Zombies; What say you?

What makes you think zombies aren't in outer spaces as well?



You think space zombies are bad, wait till you see:


Nazi Zombies!!!!!!
Space zombies. Nazi zombies. It's clear you're just not taking this issue seriously. Troll.
Fla. college ready for flesh-eating zombie attack

GAINESVILLE, Fla. - No one expects a zombie apocalypse. But the University of Florida is making sure officials are ready for a night of the living dead, just in case. The school has a plan for responding to the undead on its Web site among outlines for dealing with hurricanes and pandemics.

The exercise lays out how university officials would respond to attacks by "flesh-eating, apparently life impaired individuals." It notes that a zombie outbreak might include "documentation of lots of strange moaning."

A University of Florida spokesman says the exercise was written by an employee at the school's academic technology office to "add a little bit of levity" to disaster preparation discussions.


On The Net: Zombie Attack, Disaster Preparedness Simulation Exercise

They have a .pdf on it.

AND for your additional reading pleasure, go to cracked.com and read their article "5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen" I would have posted the links but I am new and this is only my second post, moderators say that I have to get to 20 to be able to post links. :(

There is also a company that makes actual zombie tools :eek: for the coming zombie attack.
Well, you always know they're serious when they make a pdf on it. Anyone can write a Word document; only the truly professional are able to locate the "Save as PDF" option.
"Well, you always know they're serious when they make a pdf on it. Anyone can write a Word document; only the truly professional are able to locate the "Save as PDF" option."

LOL! Damn straight! Better get ready to drop a few hundred for your next Zombie Tool, go to zombietools.net to place your order! :D