The Logic of a UFO Sighting


Let's see if any of us can agree on some things, deducting these things by pure logic.

1. There are of course undeniably objects which people see on a daily basis which may be classed as a UFO, clearly being unidentified.

2. It should be noted then, that [possibly] many of these sightings are just misinterpreted as something else when they have conventional explanations

3. Some say as little as 4% of all UFO cases are real

4. Without guessing the facts, we do have hundreds of reports of UFO's entering the doorways to the Military Intelligence every year... a day can hold up to tens of tens of sightings across a country.

5. So it appears yes, UFO's are indeed real. How many of these UFO's display incredible technology? Some say, many sightings have shown a technology more advanced than our own.

6. It appears that many of the sightings in which an advanced technology has been witnessed has come straight out of UFO interaction with the Military.

7. In fact, most of all the cases before 1990, UFO's seem to have shown a particular interest with Military bases and with Military operations.

8. This would suggest that the Military and UFO's have a simple connection; question is, are most UFO's due to Military secret programs? Are they drones, for instance.

9. It would appear... no. Not all these objects are drones created by the Military. In fact, UFO's have on a number of occasions been hostile towards the Military. So that rules out immediately that all UFO's are part of a secret program created by the Military. Added to this, some remarkable UFO sightings have been seen over densely populated area's also suggested that the government has little control over these objects.

10. In the past, pilots who have been sent to intercept these objects have either; failed to intercept the object because the object appeared to know it was being chased and so often they fly off many times faster than the vehicles sent to chase them. One of the largest major UFO sightings happened when several UFO's flew over the capitol in 1952. Of course, the defence was notified and pilots had been scrambled. However, the head chief of the Military knew at that instance the objects where being driven by an intelligent control because as soon as one of the pilots even got close, the objects (being tracked by radar) sped off at incredible speeds to evade them. This is but one of many UFO sightings which have involved the Military. Secret memo's by the air force clearly shows there has been a silent interest in the UFO phenomenon, meaning that it should have been expected that the air force would not only downplay the UFO incident but also make public statements saying that they pose absolutely no risk to us: this statement in itself isn't even denying they exist!

11. So let's just quickly investigate the risk and see if their statement holds any water. At least three pilots have died or went missing in the american air force when sent to investigate the UFO's. Some of the best sightings are made by pilots - but rarer that they simply disappear suggesting that the UFO may have a hostile agenda as well. This depends on how we have treated UFO's as well... often with hostile intentions to shoot down. Not a good start. Of course, pilots have also came close to hitting many of the UFO's in question. Some have left haunting messages just seconds before they disappear of seeing objects unlike anything they have seen before. One pilot claimed he saw shooting stars... near one of these objects. Well, I know a bit about science and immediately I realized what that could be (interestingly no one in the UFO community has appeared to offer this explanation), it's called the shooting star phenomenon, it happens to astronauts when orbiting the Earth. Basically a flux of radiation passes through the area and through your body effecting your visuals. It certainly looks like there are shooting stars all over. Presumably, the object the pilot had seen was using some kind of high-powered device in the area which was using radiation - perhaps its means of propulsion. Radiation and electromagnetic fields (according to the Canadian Project Magnet) where important factors of UFO's - in fact most cases they investigated involved high levels of radiation which could be life threatening, as was the case for Cash-Landum, Piney Woods area. In this case, the family who were driving in the woods, two females and one young boy came across a UFO in the woods... which looked like there was something wrong with it. It was spitting out a molten/fire like spurt of energy from the lower half, probably some kind of leakage involved in it's propulsion. It was also circled by many helicopters... of military nature. And before you consider it to be a hoax and a lie, the whole family was strucken by severe cases of radiation poisoning and had to be treated for a number of weeks. The young boy, Colby, even to this day has not changed his story. Betty, the older lady however got the worse radiation burns, a lot of her hair fell out and her skin showed advanced radiation burns. They even took it to a high court in which the Military denied all knowledge of the incident. This is just a handful of cases I have spoke about, there appears to be many more cases in which UFO's have posed a direct threat to human life, such as the island of Colares where many residents reported being attack by UFO's, also using some kind of radiation or laser devices to cause some kind of damage.

