About the Members 31: Norsefire

Norsefire has been a member since 2007 and is 21 years old. In this short period of time we have seen Norse take up a variety of new ideas and explore them until he exits what can only be called the philosophical derriere. It might be youthful folly but it sure leads to some fiery discussion ranging from Fascism to Transhumanism (the boy is as logical as a Vulcan during Pon Farr.)

Norse challenges our sense of right and wrong, and asks us to look at our opinions logically and without emotion if only for one minute in our lives. Norse is very dedicated to the ideas he examines and doesn't ever wince from a members judgement of him based on a thread’s controversy.
Hmm, thank you, I guess:D

1.Norsefire why do you change your core ideas so often?
I change my ideas alot because there are still many philosophical notions that appeal to me; although it all centers around a specific core: "willpower"

2.How did you first hear about Transhumanism and what drew you to it?
I'm not sure where I first heard about it, but what drew me to it were the prospects that it entailed. It has alot of potential, and it also has the potential to finally fix society's problems.

3. What creative form do you prefer?
Literature and drawing.

Music, for listening, but I don't make music.

Norsefire, are you really not an atheist but instead just pretending to be one to make atheists look bad ?
No, I am indeed an atheist. Agnostic.

favorite food?

favorite drink?
Milk shakes. All kinds.

ever slapped somebody? ever slapped by somebody?
Former, no, latter, yes

what college major?
I'm currently only in a comm college but I'm taking business.

computer or laptop? what brand?
Desktop. Hmm, I don't like brands, I'd rather build.

  • If you had the choice between living under an oppressive dictator or in total anarchy, which would you chose?
  • Anarchy

    [*]What is your ideal woman? Qualities, both physical and emotional.


    Blonde hair, either platinum or dirty blonde
    Fair-skinned (not being racist, just what appeals to me)
    Blue, green, or hazel eyes
    Decent body, curvy; not bony, and not too big.

    Emotionally: thoughtful, curious, and intimate

    [*]What is your highest level of education?
    High school diploma (in comm college right now)

    [*]What are your 5 favorite foods?
    Kebab, shawirma, real burgers, steak, fries

    [*]If you only had one week left on this world, what would you do? With whom would you surround yourself?
    Family and friends, and I'd do anything that was exhilerating.

    Norsefire, if you could only listen to one band/musician for the rest of your life, who would it be?
    I honestly can't choose.

    Norsefire, did you ever read "Hyperspace" like I recommended?

    We'll just have to wait for him. He was here last night.

    Norsefire what future scenario of transhumanism appeals to you the most?

    Are there any aspects of 'humanity' that you would want to see kept in a transhumanist society?
    The scenario of extreme and infinite happiness that is ongoing forever

    Latter question: Yes, emotion. Depending on how advanced the society is. Without emotion, art has no meaning.
Norse, how do you feel about being picked for this ?

Do you already have someone in mind for the next thread ?
Norsefire, what did you think of hyperspace? Did you like it? Did you learn anything new?

Norsefire, will you post a pic?

Norsefire, if you could only listen to 5 bands/musicians for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Norsefire, do you think draqon is a bigot?
Norsefire, what did you think of hyperspace? Did you like it? Did you learn anything new?
Of course. Especially because he put it in laymen's terms.

Norsefire, will you post a pic?
Sorry, but no:p
Norsefire, if you could only listen to 5 bands/musicians for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Tchaikovsky, Handel, Eminem...hmm...

Norsefire, do you think draqon is a bigot?
