Racism in WE&P

Discussion in 'World Events' started by Asguard, Nov 2, 2005.

  1. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    We are concidering a new rule designed to eliminate the racisum being used by a few posters.

    It is not racisum to report the news or whats happerning but it IS racisum when you start to expolite for your own ajender

    Some examples of what we mean are threads like the ones a while ago claiming the sunarmi and earthquake were "god hating muslims" or every thread posted by a few posters being either blacks do this or muslims do that

    If any of us wanted to we could make white male christans look just as bad ie. White male christan rapes children, white male christan kills wife and then self, white male christan kills 30 in school, white male christan kills hundreds of kids by selling drugs.

    I dont care what race, skin colour or religion either the victioms or the perpetrators of a crime are, if you want to make it a race issue your going to have to convince me of why you should or i will just delete the thread.

    This is temerary however, i made this thread not just to warn people about how it WILL be but to give people a chance to input into the new rule so fire away
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  3. duendy Registered Senior Member

    i will hever forget watching the Ricky Lake show...someyears back. it was a nearly all lack audience, and the subject was about racism. we had on stage some pople including a coule of racists. one said that Black people are of low intelligence......etc. i looked at someof the faces of audience and they looked really hurt

    NO human has any right..obviously they don feel shameor they wouldn't even do it---to laim another human is of low intelligence. i hate it when people sugget animals etc are low intelligence. it is utterly total ignorance

    so. should it be allowed?

    this is a tricky one for me cause i encourage freedom

    a poster said today to JB...about him. that we shoul IGNORE his posts. THAT would be good. if we asa community agree what is right from what is wrong, and ten challenge the individual who is spreading hurt and guilt.....we would do it with a peadophile wuodn't we?...i mean posting here?...so why not someone who attempts to belittle a group of pople wit darker skin than they?....so a mixture of that and ignoring....But do what you feel isright anyhow. i wouldn't shed no tear believe me!
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  5. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    duendy the fact you belive in free speach is laudable but not aplicatble you do realise? this is a private forum owned by dave and at some point you dont just ignore the person trashing your house you give them the boot. Ignoring them doesnt work because all it does is fill up the sections with there crap and yes that includes MY thread too (i have limits as well). All world events and plolitics are right now are a slinging match. Its alright for you to just ignore them but i have to come along and clean up the mess and so does james.
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  7. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    If I understand your post correctly, I agree with your position. I don't like to see/read post that are blatantly racist just for the sake of spreading racism or hatred.

    HOWEVER, I hope you don't eliminate posts ABOUT racism. I.e., why it's not good; what's wrong with it; how to eliminate racism; why is there racism; why there is racism in some places, yet NOT in others of similar conditions; ...and many such topics/posts ABOUT racism.

    One of the things that always bothers me is people's tendency to not want to talk about or discuss racism. Facing the real issue is important ...hiding ones head in the sand does nothing to help. If we don't face racism head-on, there's never going to be any hope of helping the situation.

    Baron Max
  8. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    no baron, i assure you this isnt aimed at you or anything like what you have been posting. Also racisum is not nor is it going to be a banned topic (all though it would probably belong in ethics not politics but thats no problem).
  9. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    The moderators have decided, for the good of the forum, to clamp down on the kinds of posts Asguard mentions above.

    Look at the posts with !!!!!!!! in the title to get an idea of the kind of thing which will be closed and/or moved to the Cesspool in future.

    Repeated spamming threads which single out crimes committed by Muslims, or black people will be viewed unfavourably. The problem is not the reporting, but the implication in every post that these acts are not abberations, but rather are representative of the "average" Muslim or black person.

    Terrorist acts are committed by a tiny minority of the Muslim population. A tiny minority of the black population of the US, for example, is criminal. Yet that is not the impression you would get if you came to sciforums and took the threads in WE&P as a fair and unbiased reporting of terrorism and crime.

    Well, it's time for a change.

    We'd like to see some intelligent discussion here from now on. We'd like to see people thinking about World Events. We'd like to see less selective reporting.

