It is not a simple explanation. It raises more questions than it addresses. That crust shift of yours couldn't have happened by magic (or maybe it could, who knows?). It couldn't have happened without colossal upsets to climate all over the world. We're talking super earthquakes, super-volcanoes, super-tsunamis, massive liquidation of the surface to magma, etc.
Yes. Climate change. It happens. We know it happens. It's happened many, many times in Earth's history.
OK, you think you've proved yor idea. You're a fool.
It all happened, but am not so sure about super-volcanoes... Even if there were eruptions of some super-volcanoes, they would still stay in shadow of the gigantic comet impact (it's pure magic) and it's debris to fly many thousands of kilometers.
The massive liquidation of the surface took also place, but not exactly to magma, but something the same hot and liquid, by the debris after the impact. That is how the biggest deserts on Earth occured.
It raises more questions in your mind, because it forces to review all your so called "known facts"... But they are very poorly explained with your old theories, and not nice and simple with just one earth's crust shift by 15 degrees.
I mean, let's take for example the origin of water on our planet, ok? There is an explanation by the official science, that it was brought to the Earth by meteorites with some portion of ice in them. You see, there is an explanation that you can just take and be happy with, but for someone who may have the ability to think and use his brain, it may be not enough, or just total crap when you see all the oceans, that occupy 71% of the surface of the planet and no loss of landmass on it. But I am talking already about some things out of the better model...
Again, I could go more in detail, and bring dozens of facts about the mammoths found in the permafrost region of northern Siberia, that even Darwin couldn't explain... yes, he had a try with explaining the evidence we have on Siberian mammoths, but failed... And, of course, anyone on the forum will fail by explaining it with the known official things they tell us in school.
Quote from the book "The pole shift that sank Atlantis":
Charles Darwin, who denied the occurrence of continental catastrophes in the past, in a letter to Sir Henry Howorth admitted that the extinction of mammoths in Siberia was for him an insoluble problem. J. D. Dana, the leading American geologist of the second half of the last century, wrote: “The encasing in ice of huge elephants, and the perfect preservation of the flesh, shows that the cold finally became suddenly extreme, as of a single winter's night, and knew no relenting afterward.”In the stomachs and between the teeth of the mammoths were found plants and grasses that do not grow now in northern Siberia. “The contents of the stomachs have been carefully examined; they showed the undigested food, leaves of trees now found in Southern Siberia, but a long way from the existing deposits of ivory. Microscopic examination of the skin showed redblood corpuscles, which was a proof not only of a sudden death,but that the death was due to suffocation either by gases or water,evidently the latter in this case. But the puzzle remained to account for the sudden freezing up of this large mass of flesh soas to preserve it for future ages.”
It's hard to learn something new, specially on things you already thought you knew for good, isn't it?