A Message to the RNC-----TEA PARTY

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Buffalo Roam, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    So was Nancy, so was Ron.

    O'Donnel is not saying much of anything the Reagans didn't say, or any of dozens of other Republican politicians of the past thirty years. She's just using bimbo lingo to say it.
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  3. Bells Staff Member

    Maybe she is.

    But how are they buying into it though? This is a woman who had her phone cut off because she was that bad with managing money and thinks that people were tapping her phone line or hiding in her shrubbery. Not to mention the inherent dishonesty of her campaign.

    Frankly, she makes Reagan's version of crazy look normal and tame, almost mundane.

    So how is she now a darling of the GOP? How is it that she, for example, can be condoned for her stance on homosexuals and homosexuality and yet, Republicans can condemn Montana's GOP for their stance on the legality of homosexuality?
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  5. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    The "purity of my precious maditude"

    Will Durst aims to capture the mood of the Tea Party movement:

    Man, oh man, I'm mad. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. Take what? I don't know. And that makes me mad. Angry. Riled up. Cranky. Irate. Livid. Bellicose. Splenetic. Which has something to do with the spleen. Think it involves leakage. Whatever it is, it can't be good and I got it.

    I'm mad at everything and everybody, but especially at career politicians. Not to mention career pediatricians. From now on, one of my kids gets sick, I'm taking them to see some incensed old coot straight off the street carrying a misspelled sign. Experience is way over-rated. Why can't U.S. Senator be an entry-level position? ....

    .... I'm mad our Muslim President was born in Kenya. And don't bother me with your so-called facts. I know what I know, and it makes me so mad I could just spit. So I do. Often. Right into the wind. And having the front of my shirt constantly moist just gooses the scale of how mad I am.

    I'm mad at the parties. All parties. Political parties and birthday parties and tailgate parties. I'm mad at Democrats because they're the polar opposite of mad and I'm mad at Republicans because they're mad at me. And if my maddish spews hurt them, tough. Because they're not as mad as I am. I'm so mad I'll bite off both my hands one finger at a time if that's what it takes. To prove I'm mad. Which I am.

    I'm mad at immigrants for doing jobs that are beneath me. I'm mad at the French. I'm mad at French's mustard. I'm mad at people who put ketchup on hot dogs. I'm even mad at people who are mad at people who put ketchup on hot dogs. You can never hope to replicate the purity of my precious maditude.

    Take heart. As required reading goes, it's pretty amusing. Enjoy.


    Durst, Will. "Man, Oh Man, I’m Mad". The Cagle Post. September 17, 2010. Blog.Cagle.com. September 19, 2010. http://blog.cagle.com/2010/09/17/man-oh-man-im-mad/
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  7. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    JamesR asked you a specific yes/no question. You have yet to answer it. So you are still running away, actually.
  8. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    PS. The woman who won this nomination, Christine O'Donnell, is a nutjob. She dreams of one day banning premarital sex and pornography. She also opposes condoms and masturbation.
  9. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    More attention to the Reagan version is recommended. Just Say No was argued, in public.

    The Nixon-recruited voting base of the Reagan administration and its heirs features that level of nuttyness, at least, routinely, leaders and all, and always has.

    Not too long ago these people were dressing up in pointy-hatted bedsheets to burn people alive in an attempt to save white womanhood from degradation by the Devil's spawn. Between times they railed against marijuana and airbrushed navels on television and accepted a string of male collies as "Lassie" because they didn't have nipples. The picture book of African civilizations in my high school library had carefully doctored all the photos to provide them with clothes apparently modeled after imaginary American Indian fashions, circa Pocahantas.

    O'Donnel is an improvement over that. And she fits right in with the Krazy establishment.

    Michelle Malkin has been how much less fruit loopy, these many years now? None, I would say. Michelle Bachmann has been photographed hiding in the shrubbery around the St Paul capitol building to spy on a gay pride rally, in the middle of the afternoon - didn't cost her a single vote. And so forth.

    All the darlings of the GOP have been like that, for a full generation now.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  10. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Buffalo Roam is scared of debating me on any topic. A while ago I challenged him to a formal debate and he wimped out. Ever since then, he skulks around and tries his best to ignore me. He finds it very inconvenient to be directly challenged by anybody on anything, but he apparently holds a special fear of me for some reason.
  11. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    It's true that O'Donnell isn't an ideal candidate and, from what little I know of her, seems a bit wacky. But her Democratic opponent is no gem, either. He's previously described himself as a "Bearded Marxist". Furthermore, Harry Reid considers him to be his "pet", whatever the hell that means.

