See How It Works

Discussion in 'World Events' started by Brian Foley, Dec 3, 2005.

  1. Brian Foley REFUSE - RESIST Valued Senior Member

    TRANSLATION: Even though Israel cannot prove that Iran actually HAS Atomic Weapons , remember when Israel could not prove Iraq had Atomic Weapons .

    Israel will proceed ahead and bomb the Iranian reactor anyway, just like when Israel bombed Iraqs atomic reactor in 1981 .

    And remember
    Iran will have to counter-attack Isreal by flying through all those American soldiers stuck in Iraq.

    Now do you see how it works ?

    1 - Israel starts the wars .

    2 - Then passes the responsibilty to prosecute the war onto Americas soldiers .
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  3. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    That's a real stretch, even for you, Brian.

    Read your first quote again. Sharon didn't say anything about Israel pre-emptively bombing any Iranian reactor, as you claim. You're extrapolating. Why? What's your agenda?
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  5. Brian Foley REFUSE - RESIST Valued Senior Member

    Yes he did .
    Whats wrong with inferring or estimating by extending or projecting known information ? Thios is afterall a public forum for discussion .
    Who the Fuck are you to question my political beliefs , and stop singling me out for special attention mate Im getting tired of you . Since you have started moderating on these lobbies the posting traffic has collapsed . So take some advice and get yourself a agenda you badly need one .
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  7. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member


    That's a bit different from what you said. Notice the "if" in the sentence, and what follows it.

    Sounds very reasonable to me. Don't you agree?

    Yes, and a military strike is among the USA's options to deal with North Korea, say. So what?

    You should be careful about exagerating things. You may give people false information.

    Who am I to question you? I'm one of those guys on the public discussion forum you chose to post to to start a public discussion.

    What do you want? A discussion or a soap box?

    I don't know what you're talking about regarding "traffic" to the forum. There's as much as ever.

    What kind of agenda would you like me to have? A rabid anti-Israeli one, I assume. Why?

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