Star Wars vs Star Trek

Discussion in 'SciFi & Fantasy' started by Pollux V, May 9, 2002.


Which universe would win?

  1. Star Trek

    227 vote(s)
  2. Star Wars

    268 vote(s)
  3. Spaceballs

    47 vote(s)
  4. Farscape

    12 vote(s)
  5. Dune

    50 vote(s)
  6. Stargate

    36 vote(s)
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  1. Lord Vasago bcd Registered Senior Member

    I know SW has some kind of cloak that blends all, butt the problem is that the ship using it is blind as well and had no means of communication, thus that isn't very practical in battle i think, unless your hiding in an asteroidbelt.

    Why did the federation destroy this SCimitar ? I never saw this but it seems they had better tech than Federation. Or was i to hard to obtain this ?
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  3. Kittamaru Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums. Valued Senior Member

    The Scimitar had to be destroyed- it's thalaron weapon was:

    A) Highly Illegal
    B) Very Volatile (dangerous)
    C) Could wipe out all life on any planet it trained the weapon on
    D) Was piloted by a crazy dying gu (Schinzon)

    And yeah, Wars cloaks are kind of crappy... you can find them via visual distortion (although it's hard) and they also stop you from doing anything useful yourself (can you fire thru a wars cloak? And if so, it's pointless-simply target the weapons point of origin)
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  5. Enterprise-D I'm back! Warp 8 Mr. Worf! Registered Senior Member


    Quite true, that's why I said they can sustain their warp field (rather than generate), I couldn't remember if the phrase used was "warp sustainer" or if I made that up in my head

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  7. Enterprise-D I'm back! Warp 8 Mr. Worf! Registered Senior Member

    The tricobalt torpedo is NOT a subspace weapon. It is an high yield, long range explosive force when configured with a high enough yield is capable of causing a subspace tear, however in and of itself was not designed as a subspace weapon - since at "lower" configurations will not cause any subspace disturbance. The tricobalt torpedo is not illegal, and has never been stated as being illegal. It can only be assumed as illegal to - for example - stack the odds in favour of SW, but canon usage of the weapon suggests otherwise.

    That being said, they are also not necessarily part of a standard starship's complement, issued by Starfleet when necessary - stated by Seven, confirmed by Janeway...but I'd say the appearance of ISDs would qualify.

    Also considering the size comparison of the Array v an ISD, a Fed ship/Romulan Warbird/Klingon NeghVar what have you would only need to fire a single tricobalt device to destroy an ISD.

    The Son'a were not using tricobalt torpedoes they were using what were merely referred to as "isolytic subspace weaponry", the tear effect of which worsens as it progresses towards a warp device (ST: Insurrection). Enterprise E had to jettison the warp core. Clearly this weapon could not be tuned to be anything less than subspace afflicting, thus highly illegal.

    By the way Scott, illegality and availability for use are two entirely different things. Just pointing that out.

    Firing from a stationary ship at a stationary target, is matters not that torps travel slowly. It's quick enough. And as you know TW, this is easily circumvented by simply jumping to warp 1 and firing. The torpedo will take over from there

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  8. Sarkus Hippomonstrosesquippedalo phobe Valued Senior Member

    The overall owners of the franchise deem what is canon.

    Star Wars Canon is, as defined by Lucasfilm: ""'Gospel,' or canon as we refer to it, includes the screenplays, the films, the radio dramas and the novelizations. These works spin out of George Lucas' original stories, the rest are written by other writers. However, between us, we've read everything, and much of it is taken into account in the overall continuity. The entire catalog of published works comprises a vast history—with many off-shoots, variations and tangents—like any other well-developed mythology."

    Paramount - the owners of Star Trek: "As a rule of thumb, the events that take place within the live-action episodes and movies are canon, or official Star Trek facts. Story lines, characters, events, stardates, etc. that take place within the fictional novels, video games, the Animated Series, and the various comic lines have traditionally not been considered part of the canon." - taken from a FAQ on the official Star Trek website.

    However, the ST people stress that what constitutes their canon isn't set in stone - and most accept the books written by Jeri Taylor, as well as certain elements of the animated series.

    So to include all the ST books is actually wrong.

