Certainly sounds like it would be correct reasoning
It's currently 01:30 Friday 21 Oct and my hospital provided wake up phone call will happen about 08:30. I should be able to manage some sleep before then
So I took the opportunity to look up the origin of the word
Mrs Wikipedia gives
The word derives from Old English mid, "with", and wif, "woman", and thus originally meant "with-woman", that is, the person who is with the woman (mother) at childbirth.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midwife#:~:text=The word derives from Old,woman (mother) at childbirth.
I found out there is no male version of the word, but since the meaning is
the person who is with the woman (mother) at childbirth how could there be?
I was very content to be called Midwife when I graduated