Should I believe my teacher?

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by FallingSkyward, May 21, 2006.

  1. FallingSkyward How much is there to know? Registered Senior Member

    My honors sociology teacher states quite frequently that, although he feels bad for the children/people in Africa, the best thing to do is to let them all die. To "cleanse the population."

    Apparently, it's best for Africa as a whole to not give money to charities. We should just let many of the people die, because overpopulation leads to less resources for all. He thinks this is the only way for Africa to become stable again.

    Wouldn't supporting healthy and educated children in Africa lead to a generation that is likely to lead Africa to become a more stable country?

    Is my sociology teacher, as I tend to believe, full of shit? Or is there any reason to his assertions?

    I just constantly feel like I'm being fed baseless information from him...and it makes me sick, because there are very few people who question him.
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  3. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    Actually I agree with him. Africa would have less problems if there were less population.
    They can not sustain themselves, so better if the survivors manage to do that on their own rather than the rest of the world keeps feeding them forever.

    Of course education would be just grand, but don't forget we're talking about a huge, overpopulated continent here. And you'll have to stop the uneducated killing the educated. And there is no saying that the educated ones will be pacifists.

    To put it simple - most africans are primitive people who can not govern themselves, but don't ever hesitate to kill someone from a neighbouring tribe.

    I think they just have to be left alone. Evolve or die.
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  5. FallingSkyward How much is there to know? Registered Senior Member

    Don't you think that the slave trade has a lot to do with the current state of Africa? Because millions of people were ripped from their homeland, disrupting culture, stabilty and mentality? Isn't it right to help out a country who would probably be doing alright if it weren't for this devastating practice?

    A lot of the population WILL inevitably die out because of AIDS anyway, why not educate the children who do not have it?

    As far as I know, most of the educational help in Africa is done through mission work...and whatever you have to say about Christianity, it does make it more likely that the children will grow up less inclined to violence.

    I think we have an obligation to help the future of Africa, and I'm not convinced that it isn't worthwhile.
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  7. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    90% of slave traders were africans themselves, european traders didn't venture in inner Africa, but bought slaves from kings that had settlements near shores. Africans sold themselves into slavery.
    realistically implausible
    If you do, you help. I don't.
  8. The thing about these charities is that it's a drop in the ocean.
    You all know the proverb: Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day etc etc

    Well this is no different. As a country Africa needs to be able to support itself, and with a population THAT big it's just not possible.

    The corruption of the leaders doesn't help matters either, but in a country of that size and poverty Corruption is inevitable.

    And yes giving kids an education is a good thing to do, but employment isn't exactly rife.

    And not to mention the warlords who control EVERYTHING

    As much as i want to help. And as much as we's just not possible
  9. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    As I said: evolve or die.
    There is no other solution for Africa,
    unless you bring back the colonial regimes.
  10. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    May I be the firs to congratulate fetusfajitas on a singularily ignorant and inept post. If you are so in favour of eugenics as a means of advancing civilisation, may I suggest you volunteer a personal contribution.
    Do you have enough of an education to understand the principle of levers? If so, you will understand that a small force, appropriately applied, can move a very large mass. So it is with the better charities.
    Yes, we all know it. Apparently you don't understand it. The major work of charities in Africa is not the headline grabbing disaster relief where they drop sacks of rice out of helicopters, but a slow, steady building of sustainable local economies. They are teaching men to fish..
    I was fascinated to learn that Africa is a country. Remarkable. This will come as a shock to the dozens of leaders of what were thought to be sovereign states.
    And are you aware that the population of Africa is comparatively low? Apparently not. Your ignorance is nothing to be ashamed of, but I would not have thought you would wish to advertise it so publicly.
    Here we go with the country thing again. I guess China, India and the US must be incredibly corrupt then. Much worse than Africa.
    I suggest you study some basic economic theory. Countries advance economically in rough proportion to the education of their inhabitants. Education is one of the major solutions to the problems of Africa, and one that many of the charites are actively involved in.
    Everything? Really? Even allowing for hyperbole this is an invalid statement.
    Oh well then. We'd better just give up hadn't we? Prat!

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    FallingSkyward, trust your instincts on this one. Your teacher is full of BS. The planet is overpopulated, true. But letting the poorest die is not the answer. If we choose that route then our humanity perishes along with their lives.
  11. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    Why not the answer? The show will go on, I can live without my "humanity", if there is such.

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    And not the poorest, but the most primitive ones, who are a problem for themselves and others. They can not govern themselves. But they mostly only slaughter each other. Let them!
    As for me, I'm for bringing back the colonial regimes.
  12. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    The destiny of sub-Saharan Africa has been disrupted by every nearby civilization since there were nearby civilizations. The Persians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs, the Ottomans, the English, the Spanish, they've all meddled. Keeping them down, using them as a source of slave labor and cheap trinkets.

    It's bogus to dismiss their cultures as inferior just because they never developed their own civilizations. Neither did we, unless you happen to be Chinese, Indian, or a descendant of the Sumerians or ancient Egyptians. We are all descended from barbarians who were conquered by one of those four original civilizations, one of which hasn't even survived because it was clobbered by one of the others.