Right so let's sum this up...

The UFO's are definitely real (at least some of them). Many of them have been reported by high-ranking officials working for the Military which add's integrity to the statement rather than relying on a civilian report. Clearly there have been a number of attempts by the Military and the government in whole to downplay the UFO phenomenon. Their main argument is that they don't pose any risk.

There is only one way they could know if they actually posed a risk... that is if the objects are under their control. But its hard to believe that since aircraft have been ordered to shoot these things down on a number of occasions and I have never read of a successful shoot-down. So immediately, something doesn't add up. If the UFO's pose no threat, why then have the Military been adamant to shoot them down? Obviously, there appears to be a direct cover-up to downplay as mentioned before. The objects have also shown a remarkable technology over the years which seem to exceed even our best at times.

From this alone, is it possible to determine some likely origins of the vehicles?
From this alone, is it possible to determine some likely origins of the vehicles?

Yes, I believe it is possible to determine the origin of the vehicles. The origin is from the minds of the gullible and/or deluded.
I think the biggest quirk of UFO sightings is the ideology that UFO = aliens now. how can it be called a UFO if you decide it's an alien spacecraft, if it's true then you technically can't call it a UFO, it becomes an IFO.
>1. There are of course undeniably objects which people see on a daily basis which may be classed as a UFO, clearly being unidentified.


>2. It should be noted then, that [possibly] many of these sightings are just misinterpreted as something else when they have conventional explanations

Right. By definition a UFO is not interpreted correctly.

>3. Some say as little as 4% of all UFO cases are real

All UFO cases are real. All are unidentified.

>4. Without guessing the facts, we do have hundreds of reports of UFO's entering the doorways to the Military Intelligence every year... a day can hold up to tens of tens of sightings across a country.

Right. Not surprising with all the aircraft, odd weather phenomena, satellites and astronomical events in the sky.

Let's say 1 in every 100,000 aircraft flight is mistaken for a UFO. That's an accuracy rate of 99.999% - pretty good! How many UFO sightings would there be a year?

>5. So it appears yes, UFO's are indeed real.

They are certainly real. There is no evidence they are space aliens.

>6. It appears that many of the sightings in which an advanced technology has been witnessed has come straight out of UFO interaction with the Military.

Many of the sightings of advanced technology, in fact, COME from the military.

>7. In fact, most of all the cases before 1990, UFO's seem to have shown a particular interest with Military bases and with Military operations.

Not surprising, since many of them come from military bases.

>8. This would suggest that the Military and UFO's have a simple connection; question is, are most UFO's due to Military secret programs? Are they drones, for instance.

Probably a lot of them are.

>9. It would appear... no. Not all these objects are drones created by the Military.

Right. Some are just mistaken airliners, balloons, planets, helicopters, ball lightning etc.

>10. In the past, pilots who have been sent to intercept these objects have either; failed to intercept the object because the object appeared to know it was being chased and so often they fly off many
>times faster than the vehicles sent to chase them.

Or they failed to catch up with Venus, or the reflection was gone by the time they got there.
Yes, I believe it is possible to determine the origin of the vehicles. The origin is from the minds of the gullible and/or deluded.

it is obvious that you are just an ignoramus who loves to argue.
even if it means you run your mouth continuously with complete ignorance on anything.
typical. :)
1. There are of course undeniably objects which people see on a daily basis which may be classed as a UFO, clearly being unidentified.
2. It should be noted then, that [possibly] many of these sightings are just misinterpreted as something else when they have conventional explanations
3. Some say as little as 4% of all UFO cases are real
If by "real" you mean "are alien spacecraft" as opposed to "are really unidentified", many people say 0% have proven to be alien spacecraft.
4. Without guessing the facts, we do have hundreds of reports of UFO's entering the doorways to the Military Intelligence every year... a day can hold up to tens of tens of sightings across a country.
I don't think the military tracks "ufo sightings" anymore.
5. So it appears yes, UFO's are indeed real. How many of these UFO's display incredible technology? Some say, many sightings have shown a technology more advanced than our own.
Again, you are being very sloppy with your wording there. The way it is worded is just circular: unidentified objects are indeed unidentified. But if you mean "are really alien spacecraft", no, you haven't come close to logically proving that they exist. All you did was make a couple of unsubstantiated claims.

The rest goes beyond unsubstantiated claims into a nonsensical fantasy land. A fictional narrative, not a line of logic.
Let's see if any of us can agree on some things, deducting these things by pure logic.

It's getting settled by direct observation, actually. (Courtesy of XKCD)

it is obvious that you are just an ignoramus who loves to argue.
even if it means you run your mouth continuously with complete ignorance on anything.
typical. :)

Oh for gods sake, stop being a clown! You claim you believe in aliens flying around the earth, telekinesis and telepathy. Do you believe in unicorns and elves too; it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. You are a gullible buffoon that will believe just about anything told to you with no supporting evidence. If you want to live in a fantasy world that is your choice, so sorry that my pointing out your silly position is so threatening to you. Hopefully you are young and when you grow up you will join the real world.

Good luck.
Oh for gods sake, stop being a clown! You claim you believe in aliens flying around the earth, telekinesis and telepathy. Do you believe in unicorns and elves too; it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. You are a gullible buffoon that will believe just about anything told to you with no supporting evidence. If you want to live in a fantasy world that is your choice, so sorry that my pointing out your silly position is so threatening to you. Hopefully you are young and when you grow up you will join the real world.Good luck.

How can we be sure that you're in the real world? Do you have a job? Do you support yourself?
Oh for gods sake, stop being a clown! You claim you believe in aliens flying around the earth, telekinesis and telepathy. Do you believe in unicorns and elves too; it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. You are a gullible buffoon that will believe just about anything told to you with no supporting evidence. If you want to live in a fantasy world that is your choice, so sorry that my pointing out your silly position is so threatening to you. Hopefully you are young and when you grow up you will join the real world.

Good luck.

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you are a joke,
my career shows me you have no clue what you are spewing.
i actually have a degree it's called a PhD.
i actually do science work.
but not on a tier two level i work on tier one level,
but you will not even understand what that means.

Yes, I see in your avatar your PhD is from Confused Idiot University. Well that certainly makes sense. ;)
Yup, kinda funny. I am heading back to reality, so I hope you enjoy your time in woo-woo land. You are a waste of my (or anyones) time.
it is you who is living in " woo-woo land ".
i'm a waste of time because i show who you are and what you are about,
which is nothing more than just an ignoramus who loves to argue.
even if it means you run your mouth continuously with complete ignorance on anything.
people who love to argue,
are not emotionally stable,

they thrive on confrontation and like the attention even if they are in the wrong.
but it's in these peoples personality's they can't help themselves.
a lot of times, people who argue have control issues, and need to be right.
some people are just naturally argumentative, and some people feel like they have to prove themselves.
interestingly, it is not uncommon for a naturally argumentative person to also be suffering from misconceptions
which render their arguments inaccurate
which makes it all the worse.
they don't really care about how it effects other people around them because they are immature and self centered.
and resorts to the more primitive brain center where they react.
it is terrible having to be around people who argue all of the time.
Given that all of your posts in this thread just argue and call people names - how do you live with yourself?

people who love to argue,
are not emotionally stable,

they thrive on confrontation and like the attention even if they are in the wrong.
but it's in these peoples personality's they can't help themselves.
a lot of times, people who argue have control issues, and need to be right.
some people are just naturally argumentative, and some people feel like they have to prove themselves.
interestingly, it is not uncommon for a naturally argumentative person to also be suffering from misconceptions
which render their arguments inaccurate
which makes it all the worse.
they don't really care about how it effects other people around them because they are immature and self centered.
and resorts to the more primitive brain center where they react.
it is terrible having to be around people who argue all of the time.
i have read every post in the last couple of days of yours and origin,
every single one is telling others that they are wrong with no knowledge of what you say is wrong on your part.
you both run your mouths continuously with complete ignorance on anything.