21st century acronyms


Valued Senior Member
Since tenuously accommodating indigenous beliefs and non-Western science (and even anti-Western sentiments) is a burgeoning part of W.E.I.R.D.'s social justice guilt and redemption process...
Huh. Never heard this acronym before.

Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic

I've been working on one to describe my own demographic in the personal/privilege space, but I'm not satisfied with it yet.

So far, I've got straight, white, middle-aged, middle-income guy.

I could do straight, white old guy for SWOG.
Or straight middle-aged u*** guy for SMAUG (whoch would be cool if I can come up with a 'u' word that means both white and middle income)

(There are euphamisms out there that touch on simular but not same stereotypes, like maybe 'Silverback', in a corporate environment.)
Huh. Never heard this acronym before.

Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic

I've been working on one to describe my own demographic in the personal/privilege space, but I'm not satisfied with it yet.

So far, I've got straight, white, middle-aged, middle-income guy.

I could do straight, white old guy for SWOG.
Or straight middle-aged u*** guy for SMAUG (whoch would be cool if I can come up with a 'u' word that means both white and middle income)

(There are euphamisms out there that touch on simular but not same stereotypes, like maybe 'Silverback', in a corporate environment.)

"Uncolored" is currently the best I can come up with for contributing to the "U" in the potential "Tolkien beast reflecting" acronym.

Obviously, WEIRD was originally intended to signify an issue of bias in those narrow disciplinary areas. But that never stopped me from seizing a succinctly useful term for general application. ;)