Why One May Never See God


Because reality is hard to see. (Also see this thread).

If we work on this premise, we can prevent deceiving ourselves by distinguishing the differences between God's work and blind nature's. One may walk around and experience one's fear rising in a pitch black room. Since mind is reality, you are transparent and your thoughts may become manifest unless one takes full control. According to Christopher Langan, we are transparent to the global conscious agency God, which means God is there in the room with us even in our most ignorant and fearful moments as God sees all. In regards to how and why God rarely responds to us I would think it is due to the fact that we must "go beyond" the everyday existence to reach Him and in return we may or may not be disappointed. I leave any further speculation on this matter to you the reader.
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Please explain how the result from our testing of reality will be able to distinguish between a universe with "God" and a universe without God.
Please explain how the result from our testing of reality will be able to distinguish between a universe with "God" and a universe without God.

Because once one has seen God or reality one will be able not to mistake it for blind nature or a universe without God. We must use our intellects to go deeper into reality in order to determine what is real and what isn't.
Because once one has seen God or reality one will be able not to mistake it for blind nature or a universe without God. We must use our intellects to go deeper into reality in order to determine what is real and what isn't.

Have you seen God.???

Does everone have the necessary intellect to see God.!!!
Because once one has seen God or reality one will be able not to mistake it for blind nature or a universe without God. We must use our intellects to go deeper into reality in order to determine what is real and what isn't.
What if, like most people, we haven't seen god? What does god look like and how do you know you aren't hallucinating?
Because once one has seen God or reality one will be able not to mistake it for blind nature or a universe without God. We must use our intellects to go deeper into reality in order to determine what is real and what isn't.

Once someone has experienced the ring of a telephone without doing anything to cause it to ring one will never mistake the ring of the telephone with something random like leaves blowing in the wind.

Once one has experienced a ringing telephone one will know there is a God...what else could it be?
Because reality is hard to see. (Also see this thread).

If we work on this premise, we can prevent deceiving ourselves by distinguishing the differences between God's work and blind nature's. One may walk around and experience one's fear rising in a pitch black room. Since mind is reality, you are transparent and your thoughts may become manifest unless one takes full control. According to Christopher Langan, we are transparent to the global conscious agency God, which means God is there in the room with us even in our most ignorant and fearful moments as God sees all. In regards to how and why God rarely responds to us I would think it is due to the fact that we must "go beyond" the everyday existence to reach Him and in return we may or may not be disappointed. I leave any further speculation on this matter to you the reader.

So sick&tired of crap of humans' obligation to find god.

There is a powerful alien living 333 trillion googolplex light years from here. He can do nearly anything you can imagine, including taking the slow scenic route to come here or instantly teleporting himself & his planet size spaceship here or turning everything around like a merry-go-round until this planet or any person(s) is there with him. But it is your responsibility to go to him or he will be pissed off & destroy Earth.

An omnipotent god trying to put the onus on puny humans is utterly ridiculous. Specially when it insists on hiding out beyond our perception.
Religion should be what it was to me as a kid. On Sunday mornings I read the comic strips in the Sunday paper...especially the comic strips involving the "super heros" :)

If I forgot to read them one week I felt no guilt or possibility of punishment. That was religion at its finest.
I order to see God, you must be pure in heart.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

I haven't seen God, but I have seen a mermaid.
She was sitting on a rock off the Barbary coast in 1683.
I threw her a Dubloon, and she dived down and came up with a fish in her mouth.
Not much brains mermaids.
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So sick&tired of crap of humans' obligation to find god.

There is a powerful alien living 333 trillion googolplex light years from here. He can do nearly anything you can imagine, including taking the slow scenic route to come here or instantly teleporting himself & his planet size spaceship here or turning everything around like a merry-go-round until this planet or any person(s) is there with him. But it is your responsibility to go to him or he will be pissed off & destroy Earth.

An omnipotent god trying to put the onus on puny humans is utterly ridiculous. Specially when it insists on hiding out beyond our perception.

Agreed , onus on us though not puny Humans but to think of ourselves as Humans and we matter , not necessarily to the rest of the Universe but ultimately to ourselves

And that attitude is the most important attitude we Humans can have

Seeing this or that god means little to me

Humanity and its survival is all that matters in the end
Because reality is hard to see.

Reality isn't hard to see. What's hard is successfully ignoring it for very long.

If we work on this premise, we can prevent deceiving ourselves by distinguishing the differences between God's work and blind nature's.

Easier said than done. If, as theists sometimes tell us, God is capable of anything, then the existence of God would seem to be consistent with any imaginable state of affairs.

One may walk around and experience one's fear rising in a pitch black room. Since mind is reality, you are transparent and your thoughts may become manifest unless one takes full control.

That's an expression of a metaphysics that I find false and not a little bizarre.

Maybe the most charitable interpretation would be that we might imagine things that we mistake for reality.

According to Christopher Langan

The Prophet whose Word you preach.

we are transparent to the global conscious agency God, which means God is there in the room with us even in our most ignorant and fearful moments as God sees all.

Theists have typically said that since ancient times.

In regards to how and why God rarely responds to us I would think it is due to the fact that we must "go beyond" the everyday existence to reach Him and in return we may or may not be disappointed. I leave any further speculation on this matter to you the reader.

So you put on your parachute and bail out of your own thread, right at the point when it starts to address the question in the subject line: "Why one may never see God".

You've said that God is there in the room with us, at least according to the holy Langan. (Many more conventional theists would probably agree.) So... why can't we see him?

Your suggestion seems to be that we need to achieve some kind of higher consciousness in order to achieve the beatific vision. And again, there are followers of the Christian, Muslim and Hindu contemplative traditions who might agree in broad outline.

Even Langan's pantheism, his conviction that we and everything around us are really all God's ideas, would be a familiar idea to medieval Christian and Muslim Platonists.

That still doesn't answer the question of how one's experiential realization of all this is to be accomplished in Langanism. A Hesychast monk on Mount Athos or a Muslim Sufi mystic might be able to prescribe spiritual practices intended to ultimately bring one to God-realization. What does Langanism prescribe, apart from the need to be as smart as Langan boasts that he is?
So sick&tired of crap of humans' obligation to find god.

There is a powerful alien living 333 trillion googolplex light years from here. He can do nearly anything you can imagine, including taking the slow scenic route to come here or instantly teleporting himself & his planet size spaceship here or turning everything around like a merry-go-round until this planet or any person(s) is there with him. But it is your responsibility to go to him or he will be pissed off & destroy Earth.

An omnipotent god trying to put the onus on puny humans is utterly ridiculous. Specially when it insists on hiding out beyond our perception.

Yes. I know.

But humans need not command or summon God at their whim as God has already revealed himself through the words of the gospel of the glory of Christ. Me personally, I've seen God bring himself into my perception but once as a transparent, morphing entity and felt his greatness spiritually. It was divine.
God is easy to find, He is blind nature, no more or less. Anything more is invention. God is not a smart entity. He is only slightly smarter than random chance, which puts His IQ at about 1. That's why no one has been able to find Him, they are looking for the wrong thing. What they seek may occur at the end of a long process of evolution. But certainly not at the beginning. The Gospel is worthless.

Hail Satan.