This thread is about Bernie Sanders and by his profession, politicians who refuse to call out racism within the public realm..
And it's kind of day late and dollar short, as a consequence. Sanders is far from the worst offender in that regard, and in the battle for effective rhetoric and plain speaking in the Democratic Party he represents progress.
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Same as yours, only after paying attention to it.
Look Clinton called them deplorable, she pissed off the Trump voter, did she not deserve to get elected? Did the nonvoter applaud her?
Clinton did not call "them" deplorable. Or racist. Or anything else bad.
The Republican media machine lied about that.
And then the Dems fell all over themselves trying to apologize and backfill and cover up what the Republicans said she said, as if it were some kind of legitimate accusation.
The Republican media machine will lie about any candidate, to enrage their base. Nothing any candidate says or does, doesn't say or doesn't do, can prevent that.
Meanwhile, Clinton weasel worded and compromised and dissembled throughout - just as you recommend, just as she had her entire career - and lost lots of the first time Obama voters, just as we (my crowd) predicted. She still won the popular vote, by a lot, but losing Obama's share of the nonvoter pool is one of the factors her electoral college loss hung on (Republican vote rigging and suppression, electoral fraud of various kinds, would be another - but that was also braced on her dissembling and failing to call out the bad stuff by name).
An appeal to authority and strawman all in one, wow.
Speaking from one's own knowledge and experience is not an "appeal to authority", even when you do it (as you did). You claimed the authority of superior knowledge of, and experience with, exactly the people I have superior knowledge of and experience with. That was a mistake you have made before.
How about we run canidates people can believe in producting laws and policies that will benefit them, "hope and change", and not resort to namecaling stratagies that only work for the right?
People will not trust or rely on candidates who won't say shit when they have a mouthful. That's a major reason they stay home and don't vote.
If you insist on repeating the wingnut canard that plain and effective speaking that recognizes common reality is "namecalling", you will end up with this: