Would've, Could've, Should've

North Cali Sammy

Registered Member
They say youth is wasted on the young. Looking back at my own, there are plenty of regrets. In a nutshell, I wish I had put more effort in being me, being who I really was without being influenced by those around me, people just like me, influenced by the people around them. I guess we were keeping each other in their proper place. How stifling the social order can be for children.
They say youth is wasted on the young. Looking back at my own, there are plenty of regrets. In a nutshell, I wish I had put more effort in being me, being who I really was without being influenced by those around me, people just like me, influenced by the people around them. I guess we were keeping each other in their proper place. How stifling the social order can be for children.
Every society imposes its rules and mores on its children. In the more liberal cultures, young people - say, 15-21 - are allowed some leeway in exploring ways of thinking and living different from those of their parents. In conservative ones, they are punished for or at least discouraged from attempting any deviation from the prescribed norm. Some personalities are strong and independent; can withstand opposition and seek their own style; most are pliant and go along with the majority.
There is little to be gained from regretting which route one took. In either case, the life thus lived had rewards as well as pitfalls.
What one can do, in later life, is seize all opportunities to do those things, have those experiences we missed earlier.

As for youth being wasted on the young, I beg to differ. In later life, I lacked the stamina and cockeyed optimism to have the fun I had in my youth.
...and how were you not being you...?
My creativity was expressed but in small order. My imagination was expressed but in small order. My dreams were expressed but in small order. There's nothing worse than a school counselor who shoots down a youngster's aspirations for the future, because they are not practical.
They say youth is wasted on the young. Looking back at my own, there are plenty of regrets. In a nutshell, I wish I had put more effort in being me, being who I really was without being influenced by those around me, people just like me, influenced by the people around them. I guess we were keeping each other in their proper place. How stifling the social order can be for children.
Yeah regrets, plenty but it's best not to dwell because the bottom line is nothing can be changed from the past.
My creativity was expressed but in small order. My imagination was expressed but in small order. My dreams were expressed but in small order. There's nothing worse than a school counselor who shoots down a youngster's aspirations for the future, because they are not practical.
When you left school did you then express your creativity in large order?
When you left school did you then express your creativity in large order?
I did but didn't have the guidance that would have been helpful. I took up oil painting when I should have started with acrylics (more affordable). However, I didn't live my life creatively and just sorta let it unfold, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it would have been more interesting had I played with the possibilities. Life is a creative force and can lead you through interesting trails. I'm not complaining. There was lots of love.
When you left school did you then express your creativity in large order?
I did but didn't have the guidance that would have been helpful. I took up oil painting when I should have started with acrylics (more affordable). However, I didn't live my life creatively and just sorta let it unfold, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it would have been more interesting had I played with the possibilities. Life is a creative force and can lead you through interesting trails. I'm not complaining. There was lots of love.
I did but didn't have the guidance that would have been helpful. I took up oil painting when I should have started with acrylics (more affordable). However, I didn't live my life creatively and just sorta let it unfold, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it would have been more interesting had I played with the possibilities. Life is a creative force and can lead you through interesting trails. I'm not complaining. There was lots of love.
There are water mixable oil paints, less smelly.:)
There's nothing worse than a school counselor who shoots down a youngster's aspirations for the future, because they are not practical.
Well, there's crucifixion.... School counselors are meant to guide you in educational paths and career options - precisely to show you what's available and what's practical. If you wanted an artistic mentor, you should have apprenticed to a painter. You couldn't paint much if you were unable to earn the money for materials.
Well, there's crucifixion.... School counselors are meant to guide you in educational paths and career options - precisely to show you what's available and what's practical. If you wanted an artistic mentor, you should have apprenticed to a painter. You couldn't paint much if you were unable to earn the money for materials.
I loved my art classes in school.
So did I, but I sure couldn't make a living with art - and I gave it a couple of serious shots.... after learning an employable trade. It's been a great, if sometimes expensive, hobby.
I had a job that required some artistic skills, and it offer a good wage with benefits.