Another Palin scandal

Discussion in 'Politics' started by joepistole, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. Nasor Valued Senior Member

    And did you read everything in the article other than the bottom? The point isn't how much money she spent, it's that she 1) billed the state for travel when she wasn't actually traveling and 2) billed the state for her husband's and children's travel.
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  3. Quigly ......................... ..... Registered Senior Member

    I thought I had heard somewhere that the family travel of the politician was considered part of what could be spent under the travel allowance... Who Cares IMO, isn't she just a hot pig with lipstick?

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  5. Nasor Valued Senior Member

    Not according to the article.

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  7. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    More smoke, the Alaskan legislature has voted to subpoena Palin's husband.

    Do we really want another president who abuses power? Can we survive another Nixon?
  8. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Now Palin who had previously agreed to cooperate with the Troopergate investigation is not talking to the investigators. It remains to be seen if her husband will honor the subpoena. You know she is sounding a lot like Bush II. He ignores legal subpoenas. He is know for his chronism...sounds like a female version of bush II.
  9. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

  10. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    How about the Wasilla sports center build on land the city did not own? Or how about the $600,000 in earmarks for the construction of a bus/transporation center. Remember this is a town of with about 5,000 residents. What do they need with a bus $600,000 bus system?
  11. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

  12. Challenger78 Valued Senior Member

    She's as corrupt as they come. Credentials and constructive criticism mean nothing to her.
    She only surrounds herself with Yes men, and those of similar ideological beliefs.
    While that might be effective in some areas, not so much in governance, when you're supposed to be doing whats best for the people.
  13. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Seems to me like we have seen this before in the Bush II administration.
  14. Fungezoid Banned Banned

    If you believe this, you watch too much MSNBC and not enough Fox.
  15. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Sound like you might be watching too much Fox. I took my car to the shop today and while I sat quitely watching the TV which was tuned to CNN an old rather obese (and I am being very nice) lady walked in took one look at the channel and stormed out saying I ain't watching that commie channel.

    The incident struck me. I could not help but think of how a coach roach reacts to light. She had totally locked her mind to anything that was not presented to her from her authorized source (Fox). I was also greatly saddened that this is how she approaches life. Truth is totaly not relevant to this lady. Her ears are open only to those stories that are in line with her desired view of the world. This does not bode well for our country and society if she is typical of the American electorate.

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