Why One May Never See God

I order to see God, you must be pure in heart.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

I haven't seen God, but I have seen a mermaid.
She was sitting on a rock off the Barbary coast in 1683.
I threw her a Dubloon, and she dived down and came up with a fish in her mouth.
Not much brains mermaids.

But a nice piece of tail! :)
Why One May Never See God "...Who alone has immortality, Who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see."

Man is mortal and darkness...immortality and Light would obliterate him on the spot.
I have seen an invisible God. Just kind of saw a glowy bout of beauty reflecting off trees manifesting itself into me. Might be the pot, but wowwee.
Why One May Never See God "...Who alone has immortality, Who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see."

Man is mortal and darkness...immortality and Light would obliterate him on the spot.
That doesn't mean He's worth seeing. I mean it kind of makes him irrelevant.
He doesn't know what love is, he's not human.
Only the part that you are aware of. You are a very angry person but I actually think you are a great individual with possibly a lot of intelligence and great skills, do not consume yourself with bitterness because in the end you will not gain from the gift of life just as you admitted the journey across a millinea is hell. But suppose their was a short cut a wormhole hidden deep in the infinities of mortal perceptions it would be so easy to miss even by the ones that know it exist. "probability"
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He chooses the ones who will see Him, they are then clothed for the event.
No tickee no laundree.
No, actually everyone sees Him, He's just too ubiquitous to be anything special. He has no locus of control, what we might call a brain.
Just live your life. Physics is more important than God.
Physics alone cannot activate the full power of the heavenly weapons the "Halek" and "Gabariel's Horn" to a physicist these are mere illusions and fancy full thinking they can only exist in lower order of magnitude with only a fraction of its power with what a physicist is capable of achieving in lower realms with the use of nanotechnology.
and probability will make all attempts of time travel both dangerous and innacurate. So there is no way of getting around the conscious creator He is the one that has implemented probability to show you and even zeus that He is the alpha and the omega the "Prime" and no other than Him alone. This is why no mathematician will deduce the series of infinite primes without His approval to allow it.
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Not even the Supreme Intelligence created by that great race I will not name cannot fathom such a series even thought they may have their understandings of it. My ancestors are one of the oldest humanoid races in the universe but they still cannot fathom the "Prime" for He would swallow them up in an instant if He so chooses. The ONE above all is the most powerful and He always will be weather you like it or not...Thanks and praises to the most High.
Nonsense, all God knows how to do is shatter into uncounted bits, we call them subatomic particles. (See I can make shit up too).
Nonsense, all God knows how to do is shatter into uncounted bits, we call them subatomic particles. (See I can make shit up too).
But He can at least count them lol even by your own definition for He should at least know what He is so tell me why whenever someone observes a wave it collapses into a particle? For any description I give you of God will not be correct because I am not God. Or how about this if you collect all the pieces that equal infinity how many times will you have to start over and start rearranging all of your learned knowledge because once probability enters the equation all of the work you just finished that took you an infinite amount of time is now incorrect, doesn't probability just suck? lol.....Even the fictional Dr Mathattan the embodiment of what science hope to one day become, the creators and writers of such a character had created him with lacking the ability of omniscience. For he would still only be just a child of God and not God even the multidimensional being zues is not God but just is a mere child of God. You can also compare this to the difference between a Laplacian point of view versus a Determined one only God can transcend probability and confirm true authentic determinism of absolute truth.
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No, actually everyone sees Him, He's just too ubiquitous to be anything special. He has no locus of control, what we might call a brain.

No, actually no one sees Him. They see the ubiquitous evidence of His existence but hypocritically lie to themselves telling themselves on the one hand that none of it is anything special while on the other hand being obsessed/driven to the point of idolatry studying/learning/marveling at those same 'mundane' things.
No, actually no one sees Him. They see the ubiquitous evidence of His existence but hypocritically lie to themselves telling themselves on the one hand that none of it is anything special while on the other hand being obsessed/driven to the point of idolatry studying/learning/marveling at those same 'mundane' things.
That is all that is possible to know. Isn't that enough? Is everything not enough?