About The Members Round 16: Draqon

I am "hearty", whats that to mean? :rolleyes:

I wish I did, you said they had asian chix there, I would love to have one.

Hearty:showing warm and heartfelt friendliness; "gave us a cordial reception"; "a hearty welcome"

Dude, tons of Asian chix here! If you come here this summer, I will take you to a buddhist festival with hundreds upon hundreds of Asian chix who love big white men.
Draqon, do you feel honored that you were the inspiration for me to have this rabbit avatar and a quote of yours as my title and that I have had this for a long time now?

I feel like you are stuck on me for some reason unknown to me skaught. I also feel that even though its friend inspired like act of you to portray such contrast of my character on your personification, it is how should I say "outdated". Yes rabbit quote was good...but its time to move on.
If it makes you uncomfortable, I will move on then... But I may keep a rabbit avatar because my new favorite movie is Watership Down. It is about rabbits.

Draqon, Have you seen movie Watership down?
If it makes you uncomfortable, I will move on then... But I may keep a rabbit avatar because my new favorite movie is Watership Down. It is about rabbits.

Draqon, Have you seen movie Watership down?

no, but now that you mention it I might torrent it. :D

How long does it take you to run about 5 miles draqon or better yet.. what pace would you run at for 5 miles
Draqon, do you feel honored that you were the inspiration for me to have this rabbit avatar and a quote of yours as my title and that I have had this for a long time now?

Ok, who here still have rabbit avatar?? definitely NOT me :cool: