Lawyer presents case for the afterlife

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by doom, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. doom Registered Senior Member


    Interesting read,you get to read his book free of charge or even download it,i dont believe in it,i think there are better scientific explanation's

    However,he is offering $1 million to anyone who can debunk his case,3 years going nobody has got it.

    Are you smart enough to read his stuff and pull the $1 million?
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  3. spookz Banned Banned

    now there's an incentive to the physicalists on this board. let us know when you collect the money

    lets start by debunking evp
    for some hands on experience try these

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    *skepdic (morons) has this entry...While it is impossible to prove that all EVPs are due to natural phenomena, skeptics maintain that they are probably due to such things as interference from a nearby CB operator or cross modulation.

    and this is how zimmer will fuck you if you engage in disingenuous crap
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  5. spookz Banned Banned

    the challenge 18th November 2001

    This submission is to be forwarded to THE CHALLENGE, PO Box 1810, Dee Why, Northern Beaches, NSW AUSTRALIA 2099 by registered mail. Staff check mailbox and vet all mail everyday.

    contact and see if the shit is still good

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    evp - heard during playback and not during recording. microphones usually have a worse frequency range that the human ear so how is it that it can pick up sounds that we cannot hear until it has been recorded and played back? it makes no sense. it defies frikkin logic. either the sound is there or it is not!!!
    how about if it piggybacks on a carrier wave? an inaudible one. what would the specs of the recorder have to be?

    screw that! give me my frikkin money zimmer
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2003
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  7. Beercules Registered Senior Member

    Well according to the crackpot index: 10 points for offering prize money to anyone who proves and/or finds any flaws in your theory.

    Yeah, forget evidence for these supernatural claims. Let's just shift the burden of proof and offer prize money to boot. It's worse than how Kent Hovind (a creationist dunce) offers money for anyone who can "prove" evolution.
  8. doom Registered Senior Member

    Hence why i said youd have to be clever to pull that $1 million,youd have to be a very high profile lawyer yourself,one that earns maybe $5000 an hour and couldnt be bothered with this anyway cos itd be pennies,no public could do anything very easily to get that money.
  9. Beercules Registered Senior Member

    Who judges whether or not the material has been debunked?
  10. doom Registered Senior Member

    He does and hes quiet a high up lawyer so youd have to be good big time.
  11. Beercules Registered Senior Member

    He does. So in other words, he ultimately has the final decision, so no matter how much evidence is presented against his case it won't make a difference. It would be like a christian offering a million dollars if you can convince him the bible is false.
  12. doom Registered Senior Member


    so you better be the most intelligent person in the universe/multiverse even to actually get close to winning.
  13. spookz Banned Banned

    i would have thought that the intellectual excercise would have been reward enough. besides you could have your moment of fame if you go public with "how zimmer fucked me out of a million dollars"!
  14. doom Registered Senior Member

    Yes theres that side to things,he has after all publically claimed to offer $1 million,thats a big step to take,you are entitled to it if you think your proof can hold against him in a court of law.
  15. spookz Banned Banned

    on with the debunking!

    In the case of recording with a microphone it is possible to pick up transmissions of Citizen's Band radio and other broadcast signals in spurts. In the case of using broadcast static (a station with no local signal) it is possible that frequencies will bleed through or a signal will shift in and out. I have even had a case where would-be ghost hunters thought they had the ultimate proof of a baby from beyond. It turns out they were getting a residual frequency from a neighbor's baby monitor(ohioparanormal)

    now could some explain how this shit happens? what are the frequencies involved?
  16. doom Registered Senior Member

    You can do it yourself with a computer,microphone,minidisc player
    a free bit of software and also a £60 bit of software

    Im gonna try the mini disc,microphone,my laptop and the free bit of software

    free software evp maker:
  17. Cris In search of Immortality Valued Senior Member


    None of these claims prove an afterlife exists. At best some highlight unexplained phenomena. But calling something unexplained the afterlife is not proof of an afterlife.

    The only way to debunk the claims is to properly assign causes to the unexplained.
  18. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Zammit's "challenge" has itself been thoroughly debunked by skeptics. It is not a real challenge, and nobody has any hope of collecting the million. It is deliberately set up so that Zammit can continually move the goal posts.

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