Absolutely Nothing: Atheists on What They Know About What They Pretend to Discuss

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You have a position? Then, produce it here on these forums? Show me your connection to God?
That’s like asking “show me you’re human.
We all have a connection to God.
It’s not my problem if you don’t get it.
That’s like asking “show me you’re human.

No, because a human can show another human that they are human. You need to show your connection to God.

We all have a connection to God.
It’s not my problem if you don’t get it.

That is completely untrue. It's your problem to fabricate such a claim without showing the actual connection.
No, because a human can show another human that they are human.
Go on then!
Show me that you are human?
You need to show your connection to God.
You know that I am human, not because you can see me. Because I am connecting with you.
You could easily ask for more evidence, but that would foolishness on your part.
The fact that I am a human being, and not just some manifestation of nature, shows I am connected to some force other than nature. The same with you and all other humans.
The force is God, and I accept and believe in Him. You don’t.
Nobody observes one type of animal changing into another type of animal complete with new genetic coding for entirely new parts, with a complete new set of functions.
Do you think this is a point you're scoring against evolution? Is this what you think evolution says we ought to observe?

The fact that I am a human being, and not just some manifestation of nature, shows I am connected to some force other than nature.
What evidence do you have that human beings are "not just some manifestation of nature"?

When did that become a "fact"?
Do you think this is a point you're scoring against evolution? Is this what you think evolution says we ought to observe?
Evolution doesn’t have to tell us what to observe. We only need to know that what we observe is named evolution.
What evidence do you have that human beings are "not just some manifestation of nature"?
Nature doesn’t say to itself “I am not just some manifestation of nature”.:D

I am not my body, wouldn’t make any sense if I was nothing more than a material manifestation.

Water, Earth, fire, and air, can not act outside of their functionality.

“I” can manipulate nature in a way nature can’t manipulate itself, without “I”.
When did that become a "fact"?
That I’m a human being?
The moment I was born.
Go on then!
Show me that you are human?
You know that I am human, not because you can see me. Because I am connecting with you.

Only by writing words on this forum to one another, but I could be an advanced AI for all you know. We show each we're human by both seeing ourselves in person.

You could easily ask for more evidence, but that would foolishness on your part.

It's foolish on your part to assume I'm human and not a robot.

The fact that I am a human being, and not just some manifestation of nature, shows I am connected to some force other than nature. The same with you and all other humans.

Pure baloney. We are not connected to any forces.

The force is God, and I accept and believe in Him. You don’t.

That is pure nonsense, you're just fabricating a lame excuse. We can prove to one another we're both human in person, but there is no way you or anyone can prove a connection to a force, let alone to any gods. Total fail on that one.
Only by writing words on this forum to one another, but I could be an advanced AI for all you know. We show each we're human by both seeing ourselves in person.
AI’s are created by humans. So we would still be connected indirectly. Just like we’re all connected to God, even though we can’t see him with our eyes.:p
It's foolish on your part to assume I'm human and not a robot.
If it writes as you do, it means you were programmed by humans.
We’re still connected bruh!
Pure baloney. We are not connected to any forces.
Excuse me while I shield my eyes from this dazzling intellect.

One moment...


So you think we live in a vacuum.
I wonder if you can imagine real evidence for that, like you imagine darwinism has real evidence?
AI’s are created by humans. So we would still be connected indirectly.

And, if I programmed a toaster, does that mean I'm connected to that, too? Lol

Just like we’re all connected to God, even though we can’t see him with our eyes.:p

That's like saying we're connected to the vacuum of space, because God and nothing are indistinguishable.

If it writes as you do, it means you were programmed by humans.
We’re still connected bruh!

See above, re: toaster.

Excuse me while I shield my eyes from this dazzling intellect.

One moment...


So you think we live in a vacuum.

We don't live in a vacuum and we're not connected to any forces, unless you can demonstrate we are? Why not show us your dazzling intellect?

I wonder if you can imagine real evidence for that, like you imagine darwinism has real evidence?

Evolution does have evidence, that has been explained to you ad nauseum. Perhaps, your dazzling intellect can tell us exactly what's wrong with evolution? Of course, you need to understand the theory to do that, so I'm quite sure you'll just ignore this and come up with something else.[/quote]
Only by writing words on this forum to one another, but I could be an advanced AI for all you know. We show each we're human by both seeing ourselves in person.

It's foolish on your part to assume I'm human and not a robot.

Pure baloney. We are not connected to any forces.

That is pure nonsense, you're just fabricating a lame excuse. We can prove to one another we're both human in person, but there is no way you or anyone can prove a connection to a force, let alone to any gods. Total fail on that one.
Prove to me that you love your kids.
Just like we’re all connected to God

Okay Jan, you've made the claim that we're all connected to God. This is something that you would have to know in order to make the claim, so the question is how do you know? What kind of connection is it? You've already used the example of the connection we have here on this forum, so that would imply the connection is somehow physical, that you can see it or hear it, that some kind of communication must be going on. Can you explain this connection to God?
And, if I programmed a toaster, does that mean I'm connected to that, too? Lol
Not sure how that follows.
That's like saying we're connected to the vacuum of space, because God and nothing are indistinguishable.
That’s because you’re an atheist.
See above, re: toaster.
See above response.
We don't live in a vacuum and we're not connected to any forces, unless you can demonstrate we are?
We’re connected to God.
Accept it or not.
Why not show us your dazzling intellect?
Don’t want you to damage your eyes.
Just as I suspected, you can't explain or justify your claims. At least we can conclude you're just making it up as you go along.
You conclude there is evidence of darwinism.
Excuse me if I’m totally not concerned about what you think of me.:rolleyes:
That’s because you’re an atheist.

Typical non-response, takes away any responsibility from you to explain yourself.

We’re connected to God.
Accept it or not.

Nothing but empty claims and empty explanations. I accept evolution because there are very good detailed explanations coupled with mountains of evidence to support the explanations. You on the other hand make an absurd claim and simply demand, "Accept it or not"

Don’t want you to damage your eyes.

From what, all the sparks flying from where your intellect hit the road and dragged to a undignified stop?

You're empty, Jan. No substance, no content, nothing but absurd claims.

Sounds like you're done here.
Typical non-response, takes away any responsibility from you to explain yourself.
That’s a great explanation, you just can’t process it with all the fudging you have to do.
“I accept evolution because there are very good detailed explanations coupled with mountains of evidence to support the explanations.”
No you don’t. You accept it because you’re an atheist in need of something to believe to replace your denial of God.
From what, all the sparks flying from where your intellect hit the road and dragged to a undignified stop?
That’s a pretty good come back.
Well done!
You're empty, Jan. No substance, no content, nothing but absurd claims.
Even if that were true. It is still superior to...

“I accept evolution because there are very good detailed explanations coupled with mountains of evidence to support the explanations.”

Please tell me someone was holding a gun to your head when you wrote this. I will understand. I promise.
Nature doesn’t say to itself “I am not just some manifestation of nature”.:D
It does if human beings are a part of nature. And, indisputably, we are.

I am not my body, wouldn’t make any sense if I was nothing more than a material manifestation.
You have no objective evidence that you are anything other than your body.

Water, Earth, fire, and air, can not act outside of their functionality.

A human being is a bit more complex than an aggregation of $H_2O$ molecules (for example). Besides, human beings can't "act outside their functionality", either, presumably.

“I” can manipulate nature in a way nature can’t manipulate itself, without “I”.
You believe yourself to be separate from nature? On what grounds?
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