A can of Pringles, anyone?

Discussion in 'General Science & Technology' started by curioucity, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. curioucity Unbelievable and odd Registered Senior Member


    First off, in case you don't know Pringles, it just another potato chip snack served in cylindrical can (not actually a can, since it's paper-based). I have a question here:
    Just now, I have my Pringles can on the table lying (as opposed to standing) and there's still bits of potato chips inside. When I press the can downward in such way that the can begins to spin (like a wheel), I notice that the potato bits move away from its base out of the can. How can this be?
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  3. John Connellan Valued Senior Member

    How does pressing down cause it to spin? the problem I would say, has to do with the pressing rather than spinning. By pressing the can, u decrease its volume and increase the air pressure. This results in an outward flow of air that the bits get caught up in.
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  5. Facial Valued Senior Member

    If I remember correctly, there should be small grooves of helical impressions in the interior of the can, no? This should be an explanation.

    If the can is spinning fast for a certain amount of time, the can should've moved a sufficient amount of air adjacent to the interior wall to spin along with it. The centripetal force creates an outwards pressure, and the air flows out of the opening. And it should carry the bits of potato chip with it.
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  7. i_like_swords Banned Banned

    its like the barrel of a gun the grooves slowly push it out
  8. weed_eater_guy It ain't broke, don't fix it! Registered Senior Member

    oh my god people, WOW, get a life!
  9. i_like_swords Banned Banned

    Ill shoot you with my pringles shooter ^^
  10. SKULLZ Banned Banned

    Pringles are a government experiment in alien technology...but you already knew that right?

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  11. river-wind Valued Senior Member

    is there a chance that the tube is actually resting at a slight downward incline?

    What happens if you repeat the experiment with the tube facing the other way?
  12. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    I would think centrifugal force would propell the small chips towards both ends of the can. If they are only flying out of the open end, perhaps it has something to do with static electricity.

    On a similar note, I once visited the research and development department of Proctor and Gamble, who makes pringles, and they had crafted perfect replicas of pringles out of plastic for use in- get this- wind tunnel testing!
  13. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    I think river-wind has the key.
    On the closed end of the can, there is a metal ring.
    There is no ring on the open end.
  14. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    :bugeye: Did they explain WHY?

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  15. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    They had to know how fast a pringle would fall through the air, so they could engineer the production and packaging equipment.
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