Any free Burning software?

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Registered Senior Member
Hi everyone. My old computer Elizer died, and so got a new one and I got a CD Burner that didn't come with software. The computer guy said I should just download Nero, but I search for Nero and it is just a demo. So now I come to you guys to ask if you know of any freeware burning software?

BTW my cd burner is a Sony 8x4x32. Cost US$90 I reckon thats alright.

Also, BTW my new computer is a

1.2ghz AMD Athlon T'bird.
256mb sdr sdram pc 133
30gig Seagate HDD
A7V-133 Motherboard
32 mb sdr sdram Daytona g'force 2 mx
Sony 8x4x32 CD Burner
SB Live VE

Its pretty sweet, the G'force runs my old games(thats all I have anyway) at forced 4x4 full scene antialiasing smooth at 800x600 resolution. My monitior doesn't support 1024x768 @ 75hz only 60hz so I don't play at that resolution because the flickering hurts my eyes. I didn't get a new monitor, just the harddrive bit.


are you running windows or a unix based OS??

since i am assuming you are runing windows :confused: ........................... we wwill only look at thsoe today...

first off.... how long was the nero free trial version??? i am not a hardcore-warezer passworder...but, i have to admit i do use some of it for stuff like vmware..... mtv and stuff like that.... and YES i do like the pr0n that comes with it ;)

anyways.. you might wanna go to and search for stuff liek that.. if you cant find anything that is free... then look for some warez on .... search for stuff like "cdburner cracks" "cdburner warez"
stuff like that... or, if you wanna pay for it... and i am assuming you have a lot of money by the machine you have.... then you can just buy something, at circut city or something....
Thanks for your reply Dexter.

Yes, I am running windows 98SE, I'm not one of those Linux finatics like you but I do try to stay away from them and their rip off prices. Over in australia, did you know that Microsoft escel(spreadsheet) cost AU$714 (around US$357 just divide our dollars by half to get yours, our dollars really gone down. Just a few years ago you would 80cents Australian could by US1, but now 52cent Australian buys US$1 :( )

Anyway, what I am saying is that you are better off buying the whole office pack for around the same price. But if anyone doesn't want to pay this much, then I will give you an option that will save you heaps! Download Staroffice. At I think. I am going to download it now. Saves paying for the MS Office pack. Because Star Office is free and just as good. :) And they even have a Linux version Dexter. If you have the faster connection. :)

I don't have a lot of money. Each of the family minus 2 plus our two dogs didn't. We only bought the harddrive casy bit. W/O the monitor, speakers etc. All up it cost AU1920 which is like US$960 we got a good deal. But I found out if we would have ordered it 4 days later we would have save AU$75 about US$37.50.

The bottom line is, I am not a piracy or warez fan. I try to be honest, which is why I use Staroffice, which is just as good. I will probably have to buy some software which will cost US$20 but I want to try my luck and see if anyone knows of any good freeware. The demo for Nero is 30 days. There is a crack, but I want to be honest. Because if everyone used the crack, there would be no Nero, because it would have gone broke.

Thanks :)
star office is very kool. i have it, though i dont use it too much anymore. now, i just use pico and vi(mainly pico).
thats understandable. it was just a option. and what the hell is up with microsoft??? their products are NOT that great...(horrable in fact) though there is some use for them, i think they should use macs in schools. they are easy to use and configure. use linux as servers, and then whatever people want at just doesnt have a place!!!
If you want to create music CDs then Windows Media Player is free from Microsoft. Simply create a playlist, from recorded music files, MP3, WAV, etc, and WMP will convert the files and create a music CD. RealJukebox has similar functions and the basic version is also free.

My personal preference is the Easy CD Creator (Platinum version) from Roxio, but the retail price is around $100.

Sorry probably not that helpful.

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