Are You A Dog Or Cat Person?

I love animals period. The wife is the same. so we would be "both, and then some..."

We raise and rehabilitate wolves and our main male (now deceased) adopted and loved cats. he also adopted a pit bull, some chickens, a couple pigmy goats, and more... he taught that Pit to be every bit as loving and she (the Pit Bull) subsequently raised a fawn to be a beautiful buck that played with her in the yard, even after going off to breed and bringing other deer back to feed (and play with the Pit)

It is amazing how animals, mothers or otherwise, can sometimes form special bonds with other animals, young or old.
That sounds like you had a powerful experience.
I did not use tv or radio for long periods and without the static of so much stuff was able to enjoy thinging about things without interuption...Living very simply was wonderful and being with the dogs at their level was certainly a unique experience.
I noticed they would get excited late afternoon before I fed them and I wondered what body talk they picked up on and tried to identify what it was that I did...did I look at the clock or move a certain way...I over days eliminated what I though were clues until finally I was sure I was not giving anything away. But when I thought about feeding them they got excited. So on six seperate occassions I sat motionless and simple thought to feed them..I think visually and see in my mind the events I will do..I guess thats the way others would...but I would imagine the food going into their bowls and they eould somehow know at least they got excited for seeming no prompt..different times of the afternoon but they would get excited when I merely thought about feeding them...six times I did this and six times they got excited when I imagined feed time...makes you wonder.

After some time years actuallt I decided to leave the bag od dog food on the floor open and see uf they would stuff themsekves they just eat the same amount with not gluttony which was great a real time saver.

Apart from them actually reading my thoughts the only physical explanation I could think of was that by thinking of food, even dog food, my body gave off a different smell that gave my plans away.

You hear all sorts of stories about dogs knowing when their owners are blocks away coming home and getting excited and there is no way they would know you could think.

I thought of something funny.

In the bush you may or may not look forward going to town to replenish your food.

I would put it off and would only go when I was out of everything.

One night I was down to the very last food, a tin of stew and the last bread I had baked the day before.

I heated the stew up on the open fire put it on a plate and left the plate on the step near the fire to get a spoon and sakt and pepper.

Back turned for only a moment..when I turned here is the big dog eating my dinner he was licking it up...well I pushed him away but was so hungry and with nothing left I had to eat what was left.

So normally you would let the dogs have what you would see as contaminated and open another when you are near starving you have to forget those niceties.☺
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Thanks for the info on cats and how to take care of them. I know that cats are a low maintenance pet when compared to dogs. What kind of cat breeds are best for first time cat owners?
A DSH, domestic shorthair is a good starter cat, avoid pedigrees until you know their breed foibles. Females are more fun than males, more active. Start them on dry cat food and keep them on it, you'll save a small fortune over the years. Plus a bowl of dry will last 3-4 days, depending on the size, so you don't need a sitter. A water fountain is good too, Drinkwell made all ours. Get them used to having their teeth brushed regularly and they'll last longer.
Good to know you had a good fence in between you and the wolves while they were staking you and estimating their chances of getting to you. Can you approach wolves at all or are they too aggressive towards humans, afraid of humans, or dangerous to humans?
The hope is all the wolves there will be returned to the wild some day, so we don't want them thinking humans are friendly. The handlers train them to come to the fence for their shots, but other than check-up they don't get handled at all. We have a release area on the Arizona/New Mexico state line where they're released when we can get permission.
Here is a saving idea for cat owners.

Rather than buy kitty litter get chook laying pelets as you save a bundle.

And you can dump them in your compost so no disposal problems.

The cat in my life is not allowed outside even though its 100 acres so he cant kill birds etc and not kill the neighbours dog.

This cat goes mental when he sees a dog and cause he is rather large would really do some damage.

