Why men are superior (some of my favourites):
- A 5-day trip requires only one suitcase.
Did u forget something.
- We can open all our own jars.
Who closed it that way in the first place.
- We can make decisions without a support group and 21 steps.
And thats smart ? No wonder we are better managers.
- We get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
Hmm, and who give it , can u think why ?
- If someone forgets to invite us to something they can still be our friend.
Obviously, why would they.
- We don't have to clean the entire house if the meter reader is coming.
U mean u can ?
- Car mechanics tell us the truth.
U r that smart that u have to rely on .....
- We can sit quietly and watch TV with a friend for hours without thinking, "He must be mad at me."
What a waste.
- Gray hair and wrinkles only add character.
Nice try.
- We can drop by and see a friend without having to bring a little gift.
- If another guy shows up at a party in the same outfit you just might become lifelong friends.
Haha hahahe hehehehe
- Your pals will never trap you with: "So, notice anything different?"
r u sure u r aware of it ?
- A few belches are expected and tolerated.
From guys, right ?
- Christmas shopping can be accomplished for 25 people on Christmas Eve and in 45 minutes.
Blah blaha bla.
- Driving is not difficult for us
I knew it, and u think thats a matter to be proud about ?
Mr. Driver
- The word 'SALE' is not an excuse.