As for microtubules, there was a thread that ran for years, in which all you managed to do was to cut and paste from articles written by other people that you couldn't understand.
Whilst your assessment of Write4U's ability to assimilate what he posts is probably accurate, this "reporting" actually fulfilled a useful purpose - if one took it at face value.
The "microtubules as consciousness" topic is intriguing, but not quite captivating enough - for me at least - to justify the effort necessary to stay current.
Write4U saved me the trouble of researching it, basically providing the equivalent of a pop-sci 'zine dedicated to the subject - after all, I could count on no stone being left unturned. One man's junk, another's treasure, and all that...
Within the remainder of Write4U's posts, seemingly comprised of equal parts random buzzwords, copy & paste definitions, pseudoscientific drivel and personal ramblings , I find no such value.
This may be a slight overstatement, I admit to a mild curiosity regards Tegmark's mathematical universe, but only approximately as much as roused by the astrology section of the daily paper. (If there was such a thing as newspapers, these days)
Furthermore, since these posts tend to be served with a giant side of dust-cloud, apparently thrown up in an attempt to confuse and confound his detractors, whatever intrinsic meaning may have once existed is completely obscured.
For this reason, I question the wisdom of the track currently pursued - is it an attempt to "educate" Write4U?
Surely 600+ posts spent going round in circles would have exhausted any entertainment value...
If "education" is the goal, I think that might be the wrong word - perhaps "deconversion," or "indoctrination therapy" would be a more appropriate label. I believe he has been accused of evangelizing and preaching a time or two - but, I'm not sure if that's being applied quite as literally as required - if everyone is truly cognizant of how spot-on it is.
It is quite easy to see what Write4U is "up to," though it leads to a characterization I'm sure he will vehemently oppose. In all fairness, Write4U may not even be aware of how badly he is infected, so let's play a simple word game to illustrate.
Let's play "Exchange," in this case, exchanging "God" for every mention by Write4u of "mathematics," or its equivalent...
• Oh but I consider that a contradiction. You just used a mathematical expression to make an argument against
maths God.
• All these theories are always discussed in
mathematical Godly terms.
• Functions are
mathematically God ordered, results are physically expressed.
• "Probability" is a
mathematical Godly term, because it describes a
mathematically logical Godly process.
• The concept of evolution rests in part on
probability God.
• This is a
mathematical Godly expression using
numbers, equations, and geometry God to describe an event.
• That is proof of the effectiveness of
mathematics God. It makes everything orderly and repeatable.
Mathematics are God is the foundation of determinism.
• In this example the "agent" (guiding principle) can be a
mathematical Godly function.
• ... I used the term
"determinism" "God" as sufficient to bestow purpose ...
• Such as the Venus Flytrap, with the ability to capture prey via a
mathematical Godly (threshold) triggering equation.
• When I say
"potential" "God", I mean "that which may become expressed in reality" .
• When I say
"function" "God" it refers to ability to perform a specific pupose or role, nothing more, nothing less.
• I am ignorant on all topics but 2. The
mathematical Godly nature of Universal mechanics and Microtubules.
• My aim is to gain a deeper understanding of
universal mechanics God.
• ... are we looking at a non-existent terrain, or is a map really descriptive of a real terrain in
codified mathematical Godly terms.
• If these "terrains" did not exists how could we apply
these codified mathematics God and get predictable results.[?]
• Humans have invented a codified language that closely approximates
universal mechanics God.
Maths God works in the human world. There is no reason why
they God should not work in the non-human world.
• And the maps we have drawn work practically in all facets where humans imitate
universal mechanics God.
• I have always recognized and separated human codified mathematics from
the inherently abstract universal mathematical principles God
• We know the universe is a dynamic structure. But does that negate the concept of
mathematically God guided dynamic?
• I don't accept that even in a multiverse there might be universes with [a] different
mathematics God.
• I have not heard a conclusive refutation that a
mathematically (logically) God functioning Universe is not a potential viable hypothesis
• Observed examples of naturally occurring
Fibonacci God sequence.
• Moreover you are completely ignoring the qualifier "underlying" which specifically is not physical but
"abstract" "God".
• You and I have a fundamental disagreement about the term
"mathematical" "God".
• You can only see
mathematics God as a human invention, rather than as a human observation and codifying of underlying natural...
• I see the universe as possessing natural self-ordering properties that are
mathematical Godly in essence
That's from just the last three pages, before I tired and after I substantially pared it down.
Now I ask, which version is easier to comprehend when read plainly? The edits read pretty clearly to me...
Which version more quickly leads the reader to what Write4u is really trying to express? Even if he is not aware of it?
So... If you intend to drag Write4U from his cozy li'l theistic bubble, kicking and screaming, into the harsh sunlight of secularism, I hope you're up to the task. Because, a Herculean task it will be. Personally, I would prefer relegating him back to the role of "Head Microtubule Reporter," but I also realize this is supposed to be a discussion forum, not a blog.
Nonetheless, in the final analysis, let's also consider how to best serve the interests of all concerned...
What say you? And, what is the end game?