Air Force UFO files now online

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by Magical Realist, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    Don't know how far I wanna go into the govt conspiracy aspect. Seems abit contrived out of needs for the sensational secret truth. But we DO know they suppressed reports of ufos and dismissed sightings with ludicrous explanations like temperature inversions, swamp gas, and atmospheric plasma balls. So there probably WAS and still IS a cover-up. Most these files come out with large sections black lined. Who knows how much is just a front for the actual truth.

    "From eyewitness accounts of “trails of light” streaking across the sky to sightings of flying saucers, now amateur Mulder and Scullys alike can see if the truth really is out there by poring over almost 130,000 pages of declassified UFO documents that are now available online, reports After spending decades filing Freedom of Information Act requests, John Greenewald, a UFO enthusiast, posted declassified records from Project Blue Book -- the U.S. Air Force’s records on alleged UFO and extraterrestrial sightings -- on an online database.

    The Air Force project was based out of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio and ran from 1947 to 1969. Through the project, the Air Force amassed a total of 12,618 recorded sightings. Out of that total, 701 incidents remain “unidentified.” A University of Colorado report called the “Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects” found that “there has been no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as ‘unidentified’ are extraterrestrial vehicles,” according to a 1985 Air Force fact sheet. Project Blue Book officially ended on Dec. 17, 1969.

    While the documents do not shed any new light on UFO sightings, they do not quiet the fascination both conspiracy theorists and the casual “X-Files” fan have with alleged sightings of extraterrestrial aircraft.

    “People have this fascination when it comes to UFOs,” Greenewald told the New York Daily News. “We can have our speculation that it’s top secret, but we simply don’t know.”

    While Project Blue Book files have long been available to the public on microfilm at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., this marks the first time that the complete collection of declassified documents has been made available through a searchable online database.

    One thing that may disappoint UFO fans is the scant reference to Roswell, New Mexico in the database. Conspiracy theorists claim the U.S. military found and covered up evidence of an alien spaceship crash in the alleged 1947 Roswell incident.

    According to the fact sheet, “the National Archives has been unable to locate any documentation among” the project’s records “which discuss the 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico.”

    The Roswell location itself does make a few brief appearances in the files. The database includes a few blurry images of lights in the sky that were taken at the New Mexico location in 1949. Additionally, a 1950 document mentions airmen at Roswell reporting a “bluish-white” circular object 10 feet in diameter speed by at 8,000 feet.

    Some things might always remain a mystery."====[/img]
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  3. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    My feeling is that the UFO's reported are actually monsters and ghosts but I have no hard evidence.
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  5. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    Who is this 'we' you are refering to, you and your tin foil hat cronies?

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  7. zgmc Registered Senior Member

    I dont think the air force has classified documents on monsters and ghosts.
  8. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    That's what they want you to think.
  9. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Not always. Elvis, after all, is neither a monster nor a ghost, since he is still alive.
  10. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    That's true but he's a UO and not a UFO

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  11. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Elvis UFO Connection - Non-fiction Account of Alien Intervention
    Richard Daniel, Castle Rock Press, USA, 1987
    In the world of Elvis literature there are two obscure titles involving Elvis and UFO's. One is the mysteriously titled Elvis The UFO by Aileen Bringle, and the other Elvis UFO Connection Non-fiction Account of Alien Intervention by Richard Daniel. It is this latter book which is the subject of this review.

    Be prepared, Elvis UFO Connection is a very different Elvis book! The author(s) pose the question:

    Was Elvis consciously aware of repeated and continual abduction by alien beings?

    And if valid, does this strange intervention explain and shed new light on Elvis' controversial private life and his meteoric rise to stardom?

    To support the theory, the author uses little known, almost obscure facts and reports documented in the Elvis legend.
  12. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    So maybe that why Elvis got so fat in his later years - so the aliens could roll him around in the wheat fields to make crop circles. It is all starting to coming together!
  13. zgmc Registered Senior Member

    lol. Thats a good one!
  14. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

  15. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    I think maybe Elvis was an alien...
  16. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Funny thing about all that. Couple weeks ago the headline breaks, "CIA on Ufos: 'That was us'".

    Couple days ago on the local news: British reporter for American broadcast news outlet, not mentioning anything about the ones the U.S. claimed credit for, trying to stir interest in 700+ unresolved claims; what made the bit stand out, in addition to being generally puerile, is that the report was obviously produced for whoever his British employer is, and then recredited to the American network―different graphics, different priorities, and pandering to a different stupidity.

    (Please, British neighbors, it's not that you're stupid and we aren't; rather, we have our own brand of stupidity, so other kinds really do stick out when they randomly land in the middle of a local news broadcast. Especially considering how bad our local news broadcasts are. I'm pretty sure they only picked up the report because it included interview footage with a whack job from Seattle.)

    Two weeks late. Nonstandard. And even more distinctly puerile than usual. There's a reason I loathe local television news.
  17. zgmc Registered Senior Member

    So you believe the CIA?
  18. river

    Then perhaps you need to read more about UFO's , it would do wonders to your above - [ "thinking" ] ?

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