Biden: Israel has 'sovereign right' to attack Iran

Discussion in 'World Events' started by Brian Foley, Feb 19, 2010.

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  1. Brian Foley REFUSE - RESIST Valued Senior Member

    And when Israel attacks Iran without telling America, Israeli aircraft will use Iraqi airspace as an air transit route to detonate their ordnance on Iranian targets. Then when Iran retaliates through Iraqi airspace with its missiles and airforce combat aircraft chasing retreating Israeli aircraft, American forces will be caught amongst it all. And with Americas guarantee that it will defend Israel at all costs US servicemen will take on the full brunt of an Iranian attack, many thousands will die. Well Mr Biden here is your helmet, a rifle with a box of ammunition, 3 days rations, a tube of preparation H and your own foxhole seeing your so eager you can go in the front line to fight off the first wave.
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  3. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Who wants to bomb Iran? Meet the people behind Obama who would like to see Iran destroyed just like Iraq and Afghanistan

    Daniel Pipes
    John Bolton
    Norman Podhoretz
    Joshua Muravchik
    Thomas McInerney
    Max Boot

    There is also

    Richard Hass
    Kenneth Pollack
    David Makovsky

    Who claim to speak for the Arab street, ignoring all the while what the Arab street is saying [which is why al Jazeera is not on cable]

    And finally there are those Israel firsters who make no bones about their loyalty to the foreign state. As Greenwald says of Gary Ackerman:
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  5. otheadp Banned Banned

    SAM, your innuendos are quite disgusting.

    You listed only Jews as if it's Jews who are pushing for this, implying they are foreign agents and traitors to the "real" American position.

    Check the polls, SAM. You will find that the majority of the Jewish population in America are quite leftwing on all matters, including on Iran. But the most telling thing is what the whole of America thinks of Iran. But no, SAM will only pick Jewish names and advisers to "name and shame", and present it as "foreign influence is trying to corrupt the President of the United States".

    You know where to go, SAM.

    Oh, my favourite part from your post: "Meet the people behind Obama who would like to see Iran destroyed just like Iraq and Afghanistan"

    That's just rich.
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  7. otheadp Banned Banned

    Re: Biden... look, for one, he is prone to gaffes. But on the other hand, there is lots of kabuki going on.

    In this theatre, the US is trying scare tactics. Better try to scare the Iranian regime to stop its nuclear weapons program than to bomb it, don't you think? Biden is also stating the obvious. In Israel, the Iranian nuclear weapons program is considered an existential threat. I don't think you understand this. You think the Israeli government are just saying nasty things because they like to subjugate Islamic countries. You have to get it to your head that the fears about a nuclear Iran in Israel are very very real. As Iran gets closer and closer to that capability, Israel will become more and more desperate. Desperate people / countries do desperate things.

    When you do cost/benefit analysis, at a certain point it'll become more beneficial to bomb Iran against US wishes and bite the bullet with the repercussions. But I think by that point the US will not mind too much.

    The goal is diplomacy. I hope, and the US hopes, and the Israeli government hopes that it can all be settled quietly.
  8. BenTheMan Dr. of Physics, Prof. of Love Valued Senior Member

    Sounds oddly familiar...
  9. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    I'm not debating anything you said. But it just so happens that these are the people in positions in government and media, with the ability to affect policy who want to bomb Iran who are both visible and vocal about it and have a prominent public platform in which to espouse their cause. Are they all Jews? I think at least two of them are not.

    Are they all Zionists? No clue, their position on Israel is not always given. But if they are, what does it mean if they want to lure the US into yet another war for Israel? Or is the American street as irrelevant as the Arab street when it comes to US foreign policy?
  10. fedr808 1100101 Valued Senior Member

    None of that is founded in any sort of fact is it SAM? Other than the list you gave of important advisors you have yet to say something that is founded in truth.
  11. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    I have a Canadian zionist and an American zionist here

    Lets hear your positions

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    Are zionists in favour of US war on Iran? Are you? Why?

    I know Joe Biden is a Zionist. Do you believe Israel has a sovereign right to attack Iran?
  12. otheadp Banned Banned

    In this next bit from your post you actually do.

    They are all Americans, representing American interests only.

    I'll refer you to my previous post, just a few posts above this one:
  13. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    IMO, if we were to make a list of people who publicly advocate against war on Iran, there may still be an overepresentation of Jews, since they seem to excel in public positions. But I doubt we'd find as many zionists there.

