Why would evolution create a higher state of consciousness?

There is no such knowledge. However, lack of enlightenment could lead to the end of life as we know it. Look where we are right now, territorial apes with nuclear weapons and a chip on our shoulders.
I have no idea what enlightenment really is, only what it feels like.

Dragon, only in the sense of The Enlightenment as a historical period.
I think the feeling of bliss is more like a consequence of freedom from common worries and troubles. It isn't just the feeling itself, because that fades.
enlightenment is a sense of different reality, sense of understanding of outer self. Even though it is a feeling of contempt and peace, enlightenment is much more than that. Enlightenment is an experience like life is. If life is a feeling, so is enlightenment.
Life is more than a feeling. Life is words floating around in your head. As the feeling of bliss fades, what is left of enlightenment?
Life is more than a feeling. Life is words floating around in your head. As the feeling of bliss fades, what is left of enlightenment?


people are not just animals, people unlike animals cannot be predicted, people are different and so are different their souls and their choices. How they react to failures and success depends entirely on individual.
So, pity is the end result of enlightenment? Sounds like sadness to me. How is that an evolutionary advantage? Again, if enlightenment exists, what evolutionary advantage does it pose?
So, pity is the end result of enlightenment? Sounds like sadness to me. How is that an evolutionary advantage? Again, if enlightenment exists, what evolutionary advantage does it pose?

feeling of outer sense...higher probability of survival by sensing the outerworld.
While senses in a general sense give you a higher probability of survival. But what exactly does enlightenment allow you to sense, that others can't sense, that gives you a survival advantage?
While senses in a general sense give you a higher probability of survival. But what exactly does enlightenment allow you to sense, that others can't sense, that gives you a survival advantage?

sense other people, see future, know past, see higher meaning of the world. Feel at one with the universe.
My eyes can sense other people just as well as enlightenment. My memory knows my past, again without enligtenment. No one can see the future - only guess at it. How does enligtenment permit better guesses at the future? A higher meaning of the world and feeling at one with the universe doesn't put bread on the table, so how is that an evolutionary advantage?
John, believe me or not. But I have seen the future many times and it came true. I have seen it in such detail that it could not have been just a guess or a movie I seen, I have seen the future. What I feel about this world changed me after what I have been through. I would not have believed anyone unless I experienced it myself and once I did, I felt like there is this world I live in I did not know of all this time.

I would have lived on like everyone else if not for what I have seen, and what I have seen and felt has changed me and my believes. I believe that this world is not what it acts to be. This reality has much more to it than physics which define it.
Seeing the future is impossible according to science. What you experienced is clearly impossible in evolutionary terms. At best, you guessed at the future. Now, a good guess at the future can be a tremendous evolutionary advantage. What did you guess at and how did it make you more likely to survive or reproduce? If not, then what good is this skill in terms of evolution?
Seeing the future is impossible according to science. What you experienced is clearly impossible in evolutionary terms. At best, you guessed at the future. Now, a good guess at the future can be a tremendous evolutionary advantage. What did you guess at and how did it make you more likely to survive or reproduce? If not, then what good is this skill in terms of evolution?

well guess what I told that myself and I keep on telling that to myself. But I saw it nevertheless and not just one time but many. Now how do I live on with something that has no proof from science/society, whereas I myself have clearly experienced it as being reality? :shrug: This is what ascension is.
How have you excluded self-delusion or hallucination as an explanation? If you can see the future, prove it to yourself that this is the explanation. Write down what you saw with enough specific detail that when it comes true, it would be undeniable to any reasonable person that you indeed predicted the future.
Life is more than a feeling. Life is words floating around in your head. As the feeling of bliss fades, what is left of enlightenment?

Life is alot of things, but words are only a part of it, they are empty symbols. They are frames we hold up to the infinite universe and move around like they mean something of themselves.

As the bliss fades, there is nothing left. There's nothing you can hold on to, and the survival advantage, if any, is doubtful. Enlightenment is not a strategy for the survival of the species or even the soul, as Christianity claims to be. It has no practical value.
How have you excluded self-delusion or hallucination as an explanation? If you can see the future, prove it to yourself that this is the explanation. Write down what you saw with enough specific detail that when it comes true, it would be undeniable to any reasonable person that you indeed predicted the future.

I told my dream to my mother 6 months before this event happened...and I have seen it with such detail and this dream was so different from all the rest with that sort of reality in it. Six months past since I have seen the dream and it happened.