Brains!!! Brains make the pain of being dead go away!
I thought it was good, especially Bill Murray, but there was a striking scientific flaw. If the bite of a zombie causes you to turn into a zombie, then the blood is probably also infectious, and yet when you shoot or fight them, blood splatters into the air. So, anyone who shoots one at close range or cuts them will probably get infected too. They should have been wearing hazmat suits in order to fight them. Also, is it that hard to find a secure building or location where the zombies aren't there?
In the beginning it's quite suspenseful (few jump scares as well), then it becomes gross, and finally it's hilarious (few jokes made me laugh my ass off)Ok, I'll try and remember. Apparently its not on DVD yet, so it may be a while. It says its campy violent, so I'm gonna guess its like Shawn of the Dead and Zombieland
Plazma, is it funny?
RotLD is for sure one of the best zombie movies.Brains!!! Brains make the pain of being dead go away!