Quantum Creationism

Discussion in 'Religion' started by danshawen, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. river

    Quantum Creationism

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  3. river

    The problem with Quantum Creationism , is that it limited to periodic table . Of which there is only 92 natural elements . Meaning no man made elements .

    Which implies that this creator has limits in the quantum realm.

    Which then implies limited creativity .

    Which then implies the creator needs beings to further understand the creators , understanding of things .
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2017
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  5. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Depending on how out there anyone wishes to go, yes, we are the eyes and ears and sensory organs of the Universe; we are how this event comes to know itself. Still, that's just a bit of microcosmic philosophical romanticism.
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  7. river


    Before your last statement , surprised !!!!! in a good way .

    To your last statement ;

    Not really . Any true Philosopher , thinker , one that ponders upon ...... , it is about truth .
  8. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    A bit over fifteen years ago:

    Turns out I only ever wrote it down, here, the one time. I think I had played with it a little bit over the course of a couple years, but quite obviously it was always just a weird bauble to me. It was also strange company to some weird theology, like the one about how if you've ever done the chaos bit with dice and triangles—Sierpinski triangle—you already know that it is possible to reasonably describe humanity as made in God's image, though we kind of render the word "God" very nearly meaningless in the process—were we supposed to have more fingers or toes or eyes or three nipples to the offspring, we would have. It's the one thing science and monotheism can agree on: If reality was supposed to be any different, it would be. Once upon a time, I found that stuff fascinating. And then one day I realized none of the religious people around me cared about that sort of stuff, and none of the atheists around me knew what I was on about because they never studied religion. No, really, it was always fun to watch other people in the room watching Dogma; among the people I knew, the atheists laughed at the obvious bits, most religious people laughed at the Catholics, and the Catholics laughed at pretty much everything, because, really, it's like Guinness and Dublin, when the closer you get the better it gets. Oh, right, I digress.

    Sorry ... the dope smells like candy, and tastes, weirdly, like ... er ... ah ... is there actually grape Tootsie?

    Never mind; effing astounding for the price point.

    Oh, right. Universe. Eyes. Ears. The thing is that I haven't ever figured out why it's important. Is the Universe ever going to wake up like a neural network? Can you imagine if it already has? I mean, I can't imagine the perspective, because it's all too human to think of expansion or contraction, and for some cosmic blink it's possible, and would the consciousness have time to know it was going to die, or would it be like a sperm whale crashing into a planet after accidentally transforming from a bowl of petunias? You know, just, "Oh, hey!" and, Boom!

    Sorry, I just needed filler to go with a fifteen year-old fragment.
  9. river


    I haven't either

    If we take all knowledge gained by all beings away from the source . Then what ?
  10. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    That's pretty much an exercise in speculation, isn't it? Still, though, even within that context I would suggest it would be hard to project because we don't know what pathways and processes we would be disrupted, leaving us with a formulation that goes, approximately, If mystery circumstance, then unknown outcome.

    If we identify being, knowledge, and Source, what, then, is the relationship? Being acquires data (knowledge) that goes to Source how, and what does Source do with data, thus, what is disrupted by cessation of that data flow?

    The mad scienist heads up to the lab, his requiring identification of both God and Its means of interacting with people, and he says, "Yeah, I'll have to get back to you on that one."
  11. river

    beings away from the source . Then what ?

    It is


    From the books I've been reading about the after life , and previous lives , the relationship between this being and us is information gathering , in ALL ologies of knowledge .

    Which goes through Souls

    Upon further thought , the information can not be cut off completely , some sources of information go extinct of course .

    Michael Newton , P.H.D. , His book , Journey of Souls ;

    On page 212 ;

    " Dr.N : In the Ring, can you look at life on planets beside Earth? "

    " S: I can't because I'm Programmed for tracking time on Earth.

    Why I picked this very brief context out , is because of S's response of " I'm programmed " .

    This to me is disturbing .
  12. river


    Would you read Micheal's book ?

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