Am I imagining things ?

I agree that one should seek a medical opinion on this matter. The important result from doing you are never alone...isolated and trying to figure it out yourself. As mentioned already, it's not a bad thing to seek, professional, "listening ears" to guide in this matter. In my book, having done it myself, the grade you get (being little silly here, not a test) is an ABSOLUTE, "A+A+A+".

Really...I sincerely mean that. Go talk (off a private setting...with the med community). No big deal:):):)
I agree that one should seek a medical opinion on this matter. The important result from doing you are never alone...isolated and trying to figure it out yourself. As mentioned already, it's not a bad thing to seek, professional, "listening ears" to guide in this matter. In my book, having done it myself, the grade you get (being little silly here, not a test) is an ABSOLUTE, "A+A+A+".

Really...I sincerely mean that. Go talk (off a private setting...with the med community). No big deal:):):)
Yes , I think I need to seek a professionals help , my coordination and other functions seems OK so hopefully it's not too serious .

Thanks for all the replies and caring , hopefully the doctor will send me somewhere .
I'm not certain but I think I might be imagining things .

The things I imagine I can't really speak about because the things I imagine are controlling me .

How do I know if what I'm imagining is imagining or real ?

Reason it out , This imagination .

Reasoning or/and reason matters .
What's your sleep routine like, Mark? I ask because sometimes, when I'm low on sleep, my mind plays tricks on me. Not that I'm hallucinating per se, but I might imagine things or become moodier than normal. Sleep or lack thereof, can affect SO much.

Just a thought. :smile:
What's your sleep routine like, Mark? I ask because sometimes, when I'm low on sleep, my mind plays tricks on me. Not that I'm hallucinating per se, but I might imagine things or become moodier than normal. Sleep or lack thereof, can affect SO much.

Just a thought. :smile:

My sleeping is not too bad these days . Perhaps I need more exercise , standing and kneeling maybe .
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My mind has created a false reality , put itself into neuro protection mode to prevent self harming or a complete neuro malfunction . In this false reality my mind has created an illusion of false hope , if it were not for this false hope I think I'd break down in tears and give up on life .
You wanted to know me , there it is , a sad person who's smile lines don't even work , facial expressions now robotic , in fact everything about me is robotic , a ghost in a shell waiting to escape and die .
Why ?
Because I'm objective and the world is hell unless you're on the other side of the garden fence . A coin has two sides , the poor one side , the rich the other .

The rich look at the poor and dictate how the poor should live why the poor look back still stuck in Sherwood forest feeding the hell rotten rich their taxes whilst remaining poor because the monopoly board is already bought to harness their slaves while they sit back wallowing in their own desire for love , something their dirty rotten money will never buy them .
I pitty them and their worthless experience of life ...
Material obsession of self victimisation
self justification

using pity as a weapon ...

Because I'm objective

really ?
you should not use pity as a weapon if you wish to be objective.
using pity as a weapon is an egocentric lust, it leaves you with unresolved self-pity which you then beat others with to undermine their happiness.(even when you are pretending to be someone else)

The rich look at the poor

... mostly, the rich choose to avoid looking at the poor.

My mind has created a false reality

You wanted to know me
you wanted us to know you !
either way, what difference does it make ?

using human curiosity as a weapon is not going to play out very well for your long term mental health or personal relationships.

I pitty them and their worthless experience of life ...

judge not lest ye be judged
it may be a bible passage and seem a bit preachy, but it comes from human intellectual well being.
it means, you undermine yourself by being very judgemental of others.

the more you become judgemental of others, the less faith you have in yourself and the less inner belief you have.
Material obsession of self victimisation
self justification

using pity as a weapon ...

really ?
you should not use pity as a weapon if you wish to be objective.
using pity as a weapon is an egocentric lust, it leaves you with unresolved self-pity which you then beat others with to undermine their happiness.(even when you are pretending to be someone else)

... mostly, the rich choose to avoid looking at the poor.

you wanted us to know you !
either way, what difference does it make ?

using human curiosity as a weapon is not going to play out very well for your long term mental health or personal relationships.

judge not lest ye be judged
it may be a bible passage and seem a bit preachy, but it comes from human intellectual well being.
it means, you undermine yourself by being very judgemental of others.

the more you become judgemental of others, the less faith you have in yourself and the less inner belief you have.
I have plenty of inner belief , it is a shame the world doesn't follow . Perhaps I should just let it all out and say everything I'm experiencing . Machine coding doxing is like ...
I have plenty of inner belief

I'm not certain but I think I might be imagining things .
The things I imagine I can't really speak about because the things I imagine are controlling me .
How do I know if what I'm imagining is imagining or real ?

it is a shame the world doesn't follow

Perhaps I should just let it all out and say everything I'm experiencing
playing the virgin ?
really ?
More playing with reality and science . It isn't like I'm holy or anything but I think God helps me to see things .

Perhaps I should just let it all out


The game you are playing is with yourself against yourself.
you use other people to play yourself

you keep asking everyone else to tell you who you are.
yet you do not wish to tell yourself who you want to be.

think about that for a while(but not too hard)

The game you are playing is with yourself against yourself.
you use other people to play yourself

you keep asking everyone else to tell you who you are.
yet you do not wish to tell yourself who you want to be.

think about that for a while(but not too hard)
Interesting psychology but I'm objective and everything I experience is logically thought about .
Neurological desperation is a key element of neurological problems such as possible manifestations in the mind of chicken games or other .
However , demonstrating Einstein is incorrect in another thread tells me I'm not insane , so logically my experience of chicken games is logically real .
I want to be a scientist and I very much doubt there is even a scientist on this forum who could win a debate against me without pushing for a ban as an escape defeat ploy .
So where does that lead me ....?

Would you like me to prove that last part ?
demonstrating Einstein is incorrect in another thread tells me I'm not insane ,

did you ?
to whom ?
yourself ?
so logically my experience of chicken games is logically real
because you decided that you had proven Einstien to be wrong to yourself, by yourself ?

So where does that lead me ....?
Would you like me to prove that last part ?
Perhaps I should just let it all out and say everything

that leaves you back around in a circle to where you were before.
playing chicken games
I want to be a scientist
win a debate against me

being a scientist is not about winning debates.
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did you ?
to whom ?
yourself ?

because you decided that you had proven Einstien to be wrong to yourself, by yourself ?

that leaves you back around in a circle to where you were before.
playing chicken games


being a scientist is not about wining debates.
I demonstrated it to anybody who read the thread who has more than one brain cell .
To be a new scientist you have to win debates if your science disagrees with their science .
Light does not have a speed of its own in example , the speed of light is actually a transition phase of energy as observed in spectral emissions.
Does that sound crazy too you?
"Did you get rid of all the voices in your head,

to find you now miss them and the things that they said?"

That would be spincteral emissions, n'est ces pas? :eek: