Windows or Mac?

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Macs now ARE PC's really.

Mac OS-X? Linux. A PC OS with Apple'ized graphics and Mac specific drivers.

The G5 CPU? Made by IBM.

Motherboard Architecture? PCI slots, SATA, AGP, USB, DDR RAM . . . all very familier to PC users.

And lots more. And, there is nothing wrong with all of this - it only makes snobbery from Mac users all the more silly! Ultimately though, people basing their ego's on the tools they use - is as silly for computer users as it is when hearing Ford Vs. Chevy arguments going on. Kind of a new redneck ethos, the "Computer Redneck"!
Go Windows. The only thing we use Macs here for is for high end graphics programs (not games), they run those programs pretty well. For everything else go Windows.
Which ''high end graphics programs''? Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightwave, Autocad, Quark, Pagemaker, Bryce and more all seem to run pretty fast and smooth on my PC systems!
I think it's just a myth Mac users keep alive , so they can have an excuse for being computer box design whores.
To be honest, I don't know what they find in the i-pod design. Looks like a bar of soap to me.
I don't like the design.
mercurio said:
Possible, but it does not make the software suddenly aware of its right-button, and provides very handy context-sensitive menus. You'd have to hand-program everything into the OS, for every machine. Yikes.
um, actually, the OS and it's applications support a right-click via a left click+the control key. The advantage of this is that the basic single-button mouse can do contextual menus, and my Logitech "windows only" mouse works fine as well (the generic three-button USB mouse driver accepts right-clicks as a cnlt+click).
the support for two buttons and a scroll wheel is built into the OS. no re-writing needed.

the scroll wheel scrolls, the right-button brings up context menus and moves troops in War Craft III and World of Warcraft.

Both OSX and Linux are Unix-type OS's. Linux has the advantage of having a cleaner kernel, OSX has the advantage of having tons of more surrported hardware, a more consistent GUI, and the support of major applications, like Oracle and Photoshop, etc.

Windows is more inharently less secure for one major reason : buffer overrun protection. windows does not have the built-in support for checking that an application is only executing code that is supposed to be executed.
AMD is helping in this area by introducing a NX (no execute) bit into its hardware, which windows supports in XP SP2. Better than nothing.
The filesystem in both OSX and Windows is sub-par; OSX support for meta-data has suffered in moving away from the split-fork file design of the old AMc OS, but the trade-of have been well worth it, IMO.

the Unix type OS's (OSX, Linux, *BSD's, etc) are more robust Systems than Windows on a base level, but Windows has the marketshare and out-of-the-the-box support for more hardware than most of the Unix-type OS's. Linux has made huge strides over the past decade, but it is still far from a "joe-anybody" desktop OS.
IMO, OSX is cool because it has nearly the same level of hardware and SW support as Windows, works on windows networks out of the box, etc.

IMO and IME, it's the best of both worlds.
plus, I can run Windows apps in VPC (though it not fast enough for games), and most Linux apps in the X11 environment. It's the ultimate Geek machine software-wise.
Apple's consumer-level iBooks are very competive price-wise, and a top-end pre-built AMD64 based tower system will still run you somewhere in the $2000 range.

Which is the better system is wholy dependant on your needs, though it's good to note that a number of Windows Longhorn's features(most notably the new graphics layer 'Avalon') which are being broken up and pushed back until 2006 or later, are already in OSX :) it's good to be ahead of the curve.
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Ultimate geek machine = high end customized PC running XP which multi-boots to Linux Mandrake. Best of both worlds, for all external contact (email, web services and etc) I use Linux - cleaner, faster, cheaper and more customizable than OS-X, and for massive software and hardware support (I do high end external hardware flight simming) I just boot to XP (and VPC isn't fast enough for ANYTHING if you are a quick and multi-tasking user).

Well.. if your pc is fast , you can try vmwaring Windows (virtual pc). (vmware)
I have a VMwared Win2K for Macromedia Flash, Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop.
If this trio were on Linux, I wouldn't need VMware
hear hear Avatar. I'm waiting for linux to mke the next steps toward to consumer desktop, and I might just make the full-time switch to linux :) still not close to the level of ease of maintinance that I'm used to, but it's getting closer.
not configuration, maintinance. like "when things go wrong, how long does take you to
a)know what to do
2)do it.

Linux is a great system. however, there are many areas where the first step takes quite a while. OS has provided me with the mid-level step between all-gui maintinance, and having to compile things in order to get them to work.

besides. all the windows users who know (not guess) what a "mount point" is, please raise your hands. and keep in mind that this is a technical forum, so the result will be skewed to begin with.
I wasn't going to suggest it, because it may seem a bit much for people who don't build and tweak their own setups - but I was fibbing a bit about the duel-boot XP/Linux system. I've done that before, but I like being able to instantly switch - so I'm actually running two seperate systems now on either side of my main monitor/keyboard/mouse - running through a KVM switch. Tap the Scroll-Lock key twice and the up arrow - my keyboard/mouse/monitor swap to the other system - and vice versa. Both are running off router, and so I can be on net on both at same time.

And other benefit is that if one is doing something slow (like a big Bryce Render for example) I just pop onto the other system and work on it.

One is XP custom built, the other is Mandrake 10.1 custom built.

Heck, come to think of it - its still probably a cheaper setup than buying an equally high-end OS-X system, and a hell of a lot more powerful and versatile than an individual Mac or PC.
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