    Also, Coons has a less than stellar record as supervisor of New Castle County:

    The Blue Hen Conservative (link above) has done some spade work on Coons’ claims about his performance as an Executive (i.e., supervisor) of New Castle County. Contrary to the theme of his TV ads, the Coons record is not one of improving the county’s fiscal situation. In 2005, Coons (elected in 2004) described the county’s fiscal position as “fundamentally sound.” By 2009, he was concerned that the county was “18 months from being out of money.”

    This, however, was in spite of a series of property tax hikes that – in other states – would have gotten him tarred and feathered. To save the county’s AAA bond rating, Coons raised property taxes by 25% just in 2009. (After hefty hikes in two previous years.) Meanwhile, says Blue Hen Conservative, the size of the county’s annual budget increased 33% during Coons’ tenure. The tax hikes didn’t cover that: county reserves are now down 30% from when he took office.

    So we may have the battle of the douche bag versus the turd sandwich.
  12. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Well for starters, there is nothing new here....conservatives seeing marxists under or near every rock. Funny thing here is that the alleged bearde marxist does not have a beard.

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    As for the "pet" comment, below is the context in which it was rendered;


    "I'm going to be very honest with you — Chris Coons, everybody knows him in the Democratic caucus. He's my pet. He's my favorite candidate," Reid said.

    "Let me tell you about him: A graduate of Yale Divinity School. Yale Law School. A two-time national debate champion. He represents two-thirds of the state now, in an elected capacity. I don't know if you've ever seen him or heard him speak, but he is a dynamic speaker. I don't mean loud or long; he's a communicator. So that's how I feel about Delaware. I've always thought Chris Coons is going to win. I told him that and I tried to get him to run. I'm glad he's running. I just think the world of him. He's my pet."

    And this is Coon's response to Reid's pet comment:


    As for his time as a county executive, it seems to me those right wing extremist blogs you referenced are not consistent with the full facts of the situation. One, during the time referenced, the nation suffered something now being callled the Great Recession. All governments around the country suffered - even conservative ones like Kansas were unable to pay their bills for a time and had to raise taxes because of the Great Recession.

    Here is Coons:


    He doesn't sound so whacko to me. And he is not being investigated by the FEC (Federal Election Committee) for campaign finance violations like his opponent.
  13. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    He was not described as a bearded Marxist by a conservative, but rather by himself. So while it is true that he shaved his beard, it wasn't really the "bearded" part of that self description that bothered me.
  14. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    That is what the right wing blogs are claiming. I have yet to see any definative proof of the claim. This could be like so much of the stuff published in the right wing blogosphere.....wrong.

    At any rate, the claim is he said it back in college. And the claim is not presented its full context. So given the tendency of these right wing web sites to find marxists under every rock, at best the claim is very suspect and has not been proven.

    But even if it is proven, it really doesn't mean much. As the claimed marxist statement was made more than 20 years ago. The man is now balding and middle aged. How many of those Tea Partiers were hippies long ago? My guess is quite a few of them were hippies in their youth. At any rate, Coons has a strong record of public service. Deleware is not a big state and people there know the man. He has been the executive for one third of the state and was elected as recently as 2005. So if the man is a marxist, I am sure the people of Deleware are well aware of it as he has a long record of public service in the state and its citizens keep electing him to public office.
  15. Bells Staff Member

    That is interesting. He wrote this when he was 21 or something, mind you - from the link you posted:

    And this:

    He isn't incorrect though. Look at Sandy as a prime example. How many times did she dish it out about poor people and held virtually that kind of belief or ideology?

    I don't think his recognition of this is bad. Do you?

