woman fined 200,000$ for 24 songs

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Capitalism is not a single monolithic object. You said "Yet none of your ilk has ever produced a system that works better", but you seem to be creating your own meaning for his "ilk" and for the system that he was referring to.

Avatar never said that capitalism sucks, or that America sucks, he specifically referred to "American capitalism"; I may not agree with him that it is a plague that need to die, but your request for a non-capitalist nation that "outdoes the US" does not directly relate to Avatar's point.

Nor mine.

If you wanted to refute his claim, you would need to show that American-style capitalism out shows all others, not that America is not "outdone" by anyone else in the ambiguous measurement of "[works better] for the general population at large."
define capitalist.

otherwise, North Korea, Cuba, [ENC]East Korea[/ENC].

Define it?? You should KNOW what it is since you claim to oppose it! And no, none of those come close to qualifying - unless you've been brainwashed so bad that you actually think things are better there than in the States.

Want to try again? If so, try a little harder.
Define it?? You should KNOW what it is since you claim to oppose it! And no, none of those come close to qualifying - unless you've been brainwashed so bad that you actually think things are better there than in the States.

Want to try again? If so, try a little harder.

Since I did live in the US I can say with experience that it is in fact a shithole.

Many nations in Europe easily outclass this shithole.
Since I did live in the US I can say with experience that it is in fact a shithole.

Many nations in Europe easily outclass this shithole.

Completely irrelevant to my question because I'm betting that every European nation you have in mind has a form of a capitalistic economy.
Not American capitalism. Visit Sweden, Finland, Germany, France and see for yourself.
American capitalism is even against the constitution of Germany.

Capitalism is not a single monolithic object. You said "Yet none of your ilk has ever produced a system that works better", but you seem to be creating your own meaning for his "ilk" and for the system that he was referring to.

Avatar never said that capitalism sucks, or that America sucks, he specifically referred to "American capitalism"; I may not agree with him that it is a plague that need to die, but your request for a non-capitalist nation that "outdoes the US" does not directly relate to Avatar's point.

Nor mine.

If you wanted to refute his claim, you would need to show that American-style capitalism out shows all others, not that America is not "outdone" by anyone else in the ambiguous measurement of "[works better] for the general population at large."

Well, a big double-sigh from me. You are STILL dancing all around the question I asked - which is to provide me with the name of a country that does not have a form of capitalistic economy that works better for the general population at large than the US. I'm talking about an overall view of providing the freedom, employment, needs, wants and luxuries found here. countries like Cuba and North Korea hardly come close to providing that.
I am not answering that question because it is not relevant to the discussion topic. I did not support that premise, so I'm not going to waste my time listing ways that citizens of non-capitalist nations fair better than US citizens.

If you wanted to refute his claim, you would need to show that American-style capitalism out shows all others, not that America is not "outdone" by anyone else in the ambiguous measurement of "[works better] for the general population at large."

Are you familiar with the difference between 'capitalism' and 'free-market'?

(edit: this is all off-topic anyway. Unless you're going to claim that US copyright law is an example of the classic American free-market, which would be funny)
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Sure. It says that Germany is a socialist state. If a tragedy happened and the US joined the EU, then Germany would have a constitutional obligation to step out of the EU.
I talked this over with one constitutional law professor from Germany.
Neither! For the general population at large.

The general population deserves better than the music American music industry creates.
And any way, art is not about industrial production, art is about a unique experience of sensual rapture.
Not American capitalism. Visit Sweden, Finland, Germany, France and see for yourself.

Please show me where I ever said America's form of capitalism. I CLEARLY said an economy not based on capitalism. Is that SO difficult for you understand or are you just trying to weasel around what you say you believe???:bugeye:
Article 23
[The European Union]
(1) With a view to establishing a united Europe, the Federal Republic of
Germany shall participate in the development of the European Union that is
committed to democratic, social, and federal principles
, to the rule of law,
and to the principle of subsidiarity, and that guarantees a level of protection
of basic rights essentially comparable to that afforded by this Basic Law. To
this end the Federation may transfer sovereign powers by a law with the
consent of the Bundesrat. The establishment of the European Union, as well
as changes in its treaty foundations and comparable regulations that amend
or supplement this Basic Law, or make such amendments or supplements
possible, shall be subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) of Article 79.

So either the US becomes a state dedicated to social principles in the European sense, or Germany must quit its EU membership.
Please show me where I ever said America's form of capitalism. I CLEARLY said an economy not based on capitalism. Is that SO difficult for you understand or are you just trying to weasel around what you say you believe???:bugeye:

I first raised the point exactly about American capitalism, not capitalism in general.
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