Women are superior to men because we can........

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Why men are superior (some of my favourites):

- A 5-day trip requires only one suitcase.

Did u forget something.

- We can open all our own jars.

Who closed it that way in the first place.

- We can make decisions without a support group and 21 steps.

And thats smart ? No wonder we are better managers.

- We get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.

Hmm, and who give it , can u think why ? :D

- If someone forgets to invite us to something they can still be our friend.

Obviously, why would they.

- We don't have to clean the entire house if the meter reader is coming.

U mean u can ?

- Car mechanics tell us the truth.

U r that smart that u have to rely on .....

- We can sit quietly and watch TV with a friend for hours without thinking, "He must be mad at me."

What a waste.

- Gray hair and wrinkles only add character.

Nice try.

- We can drop by and see a friend without having to bring a little gift.


- If another guy shows up at a party in the same outfit you just might become lifelong friends.

Haha hahahe hehehehe

- Your pals will never trap you with: "So, notice anything different?"

r u sure u r aware of it ?

- A few belches are expected and tolerated.

From guys, right ?

- Christmas shopping can be accomplished for 25 people on Christmas Eve and in 45 minutes.

Blah blaha bla.

- Driving is not difficult for us

I knew it, and u think thats a matter to be proud about ?
Mr. Driver

- The word 'SALE' is not an excuse.

Men on average score almost one third of a deviation higher than women on IQ tests. In other words, you are our intellectual inferiors. I won't bother with the rest... not worth it. :)
Women are superior to men because we can........

find stuff
You put it there - in the most unlikely place you can think of.
"Jack of all trades, masters of none".
have higher pain tolerancy levels
Men are just more sensitive to pain. Manflu really is more severe than the benign feminine equivalent.
don't cry if someone passes in front to the Tv when the footie is on
Don't understand the religious importance of football.
can reach for the TV remote if not within our immediate grasp
We can't be bothered. If the football's on, it's staying on. If we miss Trisha - well, we're gutted, obviously :rolleyes:, but we'll live. There's more to life than who's shagging who in Eastenders.
can 'hover' when using the loo - seat up/down irrelavnt.
We prefer to stand.

We are more intelligent

Men's brain are 10% larger than womens BUT we have more grey matter. A whopping 5.4% more than men!
Whales have the most grey matter of all. They have yet to find their way out of the sea, much less come up with an acceptable definition of what intelligence is.
We are multiorgasmic.
We prefer one devastating explosion to a series of damp squibs.
We have periods and get away with murder for having PMT!
Yes, we'll give you that one. Women with PMT are psychopaths and we fear castration or worse. Psychopathy is a virtue now?
When we buy a vibrator it is empowering. When men buy a blow up doll it's just sad.
You're so much better you can't live without a replacement penis?
We don't fall in love with cartoon characters or game females
No, stick with Brad Pitt. So much more attainable. :rolleyes:
We live longer
Death brings a merciful release from the stress and the nagging.
We can live without the pleasure of showering with a load of other females after sport.
Just so you can squelch home in sweaty knickers. You dirty tramps.
We can fake it men can't
So you're great liars as well as psychopaths. Psychopathic liars. No wonder we fall at your feet.
We can dress ourselves
We care so much about what we look like. It's, like, sooo important to us. :rolleyes:
We can chat to the opposite sex without having to picture them naked- well sometimes
So can we. No-one - male or female - fantasises about fucking someone with a face like a welder's toolbag (although, at the same time: (a) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and (b) needs must).
We look good in mens clothes but men look crap in ours
We look good in speedo's
We get to wear a multitude of add-ons: hair, eyelashes, bra pads,nails. Men have always liked 'transformers'
Fickle? Superficial? Fashion-obsessed? Insecure? Moi? Does my bum look big in this?
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They're superior because they somehow make moderators make bad decisions about closing/cesspooling a thread with obvious close/cesspool comment.
Singularity and Red, totally hilarious replies!!

Singularities replies to Dom's list and Red's to mine! Glad to see most peeps get the point of this thread and that is to harmlessly and humerously rip each other apart knowing full well we lurvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee each other!!

Metaphorically speaking......
By the way, Cooijmans is not a psychometric authority: he's just a moderately known eccentric in the high IQ community. I recommend you check your sources carefully before attacking a poster's credibility.

Women are superior to men because we can........

find stuff
Mainly shoes

Cook the dinner and do ironing at the same time.

have higher pain tolerancy levels
Because you have more pain… nothing to brag about. Give me a pain free life.

don't cry if someone passes in front to the Tv when the footie is on
But do cry if a man doesn’t notice your new hair style.

can reach for the TV remote if not within our immediate grasp
But still cant program the DVD

can 'hover' when using the loo - seat up/down irrelavnt.
Men can use toilet with seat up or down too….. its not that great a skill

We are more intelligent
Men's brain are 10% larger than womens BUT we have more grey matter. A whopping 5.4% more than men!
And use it to buy more shoes

We are multiorgasmic.
Not if men have anything to do with it ?!#?

We have periods and get away with murder for having PMT!
But still have periods ha ha

When we buy a vibrator it is empowering. When men buy a blow up doll it's just sad.
Men though are far more free to talk about masturbation, whilst a women would rarely mention in public the fact she uses a vibrator or even wanks at all. So not that empowering. (Doll to vibrator not really fair comparison).

We look good in mens clothes but men look crap in ours

Tell that to world's ladyboys….. how many people cant tell the difference.

We don't fall in love with cartoon characters or game females
But do fall in love with men, and according to your list… how sad is that.

We live longer
Because you don’t have to marry a woman

We can live without the pleasure of showering with a load of other females after sport.

We look good in speedo's
The 10 % of you that aren’t overweight , yes.

We can fake it men can't.
You have to fake it… men don’t.

We get to wear a multitude of add-ons: hair, eyelashes, bra pads,nails. Men have always liked 'transformers'.
You HAVE to wear a multitude of add-ons or men don’t like you …

Q: Why do women wear perfume and make-up
A: Because they smell and are ugly.

We can dress ourselves
But men to undress you.

We can chat to the opposite sex without having to picture them naked- well sometimes
You can chat… and chat … and chat to any of the sexes.

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