Would you eat cloned meat?


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Meat from the offspring of a cloned cow was eaten in the UK last year, the Food Standards Agency has said.

Two bulls from the embryos of a cow cloned in the US were bought by a farm near Nairn in the Highlands, and meat from one was sold to consumers.

Clicky clicky > http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-10859866

Would you?, wouldn't you?, personally i don't know, and yes you may not know if you did, but if you knew, would you?.
Yes, I would. Not that I’d go out of my way to specifically do so. But if the meat from cloned animals is sold at supermarkets and butchers I won’t specifically avoid such products.

There’s no logical reasonable scientific or health reason not to eat the meat from cloned livestock. People may choose some sort of misplaced ethical reason not to, of course.
Only asking as this woman i work with is on her soapbox about it.

Cloned meet giving you cancer and all this...
i don't eat non-cloned meat and i wouldn't eat cloned meat either. the problem i have with it is that our production and consumption practices are so unnatural and detrimental to animals and to ourselves. i only see cloning as exacerbating the problem with a complete disregard for life and quality of life.
I would prefer meat grown apart from a living animal, I think that will happen soon.
the problem i have with it is that our production and consumption practices are so unnatural and detrimental to animals and to ourselves.

Are you referring specifically to the cloning of animals (cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer) or to farming and livestock practices in general? If the former, in what way is the production and farming of cloned animals any more “unnatural and detrimental” than traditional practices?

i only see cloning as exacerbating the problem....

How? Be specific.

with a complete disregard for life and quality of life.

Please explain.

We all eat cloned meat anyway. Veterinarians regularly create "twins" of cows and inseminate females with the embryos.

Would you?, wouldn't you?, personally i don't know, and yes you may not know if you did, but if you knew, would you?.

No, I wouldn't. I'm principally against cloning altogether.

I'm sure the above contains some sort of linguistical error. It just doesn't look right.
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We all eat cloned meat anyway. Veterinarians regularly create "twins" of cows and inseminate females with the embryos.



I take it that it's not the kind of cloning that the OP speaks of?
Anyway, do you have some more info on it?

I take it that it's not the kind of cloning that the OP speaks of?
Anyway, do you have some more info on it?

My sister breeds cows for a living.

She actually "extracts" the sperm from the bulls, slips gloves on and inseminates the cows. She also sells the sperm to animal clinics to make embryos. It's common place here in the States.

I'm sure it can be googled. I'll dig for info when I get home from work this evening.

do they still have the bull hump a fake bull and vagina with the person underneath collecting the sperm? if so that is one disturbing job to have.

job description: "red rocket technician" lol
Love to hear her sources. Maybe she thinks cloning involves irradiation. Which itself, a separate thing, isn't an issue to me either.

Oh i did ask where she heard this. Now don't take this the wrong way but her family originate from Jamaica and most stuff she comes out with seems to be anti England and/or UK. I believe (having recently woke up as i work nights) she did quote something about having different digestive systems and that 'her' people as she quoted, are more suseptible (sp?) to cancer from this type of food.

And to look at her she's had more than the odd 'big meal' if you know what i mean.

Personally i think she's chatting shit. :D
do they still have the bull hump a fake bull and vagina with the person underneath collecting the sperm? if so that is one disturbing job to have.

job description: "red rocket technician" lol

i wanna do that! what a great job. :)

do you think you need any work experience?