Isnt he wonderful..he has perfect ears they are just so beautiful.
I havent got a photo of the other one but he is the neatest horse you could inquisitive so cute so Andalusian and money cant buy him.
Next time I go there I will get a photo. I am back on the city for a while.
This is Jeff..he visits from the farm next door.
I had a peacock interrupt a magnificently amourous moment one night... LOL

Love the Horse. I prefer Mules (draft, to be specific). IMHO they perform better in the mountains
best guard you can have when trekking
I did not use tv or radio for long periods and without the static of so much stuff was able to enjoy thinging about things without interuption...Living very simply was wonderful and being with the dogs at their level was certainly a unique experience.
I noticed they would get excited late afternoon before I fed them and I wondered what body talk they picked up on and tried to identify what it was that I did...did I look at the clock or move a certain way...I over days eliminated what I though were clues until finally I was sure I was not giving anything away. But when I thought about feeding them they got excited. So on six seperate occassions I sat motionless and simple thought to feed them..I think visually and see in my mind the events I will do..I guess thats the way others would...but I would imagine the food going into their bowls and they eould somehow know at least they got excited for seeming no prompt..different times of the afternoon but they would get excited when I merely thought about feeding them...six times I did this and six times they got excited when I imagined feed time...makes you wonder.

After some time years actuallt I decided to leave the bag od dog food on the floor open and see uf they would stuff themsekves they just eat the same amount with not gluttony which was great a real time saver.

Apart from them actually reading my thoughts the only physical explanation I could think of was that by thinking of food, even dog food, my body gave off a different smell that gave my plans away.

You hear all sorts of stories about dogs knowing when their owners are blocks away coming home and getting excited and there is no way they would know you could think.

I thought of something funny.

In the bush you may or may not look forward going to town to replenish your food.

I would put it off and would only go when I was out of everything.

One night I was down to the very last food, a tin of stew and the last bread I had baked the day before.

I heated the stew up on the open fire put it on a plate and left the plate on the step near the fire to get a spoon and sakt and pepper.

Back turned for only a moment..when I turned here is the big dog eating my dinner he was licking it up...well I pushed him away but was so hungry and with nothing left I had to eat what was left.

So normally you would let the dogs have what you would see as contaminated and open another when you are near starving you have to forget those niceties.☺

It is interesting how dogs, cats, and other animals can pick up on many things that humans cannot sense. Perhaps we give off a smell, as you thought, a sound, or some kind of body language that signals to dogs or cats that we are going to feed them or do something else for them. I do believe dogs and cats both have better senses of smell and hearing than us humans.
A DSH, domestic shorthair is a good starter cat, avoid pedigrees until you know their breed foibles. Females are more fun than males, more active. Start them on dry cat food and keep them on it, you'll save a small fortune over the years. Plus a bowl of dry will last 3-4 days, depending on the size, so you don't need a sitter. A water fountain is good too, Drinkwell made all ours. Get them used to having their teeth brushed regularly and they'll last longer.

Thanks for the info. If my parents and I decide to adopt a cat I will suggest a female domestic shorthair.

The hope is all the wolves there will be returned to the wild some day, so we don't want them thinking humans are friendly. The handlers train them to come to the fence for their shots, but other than check-up they don't get handled at all. We have a release area on the Arizona/New Mexico state line where they're released when we can get permission.

Of course. I kind of figured you would not handle the wolves because they are meant to be wild.
It is interesting how dogs, cats, and other animals can pick up on many things that humans cannot sense. Perhaps we give off a smell, as you thought, a sound, or some kind of body language that signals to dogs or cats that we are going to feed them or do something else for them. I do believe dogs and cats both have better senses of smell and hearing than us humans.
I cultivate grass for my cats, good for the digestion. I keep it under grow lights until it's four inches tall. Bonnie, our young lady, comes running when I pick up the grass. She knows a fresh batch will hit the floor very soon.
I cultivate grass for my cats, good for the digestion. I keep it under grow lights until it's four inches tall. Bonnie, our young lady, comes running when I pick up the grass. She knows a fresh batch will hit the floor very soon.

Thanks! I did not know grass is good for cat digestion. Our dogs Shadow and Bailey used to eat grass from time to time but they would throw it up later. I do not know if it played any role in their digestion or not, or why they ate grass if it would induce vomiting.