Meth Bugs

Discussion in 'Science & Society' started by Orleander, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    One of the side effects of long term meth use are meth bugs. Are they an hallucination that the user sees them running and burrowing on them. Or is it a physical feeling that something is crawling under their skin?
    My best friend from high school tore her face up trying to get at them. She ended up looking a lot like the 2nd woman

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  3. John99 Banned Banned

    hi, i think that the bugs are somewhat exaggerated. the marks are from not taking care of themselves...and some scratching from nervous energy and the stuff in the drugs making them itchy.
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  5. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    so its boredom that made her claw up her face?
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  7. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    either way they are hallucinations orleander. A hallucination is any unrealistic stimulas of any of the 5 senses. However im not to sure how common orfactory or taste hallucinations are except in the context of the auras before an epileptic sizure. I do belive they occure as part of PTSD where people can smell the situation they were in and the reverse is true too (for instance fire fighters who have been through disasters like black sat where there are lots of burnt dead tend not to be able to be around the smell of roast pork because it brings it all back)
  8. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    I agree. BUT which kind is it? Is it visual?
  9. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    as far as i know (and this is just from a gov adevertising campaine on the risks of ice) they feel like bugs are crawling under the skin. That being said i dont know if its a delusion or a hallucination
  10. John99 Banned Banned

    many additives in drugs actually make the skin very itchy...i am thinking those ending in eine and aine. it is a combination of that and nervous energy and not eating right or washing. also feinding can make them pick at things but for the most part they are not taking care of themselves.

    the bugs can happen, i suppose, but i really dont know.
  11. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    But meth is not a commercial drug.
  12. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    Heroin does the same thing to many.
    With heroin it is itching - I can't speak for meth.
  13. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    what does that have to do with additives? :shrug: If you go down the list of all the things added together to make meth, I can see why you would not only have dry skin, but hallucinate.
  14. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    So its the feeling of dry skin and not something crawling under the skin that heroin users feel?
  15. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    No, the feeling of bugs crawling under the skin. But not a belief that they are - just the physical sensation of it. That itciness.
    It compels the junkie to scratch at the itch.
  16. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    Of course. But I thought John was talking about the normal additives they put in drugs.
    On second thought, perhaps he meant the rat poison etc..
  17. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    This and that

    In truth, I don't see how that matters. For instance, was the meth made with kerosene or diesel? Is it cut with anything? Has it been cooked properly? (Ever seen sticky, even gooey meth that you can smell from two rooms away?)

    Still, though, whatever else is going on, if I ever took anything that kept me awake for days, I would expect to start doing some damage to myself. I mean, I can sleep on acid. I can even sleep on cocaine. But I don't like being in sensory proximity to methamphetamine. I don't want to see it, I don't want to smell it. I loathe the stuff, and after my run-in with coke—which, incidentally, I also despise—I just don't want fast drugs around me at all. Caffeine is as speedy as I like to get. I have enough trouble sleeping as it is; the last thing I need is total deprivation.

    • • •​

    It is my understanding that some part of the heroin leeches out of the body through the skin, which causes itching and, because of the chemicals, welts even before you start scratching.

    I know there is some truth to that because I've managed the same effect before with synthetic opiates. I have no idea how many pills I actually took that night, and I drank a lot, too. I woke up the next morning and surely enough, I was scratching my legs raw.

    To the other, I never experienced it smoking opium resin. Then again, I just can't smoke that much of the stuff before I'm incapable of smoking more. No, I don't mean like overdose or anything. I mean the stuff just melts me into a puddle and, well, somebody else is going to have to load it. And light it. And breathe it into my lungs for me.

    Heroin is on my list of drugs to never do. Cocaine may be the Devil as far as I'm concerned, but opium resin is a black widow waiting to devour me. I love that stuff so much that I have a specific rule about how to buy it: Don't. So hopefully I'll never get 'round to heroin. I really don't want to know how good it can feel.
  18. Stryder Keeper of "good" ideas. Valued Senior Member

    Incidentally out of the pictures how many of them were likely to have been hookers which would have likely meant having one or two rough experiences with their "Jo(h)ns".

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