    Still, considering this:

    American Jews should understand that the Iraq war is seen in the Middle East overwhelmingly as a war for Israel [and with Blair testifying at Chilcot about Israeli complicity doesn't do much to change that opinion]. And with Zionists screaming for Iranian blood, any attack on Iran will be seen as an Israeli war as well. Looking towards waning superpowers may be well and fine in the present, but long term prospects for Israel will be bleak.
  14. fedr808 1100101 Valued Senior Member

    You know Brian. I hate to break it to you but

    1. Israel's air force as far as individual pilot skill goes, has the best in the world which is indesputable.

    2. Iran's Air force is nothing special which means it would get slaughtered.

    Why do you say "many thousands will die" are you seriously that misguieded to believe that the Iranian air force has a snowball's chance in hell of winning?
  15. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    By what criteria? They bomb civilians who have no anti-aircraft missiles or even a route of escape. What makes them brilliant? Even I can shoot fish in a goldfish bowl.
  16. Brian Foley REFUSE - RESIST Valued Senior Member

    Rubbish, they have only had to deal with poorly equipped combat aircraft supplied by Russia with all its advanced technology taken out. And then it was only with advanced US SAM and AAM technology that gave Israel the edge.
    Irans defences have been built up since 1988, Iran has launched its own homegrown satellite. Israel could only launch its satellite only with technology lifted from the US and Indian assistance with its launching. And then there are the advanced Russian Tor missile system Iran has. The Israeli military is only capable of a limited reach, an attack on the scale of Iran would be of a military sophistication beyond Israel.
    The IAF does not possess the logistical AWAC support to follow several squadrons across Jordan and Iraq to attack dispersed targets within Iran. The only nations with that long range capability are America and Russia. Whats going to happen is when Israel attacks they will be deep inside Iranian territory without adequate protection from scattered Iranian air defences concentrated in the West of Iran which will open fire as the IAF planes are on their return journey. Of course when Iran retaliates with rockets on Israeli cities, as it will, America will be forced to act in Israels defence, thousands will die.
  17. Mr.Spock Back from the dead Valued Senior Member

    Iran is doing a pretty damned good job provoking the Americans into attacking them.

    Who is using Iran you ask? well the Russians of course, doing the same mistake the US did all the while back only this time they'll suffer the results of their actions really soon.

    Using Iran to threaten the oil of the Americans is the single most biggest mistake the Russians made in history.
  18. Mr.Spock Back from the dead Valued Senior Member

    Thank god we have Muslims in the world. For weren't for their brilliancy, advanced technology and understanding of science we all would live in the stone age.

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    which one is you SAM? I really cant tell....
  19. ElectricFetus Sanity going, going, gone Valued Senior Member


    1) Can the Iraqi dictate who can and can't fly over their airspace yet?

    2) Can israel actually make a strike of their own, considering they need to fly over syria, and Iraq and much of Iran, at least 1200 mile (2000 km) round trips without re-fueling?

    3) Did Biden say what the US would do or not do during or after an Israeli strike? or was Biden reply so general he basically stated a fact that is a country sovereign right to declare war and do military strikes?
  20. Mr.Spock Back from the dead Valued Senior Member

    We dont need to fly.
  21. Brian Foley REFUSE - RESIST Valued Senior Member

    Whatever you are smoking Mr Nuttyahu either stop it or pass it around...

    We, of the civilised,humane,rational "world" would rather "inch closer" to the BUBONIC PLAGUE than come one centimetre closer to Israel's INSANE POLICY GOAL OF AGGRESSION AGAINST IRAN!!!
  22. ElectricFetus Sanity going, going, gone Valued Senior Member

    Oh do tell! Do you mean a ground offensive, or do you mean cruise missile launched from a diesel electric submarine?

    I would think the resent protest and green movement would make it harder for the world to consider attacking iran, that exactly what the Ahmadinejad and the religious leaders of iran want, an attack would cause solidarity and unification of the nation with them at top, thus silencing the opposition, thus they want an attack by israel but don't want to force it too hard as to make it look obvious enough such that the people blame them for the attack instead of israel.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2010
  23. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    They don't need to fly because Israel has parked its German submarines which are capable of delivering nuclear missiles in the Persian Gulf. If it was Iranian submarines parked in the Persian Gulf [yes in the Persian Gulf] you'd see Israel whining by the bucketload.
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