Black disc over Utah (3 photos)

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Multiple witnesses. Splitting apart into separate forms, and then remerging as one. And 5 photos. All suggestions of a real ufo..

"A Utah witness at Salt Lake City reported watching a “black, disc-shaped” object that split into three objects, moved back as one object, and then quickly flew out of sight, according to testimony in Case 78355 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database...."
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Of course it was a real UFO. If they couldn't identify it, then by definition it's unexplained.

That doesn't mean it HAS to be aliens, or "interdimensionals", or whatever euphemism for little green men you've decided to believe this week.
Of course it was a real UFO. If they couldn't identify it, then by definition it's unexplained.

That doesn't mean it HAS to be aliens, or "interdimensionals", or whatever euphemism for little green men you've decided to believe this week.

"The USAF defines a UFO as: Anything that relates to any airborne object which by performance, aerodynamic characteristics, or unusual features does not conform to any presently known aircraft or missile type, or which cannot be identified as a familiar object. (USAF Regulation 200-2)"===

That doesn't mean it HAS to be aliens, or "interdimensionals", or whatever euphemism for little green men you've decided to believe this week.

We know after many decades of these craft appearing what their characteristics are. They defy natural and manmade explanations. They split up into separate craft. They make no sound. And they move at speeds defying anything we have. That's what we know they are. Non human craft of intelligent origin.
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Wouldn't they be called IFO because if you can see what they look like then you have identified them haven't you?
No..I can see what something unknown looks like without identifying it.

So if you see a black round object you don't know what it is and it then becomes a UFO? I would think if I saw that same object I'd say I saw a round black object therefore it has been identified as such. :tongue:
So if you see a black round object you don't know what it is and it then becomes a UFO? I would think if I saw that same object I'd say I saw a round black object therefore it has been identified as such. :tongue:

Except for the fact that we have thousands of disk shaped objects sighted over the decades many of which split apart and move at fast speeds. We call these UFOs. I suppose you could also call it a flying saucer. Do some research:
Except for the fact that we have thousands of disk shaped objects sighted over the decades many of which split apart and move at fast speeds. We call these UFOs. I suppose you could also call it a flying saucer. Do some research:

Just because some may call it a flying saucer doesn't mean that's what it really is except it is shaped like a saucer and it is flying which means it was identified as such so no more UFO but IFO now. Where are these UFO's in China? Or in India? That's where two thirds of the human race live so they don't ever see these things.