AIDS denial is immoral

Discussion in 'Ethics, Morality, & Justice' started by spuriousmonkey, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. invert_nexus Ze do caixao Valued Senior Member



    You mean the mutation of a primate virus after being contracted by a human by eating bush meat?
    That's pretty out there, isn't it?
    (That's a rolleyes comment.)
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  3. Sauna Banned Banned

    According to what is eating bush meat a modern innovation?

    Unless you can show that, the comment is impertinent.
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  5. invert_nexus Ze do caixao Valued Senior Member

    Rising populations in Africa. Starvation. Moving populations. These factors and more have caused the bush meat 'industry' to skyrocket. So much so that many species are in danger of extinction.

    You really should keep up with modern world concerns more.

    Also, innovation is not necessary for the comment to be 'pertinent'.
    Viruses mutate and evolve, Herr Sauna.
    It's this funny little thing that life does. It's called evolution.
    (And, I know, it's a bit iffy calling a virus 'life', but I think the definition stretches to a virus if one considers the virus and host together.)
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  7. spuriousmonkey Banned Banned

    Why was did the spanish flu appear at the beginning of the 20th century?

    Why did the black plague appear in the 14th century?

    Actually there is no monkey theory. It is an ape theory.
  8. invert_nexus Ze do caixao Valued Senior Member

    It's all Modern Innovations, I tells ya!!
    That stupid beast man just doesn't know when to quit!!
  9. Sauna Banned Banned

    You should rather mind the impertinence because paranoia spoils comprehension, not to mention the unfortunate impression because of the persistent presentation of egostistical stupor as if it were insight. I am not the subject here, nor did I say that this was not a modern innovation.

    One may rather have posed the leading question to see to what extent you are willing to admit that something other than HIV is the cause of AIDS, the recourse to bush meat for instance.

    If it is a modern innovation, that therefore confirms my thesis:

    Because of conditions.
  10. spuriousmonkey Banned Banned

    Because of conditions.
  11. Sauna Banned Banned


    1. a particular mode of being of a person or thing; existing state; situation with respect to circumstances.
    2. state of health: He was reported to be in critical condition.
    3. fit or requisite state: to be out of condition; to be in no condition to run.
    4. social position: in a lowly condition.
    5. a restricting, limiting, or modifying circumstance: It can happen only under certain conditions.
    6. a circumstance indispensable to some result; prerequisite; that on which something else is contingent: conditions of acceptance.
    7. Usually, conditions. existing circumstances: poor living conditions.....


    Which as an alternative term, would be remarkably fair description of karma.
  12. spuriousmonkey Banned Banned


    1. Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman. Compare bhakti (def. 1), jnana.
    2. Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.
    3. fate; destiny.
    4. the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something.

    Since you are apparently missing parts of your brain i will point out the proper usage of condition in this case.

    1. a restricting, limiting, or modifying circumstance: It can happen only under certain conditions.
    2. a circumstance indispensable to some result; prerequisite; that on which something else is contingent

    Now, call me crazy but I cannot see condition equaling karma, unless you are seriously brainwashed.

    I even went to the trouble of looking up condition and karma in the thesaurus and apparently they are not synonyms. As most people know.
  13. invert_nexus Ze do caixao Valued Senior Member

    Bushmeat isn't the cause of Aids. It was simply the most likely vector for the spread of the virus from ape to human. When the mutation came is anyone's guess. I'd rather not, personally.

    But, it didn't cause the virus, nor was it absolutely necessary for its spread. People have been eating apes for a long time. In fact, ape is status food. If you have a guest to your home in Africa, you feed them ape.

    Bushmeat just increases the odds of such an event occurring.

    As to impertinence.
    Your pattern of responses in this thread have led inexorably to this.
    Yes, there was some previous baggage, but you've done nothing to alleviate that baggage. You've only compounded it with your behavior in here.
    You can say that I'm putting words in your mouth, but the words coming out of your 'mouth' seem quite clear to me. And, I'm not the only one, so it can't be all me.
  14. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    You know, a belief that what goes around comes around can be quite self-destructive. I think that it contributes to the belief in HIV disease. I certainly believe that AIDS can be purely psychosomatic. So can death by heart failure, asthma, and anaphylactic shock, to name a few more.

    Trouble is, are humans that much worse than any other animal on the planet? We can artificially create the idea that we are worse because we ALLEGEDLY do not live up to our potentials, if we do not understand that life is complex. It is very difficult to measure who is living up to what potential. Arbitrary measures always exclude things, even more obvious things like being there for your family when you are needed. And then people develop weird attitudes like "he's only good for hauling garbage" when in fact hauling garbage and other sanitary engineering is what has made a decent life possible.

    AIDS is mostly just (the manifestation of) a bad attitude about life.
  15. spuriousmonkey Banned Banned

    Actually it is you who is showing belief.

    HIV causing AIDS is backed up by scientific data. HIV not causing AIDS is only backed up by your belief.
  16. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    Monkey, you should at least not lie about this. I've shown you a lot of backing. Your dismissal of this backing was done in a disingenous and meaningless manner. The backing does exist, you know it, be honest.
  17. invert_nexus Ze do caixao Valued Senior Member


    As I've already told you at least once, part of Duesberg's argument is that he has been denied funding for his anti-hiv research.
    So, regardless of the ethics of any such funding cuts, he simply hasn't done the research for you to 'show'.
    It doesn't exist.

    All he has, and you have, is anecdote and polemic.
  18. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    Hey, genius. Duesberg looked over the research that you would call "legitimate" and he pointed out that it was all full of holes.
  19. invert_nexus Ze do caixao Valued Senior Member

    So that's what you mean.
    Not that Duesberg actually has any research to back up his own claims, but rather that he's got arguments against the standard interpretation of hiv/aids research.

    Not very convincing though.
    Except to people who are prone to believe in such things.

    That's where belief and faith comes in.

    Duesberg is taking advantage of you, Metakron.
    I sincerely hope you haven't sent him money.
    Even if you haven't, people like you have.
  20. Sauna Banned Banned

    In which case the proper usage is that much more relevant to karma.

    Karma comes originally from the Pali word meaning literally action or doing, whether mental, verbal, or physical, and in the sense of consequence and possibility as well as immediate effect.

    Good or bad emanation affects the World we live in, which brings about the inevitable result of creating the condition for future emanation: What happens tomorrow is resctricted, limited and modified by what is done today, because indeed eventual tomorrows depend upon indispensable circumstance, hence the prerequisite to mind what we do, the requirement upon which the something else is eventually contingent.

    The point is not therefore that conditions equal karma, but rather exactly as I said, the conditions describe the karma.

    Or as somebody else once put it:

    "By your fruits you shall be known".

    One result of bad karma would for instance be the delusion that something appears to be missing when the fact of the matter is rather that you simply fail to see it.
  21. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    Do I have stupid written under my name? By the same standard, you have no research to back up your claims.
  22. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    How much longer is this damned thread going to continue??

    Baron Max
  23. invert_nexus Ze do caixao Valued Senior Member

    You must.
    Because my 'claims' are based on research that fill thousands of pages of journals dating back to the early 80's.

    Hell, part of your bitch is the whole 'aids industry'.
    That's aids research, Metakron.
    Scientific research.

    When you start jabbering on like this... makes me wonder about you.
    I mean, being paranoid and conspiracy theory prone is one thing, but not even able to deal with basic reality... that's quite another.

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