4th dimension is extension of 3rd dimension. A world within worlds

The paddoboy hypothetical regarding DE is that it is simply the momentum originating from the BB itself. As the universe expands, the attractive gravitational force of the matter/energy/planets/stars/ etc gets less being constantly spread over a larger and larger area, while the conservation of matter/energy itself remains the same as it was at the BB. Consequently the momentum from the BB, remaining constant, overcomes the gravitational attraction of the matter/energy density of the planets/stars etc, and acceleration takes hold and keeps increasing with expansion, acting on all areas and regions of space.
But that's just me.
That's not sufficient to explain the acceleration of the expansion. While the energy of the universe would remain constant, the form that energy takes would not be. As the Universe expanded against it own gravitational attraction, it would be exchanging Expansion speed for gravitational potential. Without something other than just pure momentum to drive it, the expansion would slow over time. The only question would be whether the rate of slowing was great enough to stop the expansion completely or not. This is analogous to the concept of escape velocity. Just because you have achieved escape velocity from the Earth doesn't mean that you will not continue to slow down as you recede, only that the rate of deceleration decreases at a rate so that it never is enough to bring you to a complete stop. This also carries over to the concept of gravitational binding energy. This is the energy needed to "blow up" something like a planet so that its debris doesn't fall back together due to mutual gravitational attraction. If you exceed this the debris field will continue to expand forever, however the rate at which the debris field expands slows over time, asymptotically approaching zero, but never equaling zero.
The only way for the expansion rate be accelerating is there is if something other than just momentum aiding the expansion.
That's not sufficient to explain the acceleration of the expansion.
The only way for the expansion rate be accelerating is there is if something other than just momentum aiding the expansion.
OK, I got your point, and agree, and nice analogous example with the gravitational binding energy and escape velocity. But just bare with me for a moment.....What if this momentum was also coupled with some other force [for want of a better term] that was simply part and parcel of the very nature of space itself, so that as space/universe expanded, we have this force constantly being exhibited on all regions, as those regions increased and the gravity of the mass/energy density remains constant.
Or is this what you are saying? The problem being that as yet we do not know the exact nature of this force [DE].
Janus58 said:
That's not sufficient to explain the acceleration of the expansion.
The only way for the expansion rate be accelerating is there is if something other than just momentum aiding the expansion.

OK, I got your point, and agree, and nice analogous example with the gravitational binding energy and escape velocity. But just bare with me for a moment.....What if this momentum was also coupled with some other force [for want of a better term] that was simply part and parcel of the very nature of space itself, so that as space/universe expanded, we have this force constantly being exhibited on all regions, as those regions increased and the gravity of the mass/energy density remains constant.
Or is this what you are saying? The problem being that as yet we do not know the exact nature of this force [DE].

DE ( dark energy ) is not a force . It is the carrier of energy , force .

Magnetic fields create the expansion .

The larger the mass , Galaxies , the greater the magnetic field by volume of space . All atoms have a fundamental amount of space that it needs to exist and therefore manifest ( become a real physical object ) . Because as I mentioned before the Rutherford experiment showed that in fact that the core of the atom had real physical qualities .

The magnetic field extends beyond the atoms physical form . The magnetic field extends space , around the atom .
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DE ( dark energy ) is not a force . It is the carrier of energy , force .

Magnetic fields create the expansion .

The larger the mass , Galaxies , the greater the magnetic field by volume of space . All atoms have a fundamental amount of space that it needs to exist and therefore manifest ( become a real physical object ) . Because as I mentioned before the Rutherford experiment showed that in fact that the core of the atom had real physical qualities .

The magnetic field extends beyond the atoms physical form . The magnetic field extends space , around the atom .
:D And here Ladies and Gentlemen, we have river exercising his right to spout as much ignorant bullshit that he is capable of.
river said:
DE ( dark energy ) is not a force . It is the carrier of energy , force .

Magnetic fields create the expansion .

The larger the mass , Galaxies , the greater the magnetic field by volume of space . All atoms have a fundamental amount of space that it needs to exist and therefore manifest ( become a real physical object ) . Because as I mentioned before the Rutherford experiment showed that in fact that the core of the atom had real physical qualities .

The magnetic field extends beyond the atoms physical form . The magnetic field extends space , around the atom .

:D And here Ladies and Gentlemen, we have river exercising his right to spout as much ignorant bullshit that he is capable of.

Define this " bullshit " that I have spouted ?

About my post#86 , what's the problem ? Seriously , what's the problem ?
You know the problem river, and it has been explained to you many times.
So far its just you that has the problem .
:D Just because others havn't picked you up on that nonsense river means nothing...many have you on ignore and many more others understand that you are in the fringes and the general nature of your continued trolling.
While obviously you are feigning ignorance to goad me into replying, the crux of the matter is that you are banned from the sciences for your many nonsensical claims, and my reply as such is simply to remind newbies and others of the ignorance you post regarding science in general.


About my post#86 , what's the problem ? Seriously , what's the problem ?

You know the problem river, and it has been explained to you many times.

What has been explained to me ?

In what threads ? And therefore post # .

With my responses included . Context is important .
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An object has a length, width, and, height.

What is the 4th dimension?

The object itself.

The 4th dimension is the actual, tangible, complete, whole, and realized object.

Not just its linear measurements but the actual complete unit.

The 4th dimension is reality.
akabrutus said:
An object has a length, width, and, height.

What is the 4th dimension?

The object itself.

How so ?

The 4th dimension is the actual, tangible, complete, whole, and realized object.

The 4th dimension is reality.


No not really .
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From post#95

akabrutus said:
An object has a length, width, and, height.

What is the 4th dimension?

The object itself.

The 4th dimension is the actual, tangible, complete, whole, and realized object.

Not just its linear measurements but the actual complete unit.

The 4th dimension is reality.

My response to what is highlighted and and below .

No not really

Three(3) dimensions is all you need akabrutus . I don't need a fourth dimension to manifest anything . Three dimensions is complete .
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Three(3) dimensions is all you need akabrutus . I don't need a fourth dimension to manifest anything . Three dimensions is complete .
river as usual is playing games. As detailed previously, and as river has mentioned, we do only have three spatial dimensions when speaking about any singular object. And also as we know, the three spatial dimensions also apply to space and space is also inexorably linked to spacetime, and as we know, to define anything properly, we also need to know when it is, as well as where it is. So we have the three spatial dimensions as well as the time dimension, which are inexorably linked as first pointed out by Minkowski in what we call spacetime, and of course as a result of Einstein's SR.
His reasoning simply is that to move through space, one obviously also needs to move through time, and coupled with the fact of the limiting factor of the speed of light, and the resultant effect of time dilation and length contraction.
In other words, as you move through the Universe, you will notice changes in how space and time pass for you.
This is fact, and illustrates how space and time are interchangeable and literally two sides of the same coin.