    We'll see how things go...
  10. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    I don't think it's a good idea. Let the racists say their piece, so long as the discussion is civil and not simple name calling. Perhaps discussion of these issues will move their thinkiing in the right direction. Simply deleting "racist" posts makes them feel like an oppressed minority and will serve to solidify their mindset. A few quotes in favor of free speech:
    This is the first time I've ever quoted Noam Chomsky! We actually agree on something.
    Now a quote with the opposite opinion:
  11. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    that was why i thought of another way to deal with this, (as i said this is discussion not an ultermatem), the otherway to deal with this is the same way we delt with the bush vs gore and the israil vs palistine things. That is to make one big thread (for the moment thats http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=49646 this thread) and dump it all in there. The problem with this is its VERY time consuming and im about to go back to uni and james is trying to help out over the whole site. I have asked for some help but that is up to dave

    Ultimatly its up to what you guys want as a section because all though dave owns this and its his house it has to be good for the people who come here. It cant stay how its been tho so we really want some kind of guidlines that you guys think are acceptable and that we can then enforce that will make it more enjoyable and less of a pain for James and I. Im spending more time digging through emails of reported posts than i am my regular emails and its even worse when i come here and see what i actually need to DO here. i cant be here constantly like i have been this last week
  12. nirakar ( i ^ i ) Registered Senior Member

    My edit: I either did not read to the bottom or I wrote so slowly that Asguard gave my idea bfeore I could write it.

    Ban, Confront, or Ignor.

    I don't know what should be done with the evangelists of hate.

    Are Ban, Confront and Ignor the only options?

    Half joking, here is my strange idea: Start another section of Sciforums. The rule for the new section shall be that nobody is allowed to start a thread in the new section unless they are a self aknowledged racist, xenophobe or other type of hater and aknowledge posting for the purpose of spreading hatred or hierarchy.

    Anybody who continually starts hate threads in other sections of sciforums should be banned from Sciforums. If Sciforums has the technological capability to ban somebody from all sections except the hate section then do that rather than a outright ban.

    In the new hater section there would be a merged from other threads hate sticky topic. Anybody trying to hijack threads in other sections to spread hate could have their posts moved to the merged hate thread in the hate forum.

    Maybe flamers could use an all flame section also.

    Maybe a all swear or disgusting sticky thread in the flame section in which people are encouraged to swear as creatively as they can or be as disgusting as they can be.

    Banning things gives them a kind of weird taboo power. Little kids grow out of the phase where they go arround saying poo poo head and laughing.

    Not banning stuff might lower the quality of the forums.

    I don't know.
  13. Gustav Banned Banned

    ahh i get it
    it is vincent's posts that are the issue
    easily dealt with without all this hoopla
    i mean
    old asguard got so excited he spammed his own forum with this thread

  14. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    Gustav no read the post by james. This isnt just me but i could have delt with this if i had saw fit. I could just go and close all the threads i dont like but what good would that do. We are giving you a chance to decide what YOU want with relation to this issue. I will put forward my opinion and deal with it the way i see fit untill you guys can show what you want. As james said though the mods have had enough and it will change its up to you guys to decide how.

    nirakar i belive someone can be banned from a singular section (ie world events AND the politics) but i dont think dave would agree to make a new section for racisum. I can currently dump stuff into the cesspool tho i rairly chose to because i dissagree with the idea as it gives some statice to the thread and its creator where closing or deleting dumps the problem

    edit to add, the problem with merging one post out of a thread is that it requires someone to slit the thread going through the WHOLE thread to find all the posts you want then going into the new thread and merging it into the final thread. If this is spread out over 5 threads with 5 pages each im sure you can see the problem with the praticality of it
  15. Gustav Banned Banned

    i stand by my initial assessment

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    we, the community can handle any kind of discussion
    what we cannot deal with is a spammer such as vincent.
    he is entitled to an opinion
    just not in the format and method he chose to get it across

    let the racists come
    let the facists come too
    we shall frag em
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2005
  16. Facial Valued Senior Member

    This is good judgement. I am tired of racists who post up threads chock-full of BS and retarded statements.