    The fact that they can't "govern" themselves or in other ways adapt to the "modern" world is due to our having thrust that world upon them. It takes thousands of years for a people to evolve from the Stone Age into the Industrial Era, and we've expected them to do it in a couple of centuries. We can't be smug about them not having risen out of the Stone Age because our ancestors didn't manage to do it either. For most of us they were all Stone Age barbarians clomping around Europe until the Greeks or Romans forced them to adapt and they went off after being assimilated and built their own copies of Greece or Rome.

    The British and other colonial powers were actually trying to do that. Not that I sympathize with that tactic, but once they started it was awfully risky to stop in mid-course. The European colonizers destroyed their existing tribal boundaries, drew some arbitrary lines on a map, and forced people to live together who had nothing in common. With the help of the Arabs they forced alien monotheistic religions down their throats so they lost their moral and ethical bearings.

    And then... we injected modern medicine into the mix, which caused a dramatic drop in infant mortality so every couple now has six or eight children who survive into adulthood instead of three or four. This for a people who instinctively regard large families as necessary for survival. And we criticize them for their population explosion?

    Look what happened to the Incas and the Aztecs. And they had been left alone long enough to actually discover agriculture and metallurgy and had invented their own civilizations. The Europeans still took over and ruined them. How can anyone expect the Africans, who were about four thousand years behind them in development, which is just an eyeblink in the history of Homo sapiens, to fare any better?

    If any of you could travel back a few thousand years in time and observe your own ancestors at the point in their development that sub-Saharan Africa was at in the 1700s, you'd be ashamed of them.
  13. FallingSkyward How much is there to know? Registered Senior Member


    90 percent seems like a large number... I did a half-assed search on google and came up with nothing...any sources?

    and...can you tell me how it's implausible?
  14. FallingSkyward How much is there to know? Registered Senior Member

    It makes me very happy to hear this; especially from you, Ophiolite! I was actually going to spout off something about a small number of people being able to change the course of things -- it makes me feel better that you're supporting my thoughts.

    This is a particularly gripping topic for me as I am likely going to Ghana to volunteer this upcoming's definitely disheartening to hear people say horrible things about the future of Africa and it's inhabitants..

    So thank you for the thoroughly human response. =)
  15. oxypunk101 Registered Member

    It is apparent much of the world is over populated. There is not enough recourse to give everyone the high standard of living they desire. For those of us living in the United States, Europe, and Australia for the most part are very lucky to oblivious to what conditions are like else where.

    The most effective thing I can think up is to control the birth rate to limit the population. No one has to let any one die, and we can continue to help them. But imagine if the worlds population decreased like hell how much more recourses could be distributed, assuming the recourses did not all end up in a few rich peoples hands, among people. Although, I can not say I see how sending them food is any good. If people want to help the people of Africa, it should be done through education or something to that effect. Sending food is just prolonging the inevitable if that is all we do to help them. Same goes for other places such as India.
  16. Mosheh Thezion Registered Senior Member

    Your teacher, is a heartless piece of crap.

    If he was not, then he would realise that it is coruption and war, which keeps africa in its state of poverty.

    It is just easier for some intelectuals to lose their heart, than try and think of some serious solutions.

    I have those solutions, yet no means to implement them.

    To accomplish this goal, i will either need to go there, or send someone.

  17. Huwy Secular Humanist Registered Senior Member

    spermicidal corn anyone?

    *braces for attacks*
  18. Xerxes asdfghjkl Valued Senior Member

    I think your teacher has been spending too much time in his study and not enough in the real world. It's a common problem among pedagogues.
  19. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    He's racist and you should piss on his car.
  20. FallingSkyward How much is there to know? Registered Senior Member


    If people are hungry, they will not focus on learning or an education, but surviving. The food that is being distributed now is most likely harboring an environment that is more conductive to learning.
  21. Pete It's not rocket surgery Registered Senior Member

    Shitting on his windscreen would make a clearer statement

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  22. G. F. Schleebenhorst England != UK Registered Senior Member

    I agree completely with your teacher.
  23. SkinWalker Archaeology / Anthropology Moderator

    Any teacher who makes a statement like that should be reported to the school's administration and work done to get the person removed from his/her post.

    Most of Africa's problems, past and present, are a result of Western exploitation. Many people have an incomplete and incorrect picture of Africa as a continent of starving people living in squalor and poverty. While its true that this does exist, primarily in the urban and industrialized centers, most of Africa is not like this.

    Even in the most "primitive," rural regions, African people live well and are satisfied. The poverty and hunger that exist here and there are a result of wars and conflicts that have their roots in Western controls of nations. Africa was once split and 'given' to various European nations for governing and, only recently, have many of the nations been allowed to govern themselves.

    Rather than be allowed to develop systems of government from within, these nations had systems of government imposed upon them, many or most were colonial systems. When the Western governments of France, Portugual, England, Belgium, etc. "gave" nations like Gambia, Malta, and Sierra Leone their independence, these nations were faced with the problem of maintaining infrastructure and centralized governance. Many factions within each nation wanted power and power changed hands frequently with coup after coup.

    Despite the fact that most of the European governments are not directly involved in African nations, there is still a heavy influence of Western governments and corporations -mostly for resources like oil, gold, diamonds, and other precious resources that are ultimately removed from the African continent rather than kept there for development purposes.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006

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