Accutane, anyone?


Why must you taunt me so?
Registered Senior Member
I recently started taking accutane for killer mutant acne from hell. I'm prepared of most of the side effect (e.g., dry eyes, nose, lips) but was wondering if anyone else had any experience with accutane, good or bad.
I just had a dermabrasion done many years ago for that problem. It did a very good job on the scars and I can't tell that I ever had it done. I didn't want to take pills or ointments because of the side effects. I went on a strict diet which stopped the new acne from appearing.
Why people care about acne? Is acne bad for your health? If it isn't, why care about it at all...? :confused: ;)
If it was just a few assorted zits around my face periodically, I wouldn't really care. But at the moment it's a red, swollen, oozing rash covering the lower half of my face and around my nose, and it's extremely painful.

I also look like complete shit.

I don't even care about the scars. I just want my face to stop hurting and oozing.
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Does your Dermatologist recommend this stuff or have you seen a dermatologist yet? If you have not been to one , please do so!
Been to the dermy. You can't even get accutane prescribed, if you are a female particularly, until you jump through about 12,000 hoops due to the severe risk of birth defects if you take it while you're pregnant. Just wondering what experiences others may have had with this.
You can't just get the stuff over the counter. You have to have it prescribed to you and go through various blood tests and checklists. The contraindications are a mile long. No way anyone could ever get the stuff without a dermie's approval.
Accutane - Isotretinoin

Never used it never px it but the info I got here (BNF) is scary reading.

Don't get pregnant (it's teratogenic)
Don't give blood. (binds to plasma proteins)
Don't wax or shave. (and no dermabrasion for 6 months post treatment)
Don't use contact lenses (drys conjuntiva)
Don't take tetracycline AB's (risk of intercranial hypertension)
Do get your hepatic function and lipid levels checked prior to starting.

Reported side effects include but are not limited to,
dry fragile skin, hyperpigmentation, visual disturbance, hair thinning or (rarely) hirsutism, nausea, headache, malaise, drowsiness, myalgia, arthralgia, jaundice and hepatitis, mood changes, convulsions, menstral irregularities, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis, anemia and neutropenia

For more info than you probably want try Roches own info

Should you take it?
Roche suggest
Because of significant adverse effects associated with its use Accutane should be reserved for patients with severe nodular acne who are unresponsive to conventional therapy, including systemic antibiotics.

If your acnes terminal give it a go otherwise leave well alone.
Don't always rely on your Drs advice 'cos it's easy to prescribe a drug your never gonna take yourself.

Good Luck
Dee Cee

While your acne would be painful to you, it'd be best to avoid taking drugs for it as the side effects could be much worse in the long run.

Several years ago I took Accutane and I thought it worked pretty well and didn't experience really any side effects except some dry skin. I realize there is a long list of side effects and some of these are very serious but other than not getting pregnant hopefully you shouldn't really have anything to worry about. When testing is done for any medication every adverse experience that a test subject experiences must be listed and what you end up with is just a long list of scary side effects that for the most part aren't anything to worry about. Anyway just thought I would put in my two cents...Hope that everything works out for you.
I took it when I was in my teens. Worked great. Acne gone forever, no side effects. My wife took it when she was 25. After one month, her eyesite blurred, she claimed she could not concentrate anymore, forgetting things, AND starting having heart palpatations! Obviously, she stopped right away but took over one full year to fully recover. (She's 34 and still has acne.)

Oh.. One more thing. I think the company recommends not getting pregnant before 6 months after you finish taking it. I recommend waiting 2 full years. no kidding. I remember reading of cases ... well, wait 2 years to be absolutely sure! Accutane is some real serious shit (that's why it works). Be very carefull and go for your monthly checkups.
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