Worst. Sunburn. Ever.


Killer Queen
Registered Senior Member
In advance: Shut up, and I hate you for whatever joke you're going to make. ;)

Everything is so sunburned, it's blistered. EVERYTHING. I wore sunscreen. I'm not that pale.

I'm red all over except in my hairline because it's so thick. My upper back, butt, stomach, shoulders, chest, and nose have blisters. Now, in his infinite wisdom, my dad suggested vinegar. That was terrible. I've been using aloe, some kind of sunburn gel, Benedryl, and prescription pain medication. So right now my plan is to go to my doctor tomorrow and sit around without clothes on seeing no one today.

I also realize this is a little funny, or a lot funny if you're not the one sticking to your chair. Any suggestions are welcome about certain things, like what I've dubbed "sun herpes." I don't think my explanations are needed. Thanks.
In advance: Shut up, and I hate you for whatever joke you're going to make. ;)

haha, umm no... how did it happen?

Everything is so sunburned, it's blistered. EVERYTHING. I wore sunscreen. I'm not that pale.
I always thought you were black for some reason...

I'm red all over except in my hairline because it's so thick. My upper back, butt, stomach, shoulders, chest, and nose have blisters. Now, in his infinite wisdom, my dad suggested vinegar. That was terrible. I've been using aloe, some kind of sunburn gel, Benedryl, and prescription pain medication. So right now my plan is to go to my doctor tomorrow and sit around without clothes on seeing no one today.

I also realize this is a little funny, or a lot funny if you're not the one sticking to your chair. Any suggestions are welcome about certain things, like what I've dubbed "sun herpes." I don't think my explanations are needed. Thanks.

Do you really need to go to the doctor? I thought sunburns are just one of those things that take time to heal. Then again I never had one with blisters... ouch.

Just go read a bunch of books you have been planning on reading but put a side, you have the perfect excuse.

Oh and cold showers are nice.
I once had a sunburn that caused all these little clear blisters that were filled with water. They popped,popped,and popped until they were all popped. They didn't leave any scars. :)
haha, umm no... how did it happen?

I always thought you were black for some reason...

Do you really need to go to the doctor? I thought sunburns are just one of those things that take time to heal. Then again I never had one with blisters... ouch.

Just go read a bunch of books you have been planning on reading but put a side, you have the perfect excuse.

Oh and cold showers are nice.

My dad is partially black/Hispanic with some white on his mom's side, as I understand it. My mom's white. One brother looks black as coal. Other one looks almost white and has straight hair and tan skin. I have pretty light skin and eyes and dark wavy hair. Ain't genetics grand?

Some of the places these are kind of warrant needing doctor's attention, up to and including my nipples. It's WAY funnier than it sounds.

I was outside a lot in my bikini top/in the nude this weekend. My friend is a redhead and made out worse. :(

aloe...quickly too...never mind I see you're using aloe

Thank you. I've been using it like mad!!!

I once had a sunburn that caused all these little clear blisters that were filled with water. They popped,popped,and popped until they were all popped. They didn't leave any scars. :)

That's what I have! They're wall hitters, too! I was a bit concerned about dehydration, but it seems okay.

Anyone know about shaving with a sunburn?
walmart has this aloe juice type stuff... i think it has glycine to suspend the aloe..

but it's not that $$ and your skin sucks it up fast... good stuff
With lidocaine in it? YES! I bought that. Called Solarcaine. It feels good. I was wondering if lidocaine's okay to put all over?
My dad is partially black/Hispanic with some white on his mom's side, as I understand it. My mom's white. One brother looks black as coal. Other one looks almost white and has straight hair and tan skin. I have pretty light skin and eyes and dark wavy hair. Ain't genetics grand?

lol, looks like an odd mix =)

Some of the places these are kind of warrant needing doctor's attention, up to and including my nipples. It's WAY funnier than it sounds.

Thats not funny... that seems painful as hell.

I was outside a lot in my bikini top/in the nude this weekend. My friend is a redhead and made out worse. :(

lol smart :rolleyes:

my worst sunburn was last year, on a boat at a crystal blue beach in mexico... with stingrays and fish swimming under me... i fell asleep for 3 hours and woke as red as a stop sign.

it was funny because i left my hand on my chest while sleeping, and had a permanent hand mark all summer...
lol, looks like an odd mix =)

In more ways than physical! ;)

Thats not funny... that seems painful as hell.

It doesn't hurt so bad as much as it's gross.

lol smart :rolleyes:

Yeah. Poor Freckles. :(

my worst sunburn was last year, on a boat at a crystal blue beach in mexico... with stingrays and fish swimming under me... i fell asleep for 3 hours and woke as red as a stop sign.

it was funny because i left my hand on my chest while sleeping, and had a permanent hand mark all summer...

Oh God. Chris, that makes me feel terrible for you.
With lidocaine in it? YES! I bought that. Called Solarcaine. It feels good. I was wondering if lidocaine's okay to put all over?

I don't see why not.. it's just a local anesthetic

I didn't think the walmart stuff had it in it .. solarcaine is something different pretty sure... the walmart stuff comes in about a clear 20oz bottle maybe bigger.. green or blue
actually kind of sounds like you might have gotten it already..

Some of the places these are kind of warrant needing doctor's attention, up to and including my nipples. It's WAY funnier than it sounds.

I was outside a lot in my bikini top/in the nude this weekend. My friend is a redhead and made out worse. :(

You deserve everything you get you harlot. :p

Anyone know about shaving with a sunburn?

You have blistering sunburn and you're thinking about shaving? Forget personal appearance for about 4 days. In fact you'd probably find looking like chewbacca helps cover up the unsightly sores. :p
OMG, you're soooo fucking mean! MODS! MOODDDDDSSS! :p

I hope you get sunburned on your balls, you creep. :p
GOOD! :p

I hope your pants don't have UV protection. ;)

Just kidding. I wouldn't even wish this on you. Well, look at it this way, if your next babe gets this after sex, she won't be cheating on you!