    Videogames for both do seem to be excluded from canon - so can NOT be included.
  9. Enterprise-D I'm back! Warp 8 Mr. Worf! Registered Senior Member

    1. Torpedoes are more effective against cloaked ships since a cloak is a shield and requires the normal defensive shields to be down. The only problem is to find the cloaked vessel.

    2. "A ship that small doesn't have a cloak device" does not in any way mean that all capital ships have a cloaking device. It just means that a ship that small doesn't have one! More than likely having to do with space and power constrictions.

    3. A torpedo can be launched at warp; ie. warp flight from the instant of firing.

    1. All phasers can be fired at almost the same time (see ST: Nemesis after Picard orders "Fire all ventral phasers, lateral targeting" or whatever it was he said

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    It was one of the fastest phaser attacks executed by a Trek ship I can recall at the moment.

    2. The back is not a blind spot for the saucer phasers, there is at least one torpedo launcher between the warp nacelles of a Galaxy Class. The saucer phasers can be fired downward, but up to a certain angle of course, which is why ships move in battle. Or they can just use torpedoes which will go wherever the target is.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2007
  10. Enterprise-D I'm back! Warp 8 Mr. Worf! Registered Senior Member

    Quite so, Lucasfilm has declared something of a canon ladder, with the movies being unchallengable, and the rest of published works being "pseudocanon" provided they don't mess with continuity.

    It does not provide for a easy comparison needless to say, since some interesting Trek abilities occur in books, as with Wars. But, Trek still has the ability even with canon tech and allied forces to provide victory over Wars.
  11. Saquist Banned Banned

    Seven of Nine stated the weapons were illegal and required special order. If memory serves.
  12. temur man of no words Registered Senior Member

    Star Wars won!
  13. Saquist Banned Banned

    ...the popularity contest. Star Trek wins the fight.
  14. Enterprise-D I'm back! Warp 8 Mr. Worf! Registered Senior Member

    She did no such thing. The conversation was an investigation on Seven's part:

    7: "Are tricobalt devices part of the standard compliment of a starship"
    J: "No...they're not"
    7: "And yet you were issued the very same devices required to destroy the Array"

    This does not indicate they're illegal, only special ordered.
  15. Saquist Banned Banned

    That's not the part I remember. i've tried to find a script and I can not.
    I assume you have the episode and that was the only relevant dialogue pertaining to the tricobalt devices themselves?
  16. Kittamaru Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums. Valued Senior Member

    Actually, now that I think about it, the SteamRunner class was modified to carry a loadout of TriCobalt devices during the Dominion Wars wasn't it? I mean, it WAS basicly a torpedo boat (much like the newer Akira class)
  17. Saquist Banned Banned

    That was a game called "Armada"
  18. Enterprise-D I'm back! Warp 8 Mr. Worf! Registered Senior Member

    Saquist: I have the episode, and that was the relevant dialog to their distribution and/or legality.

    Kitt: The Steamrunner makes onscreen time (hence is a canon design), however we only know it's called a Steamrunner because of ST:Armada. I don't recall it's class name being said on screen. Both it and tricobalt are canon however, feel free to combine their possibilities

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  19. Saquist Banned Banned

    Then I was wrong...Tri-cobalt are legal weaponry....Excellent.
  20. Saquist Banned Banned

    Yet they caused a subspace tear....I see...that's how I came to that conclussion...

    They just might be illegal.. Theres differences though. the Tear with the Tri-cobalt device was not permanent or damaging to subspace. but they still could be subspace weapons.

    While tri-cobalt devices have been used throughout trek Did not the first real world application occur in Star Trek Voyager...then DS9 and then Enterprise. (It goes backwards)

    And Voyager is the only time it is seen in torpedo form. Every other time it is mentioned in bomb form.
  21. Enterprise-D I'm back! Warp 8 Mr. Worf! Registered Senior Member

    No, tricobalt devices are not core subspace weapons...they can cause a subspace tear only IF their yield is adjusted high enough. But by and large they are used because of the wider and more forceful explosive damage.
  22. Kittamaru Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums. Valued Senior Member

    So via the incredible sheer explosive power, they can rend a hole in the fabric of space itself?

    That's... incredible to say the least... the kind of power needed to do this is outrageous.
  23. USS Athens Very Special Senior Member Valued Senior Member

    There was a debate on whether they were subspace weaponry or not.
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