only survived by finding their way inside the ark, the hollow earth. Noah's ark tale could have combined the manmade efforts and natural haven stories into one.
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