Yes, I think life is likely in the universe, probably even some intelligent life, but so what? That doesn't change anything about the lack of evidence of alien life coming to Earth.
All due respect, but we've had conversations before and I realized your knowledge on the UFO phenomenon lacked amazingly. Somehow, you think there is no evidence of alien life coming to Earth...
... There are to date, thousands of military personnel who have been involved in and have testified to infiltrations of their military bases by UFO's. The greater majority of these individuals testify that they believe what they saw where extraterrestrial aircraft... and many of them still to this day go across the world to tell their stories at conventions. And they are not just stories... you can tell straight away, these men are very important, they are not your average Joe.
Scientists, back in the 1940's who witnessed orb UFO's above the Los Alamos lab was interviewed by a scientific adviser/reporter, the scientists conclusions where... ''that the objects were most likely probes, projected from a larger ship hundreds miles above them.''
So don't come in here please and spread your propaganda on the subject just because you are ignorant. The UFO phenomenon has plenty evidence to support the ET hypothesis. In fact, the original scientific investigation the Military concluded was that the ET explanation was the most likely explanation for the phenomenon. Well... a top general didn't like this and immediately closed down 'Project Sign' and replaced it with hired scientists specifically chosen for their... aptitude in debunking UFO phenomenon... or at least this is what the government wanted the public to believe.
We know this, because it's successor, Blue Book, it's scientific advisor Dr. Hynek admitted, their job was simple... They were to make their investigations look objective and propose rational explanations to the UFO events they could answer... which in it's totality, wasn't many, he admitted. So understand, you don't really know what you are talking about. The evidence is there... you just need to know where to look.