    So how and why did you find this disturbing? How does that bother you? Is it more bothersome than someone who wants to ban masturbation and pornography and who thinks looking at one's self naked in the mirror is a sin, not to mention who thinks that homosexuals are sexual deviants, and to top it off, mentioned that the right (GOP/Tea Party members) are God's chosen people (that one is my personal favourite, I must admit)?
  16. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    That depends. If it makes one more aware of the plight of the underpriviledged and creates a desire in you to do what you can to help them thru charity or relief organizations, that's great. But if it turns you into a Marxist, you've gone around the bend into an ideology I consider to be the mirror reflection of fascism. Just as evil, but coming from the opposite direction.
    Right now the US is facing a crisis. It's not a crisis involving masturbation, looking at oneself naked, or whether this or that group are God's chosen people. It's a fiscal crisis.

    Her positions on masturbation, religion, homosexuals, etc are very unlikely to ever amount to anything in terms of policy. Whereas her positions on the free market versus her Democratic opponents positions on that same issue are much more likely to be important in resolving our present crisis.

    If O'Donnell were running for president where she would have to power to turn her wacky ideas into policy, I'd feel differently. But in the Senate, I'll take the nutjob free market candidate over the bearded (or clean shaven) Marxist any day.
  17. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Perhaps we are not having a masturbation crisis, but we are having a financial crisis. And another senator who cannot manage a basic budget is certianly not to be charged with managing the nations budget. And this TeaParty/Republican nomination certianly has and ongoing fiscal and budget problem.
  18. Pandaemoni Valued Senior Member

    Plus, she dabbled in witchcraft.
  19. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Don't worry, it almost certainly doesn't.

    As a Divinity student at Yale, Chris Coons was certainly educated in and probably still knows what Marxist ideology actually is; most likely he was referring to that.

    It's the other way around. She has no "positions on the free market", because she has none of the knowledge or competency required. She doesn't know what a "market" is, let alone a "free" version, much less "the" free version (I'm a little lost myself, on that score. I suspect lack of government involvement of any kind is the identifying characteristic, but have no wish to give insult where uncertain).

    Her positions on religion, homosexuals, etc, are more likely to bring her own influence to bear, rather than her reliance on the Republican buzz word suppliers - in these areas legislation is often involved these days, and she would have independent roles to play.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  20. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    I wonder how that is going to go over with the Christian right wing?
  21. Bells Staff Member

    So you would pick the one who cannot even balance her own budget, owes the tax department and lost her house because she was unable to manage her finances, not to mention may have used campaign funds to pay for personal expenses like rent and bills, over someone who said the words "I" and "Marxist" in the same sentence?

    The fiscal crisis you are facing will not be solved by electing someone who has no idea what to do with money and cannot manage her own personal finances or the campaign finances.

    You mean a free market system that allows health insurers to refuse to provide for sick children because doing so means they cannot turn away children who may have a pre-existing condition, for example?

    Her positions or her wacky ideas will affect her position on policy that can and will result in a bigger push to those wacky ideals. She is not alone.
  22. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    The Devil is her strawberry

    Oh, it shouldn't be a problem. She can always claim to have been "saved". After all, she's been a puritanical, quasi-Biblical nut case for well over a decade, now.

    Although I will remark that the tape Maher ran Friday was a throwback for me. Sure, it was 1999, but it reminded me of the 1980s, in which anything that wasn't Christian was Satanic. Witchcraft isn't Satanic. Sure, you can probably find among the bruja of Santeria some devoted to dark powers, but Appalachian witchcraft represents evil according to a Christian image of the Devil; the word "warlock", which most use to denote a male witch, is widely regarded as a descendant of the term waer loga, said to mean, "oath breaker". The instant connection of witchcraft and Satanism is a byproduct of the Christian worldview developed over centuries.

    More than the simple fact that O'Donnell may or may not have dabbled in witchcraft—a common exploration for teenagers of her generation—is that her appearances on Politically Incorrect define her as two things that may or may not go hand in hand: socially ultraconservative, and insanely ignorant.

    You know how it's popular among leftists to accuse the right wing of being delusional? Christine O'Donnell is an example of why that is.
  23. Repo Man Valued Senior Member

    It never occurred to you that it was a highly doubtful thing for him to have actually said? Because using my computer and Google, in seconds I was able to find that he never actually described himself as a Marxist ever:


    He never described himself as a Marxist, but I suppose those of you who see one under every rock think that merely joking about it puts one under suspicion of having insufficient faith in the "free market" to be trusted in public office. So you'll choose the parrot that squawks "Free market free market" over and over again, regardless of that fact that it's a brainless bird that's only capable of mouthing the party line. Well, yay for democracy.

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