but you gotto admit. Bhagra music is everywhere. Every friggin hindi movie you see, you get that type of music [most of it anyways], the movies don't have a good plot to begin's usually one of these stories
1. guy and girl fall in love. some conflict and stuff. story starts of funny, then gets serious
2. a bunch of guys fall in love with one girl. they all compete to win the girl's heart.
3. guy's parents are killed when he younger and he swears revenge. he grows up, falls in love with the daughter of the person who he is trying to get revenge on. daughter understands the need of revenge. huge fake fight scene. villian dead..end of story..
it usually that, or a combination of those..
yup...movies got bhangra, and every other's's annoying now..
but nah...I'm just trying to point the "few" flaws in listening to bhangra again and again with the same beat...again and again.