    I think it is about time that we put up certain barriers in this forum that America has failed to recognize in its own legal system.
  17. Gustav Banned Banned

    the decision has been made
    the spammers have been taken care of

    further discussion or action is uneccessary


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  18. Sock puppet path GRRRRRRRRRRRR Valued Senior Member

    Islam is not a race(although it is very arab) so one cannot be called a racist for criticizing the followers or the teachings of islam. Vincents posts could be moderated because he doesn't frame them properly for debate or is insulting. Giving the creed of islam protected status as a race means the followers of islam are free from criticism that is not only bad for islams' critics it in the end is bad for islam as well. Islam needs to make the transformation and join the rest of the world and banning criticism will only prolong the inevitable and lead to more suffering. By the way it is 1 year and 2 days since Theo Van Gogh was gunned down then beheaded in amsterdam for being critical of islam
  19. stu43t Valued Senior Member

    It is not racist to be patriotic about ones country, it is not racist to want to see your country grow strong without economic collapse, and it is not racist to want to keep your country's original culture and design. But he British people have been forced to bear the burden of unrestricted mass immigration, the farce of the asylum process, the endless influx of illegal immigrants into the country, the criminality and terrorism caused by immigrants, the undercutting or our wages, the abuse of our electoral system through voter fraud, the destruction of our rights and freedoms such as the right to free speech and the endless costs of supporting immigrants within our country and it has cost us - the taxpayers - billions upon billions of pounds.
  20. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Perhaps if we ignore all racism, and cultural and religious conflicts, it will all go away? Just like the little kids who close their eyes tightly in the hopes that the "monsters" will not be able to see them? Or the people who bury their heads in the sand?

    The only way I see to be politically correct is to ...well, close our eyes tightly in the hopes that it will all go away.

    Baron Max
  21. J.B Banned Banned

  22. nirakar ( i ^ i ) Registered Senior Member

    What is the difference If somebody wants to create hatred against a race or religion?

    The US government or California outlawed discrimination and abuse based on Race, ethnicity (I think this means culture), religion, sexual orientation, and Gender. I think Asguard is using the word racism because it is easier than saying racism and or........

    3. I often feel like there are a bunch of 15 year old boys here at Sciforums and the future of humanity would be improved if they understand the truth.

    The points in banning the haters are that: 1. I often feel like their are a bunch of 15 year old boys here at Sciforums and the future of humanity would be improved if they understand the truth. Yes I put this on both sides of the debate. I don't know who will be more persuasive for the kids, the haters or anti haters. The anti haters may get tired of this game before the haters do.

    2. Vincent and those like him are reducing politics and world events forums to one subject, (we don't hate enough versus we hate too much).

    3. Gathering and posting Islam + violence stories is intellectually dishonest. It is not a real criticism of Islam. In general the Islam haters seem to know nothing about Islam. No understanding of anything is advanced by the haters posts.

    4. Fox news claims to be fair and balanced. What a joke; but let's give Fox news this: Fair and balanced really is a good thing to be if a quality debate/understanding is to happen. Some of us post stories about western governments + violence and bad behavior so you might ask, "what is the difference between our anti western government posts and the anti Islamic posts?" Most of us at sciforums are from native english speaking nations. In our social/media world the general culture already makes us Anglos look better than we are and makes everybody else but especially Islam/Arabs look worse than they are. There has been a fifty year anti arab propaganda campaign against Arabs because our governments and or Israel wants to justify our effort to control the politics of Arabs. If Sciforums was an Arabic language forum then I would say go Vincent do your stuff because over there he would be providing balance.
  23. nirakar ( i ^ i ) Registered Senior Member

    From patriotism to we are great to we are better than them to they are bad is a natural progression.

    Who did this to your people Stu? You and your fellow Brits did this to you by voting for politicians who served the employers who wanted cheaper labor rather than serving the interests of the native English and Scottish people. The immigrants did not do this to you. Your politicians invited them even the ones who come illegally. When your politicians want it stopped they can stop it.

    What is gained by making the immigrants feel hated? If those Pakis didn't feel hated would they have set of the bombs in London? You did that Stu. You don't have to like them but if you want to keep England English you need to go to where the problem is, which is that your politicians are disloyal to you.

    As long as you are saying what is hurting you rather than trying to get people to hate other people then there is no reson that anybody should want to limmit your free speach.

    If father adopted new kids and now everybody in the family is poorer how should dad's natural kids look after their interests? Saying nasty less than half truths about the adopted kids natural mothers won't help anything. All the instincual pecking order bullying sort of childish behavior is designed for enhancing the ability of your DNA to be sexually selected in an society of proto humans that functioned more like the societys of current chimpanzee bands than like the society of current humans.

    If we were chimpanzees and some strangers showed up we would kill them if we could.

    I still don't know if blatant racists should be banned.

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