Zip Gun


Valued Senior Member
Please do not post instructions on how to construct dangerous weapons.
It's so darn easy to make a gun. All you need is ... [deleted].
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Why would you want to?

Just buy a gun.

Over here you could not buy the shotgun shells ... can you make shotgun shells?

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In my travels in America (USA) ,over a period of no more than six months over 40 years ago I was physically threatened in different circumstances and with varying degrees of directness on 3 separate occasions with a gun and once verbally with dispatch into the Boston river by my boss when I disagreed with his policy of pay by drip installments.(his weapon on choice being a length of rubber hosing).

I also met a man who gave me a 36 hour lift lift who told me the purpose of his trip was to kill his horse so as not to allow it to become the property of his wife (or ex-wife ;can't remember)

On my return to Europe it felt like a return to civilization but I am no longer so sure.
Get a water pistol and fill it with lemon juice if you want protection...and if you feel protection is teally needed get a hand gun and wear it on your hip.
Spend your smoke money on guns and locks maybe if you are really worried.
Get a water pistol and fill it with lemon juice if you want protection...and if you feel protection is teally needed get a hand gun and wear it on your hip.
Spend your smoke money on guns and locks maybe if you are really worried.
You are talking to a guy who woke up to an early morning intruder in his house. It was only good luck that the guy wasn't a killer, though he was wacked out on drugs.
Only in America, or maybe in parts of central Africa, can such a dystopian precaution be seriously needed.:rolleyes:
True. I generally haven't a passion for guns. The last one I owned leaned against the wall in my closet for years before I sold it. I never thought there was an honest need for one until one morning I found myself holding a table lamp and was walking into my kitchen to confront an intruder.
99% of the people should NOT depend on a firearm for home defense.
Get a dog.

In my travels in America (USA) ,over a period of no more than six months over 40 years ago I was physically threatened in different circumstances and with varying degrees of directness on 3 separate occasions with a gun and once verbally

I've lived in this country for 70 odd years including in inner cities and have never had that experience.
You must have a strange attraction for the peculiarly violent loonies out there.
True. I generally haven't a passion for guns. The last one I owned leaned against the wall in my closet for years before I sold it. I never thought there was an honest need for one until one morning I found myself holding a table lamp and was walking into my kitchen to confront an intruder.
...and only in America would one wish to have a gun in such a situation....
....because the intruder, er, might have a gun......

And on and on it goes.
...and only in America would one wish to have a gun in such a situation....
....because the intruder, er, might have a gun......

And on and on it goes.
Yes, that is a possibility. Life is dangerous...on rare occasions.
I've lived in this country for 70 odd years including in inner cities and have never had that experience.
You must have a strange attraction for the peculiarly violent loonies out there.
I accept that as a possible explanation.
I did like the other people I met but ,as you imply the experiences I had were off the wall.

I had often thought of looking for a ghost writer as I had enough material for a book.
You are talking to a guy who woke up to an early morning intruder in his house. It was only good luck that the guy wasn't a killer, though he was wacked out on drugs.
Less smokes more locks.
Would you have shot him if you had a zip gun?
What about getting a dog?
Try not to let one small event upset you too much.
They cost a fortune. If you are a hunter, it might be the most practical thing to do, but if you're thinking about home defense, a zip gun would be fine.
fire arms for self defense in the home only work when 2 things are pre existing
1 you train often and have experience in high strss situations to function in specific ways(most people dont have that)
2 you shoot first the moment you see them

most situations the person has the gun taken off them or is unable to use it through lack of knowledge or pratice.

because the vast majority of such people never train to use the gun, never train to use the gun in high stress situations and have no tactical training in active shooter take down via a gun in the home.
the only real statistical risk having the gun is the children find it and kill themselves or robbers find it and use it against the family.

lastly, target identification s a HUGE issue and you clearly see self stated expert shooters shoot the best friends & family members dead all the time while out hunting.
Less smokes more locks.
Recently kids were making a sport of kicking in locked doors then running away. The only value of a locked door is that you will hear the intruder crashing through your door.
Would you have shot him if you had a zip gun?
It would depend on the evolution of the moment, my assessment of the threat.
What about getting a dog?
Our dog is a great barker, but the home defense would fall on me.
Try not to let one small event upset you too much.
Finding a drug induced intruder in your kitchen is no small event.
In my travels in America (USA) ,over a period of no more than six months over 40 years ago I was physically threatened in different circumstances and with varying degrees of directness on 3 separate occasions with a gun and once verbally with dispatch into the Boston river by my boss when I disagreed with his policy of pay by drip installments.(his weapon on choice being a length of rubber hosing).

I also met a man who gave me a 36 hour lift lift who told me the purpose of his trip was to kill his horse so as not to allow it to become the property of his wife (or ex-wife ;can't remember)

On my return to Europe it felt like a return to civilization but I am no longer so sure.
In Montana once I had a bartender threaten to shoot me. She wouldn't even show me her gun but I don't doubt that she had one under the bar. On the same trip, I saw a sheriff - it might have been Jackie Gleason - with a howitzer on his hip. Biggest gun I ever saw. I wonder how he could walk with it, much less shoot straight.

I don't go there any more.

I like guns better than dogs but I wouldn't want either one in my house.
The only value of a locked door is that you will hear the intruder crashing through your door.
Yes. Security 101:
No lock, door or safe - including Fort Knox - is designed to stop an intruder.

They are designed first to discourage casual entry, and second to make concerted entry take long enough and/or make enough commotion to draw a person in to stop the crime. (since no lock or door will stop a criminal who has all the time and privacy in the world.)