3 Word Story

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And so, with his goggles safetly fastened above his single eyeball, Zogman Peterson of the planet Zarfbul began his intrepid pursuit of the nefarious Trexbleg, hurling the throttle of his flying ketchup bottle forward and screaming above the denizens of the City Del Toro, watching as they waved him on.....
...He was tired, however, tired of chasing the various nefarious creatures of the universe in his ketchup bottle, tired of listening to the Baron of the City Del Toro, just tired of it all. He considered ceasing his chase of the Trexbleg, then remembered: a single wink of it's giant tentacle could crush a starship, and so he diligently continued, hurtling forth through the cosmos at breakneck speed....
omg.. the voices in my head must have downloaded trillian... that gotta be it.. the dinging is all in my head!)))
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