Speaking of losing arguments..
still a fucking liar i see. i said implicent bias is natural and it has racist and sexist outcomes. you've now resorted to saying psychology is bs. congrats to being at the same level as gun nuts and other extremists
You really have to try to have some self control and contain your rage, pjdude.
Here are your words:
humans are naturally racist and sexist. we all have subconscious biases in this regard. we are however not all malignantly racist. the first is just something that needs to be trained to overcome and doesn't make someone evil, the latter is a threat to society that needs to be purged at all cost. the key is making sure people don't progress and deal with their biases in a healthy way to eliminate the effects. i feel now that the implicent bias is more dangerous than the overt malignant. any one minor thing doesn't do a whole lot of harm but when they add up to millions of little cuts it is incredible destructive. the thing to remember is no one is the villian of their own story as long as their is a route we can save a good percentage of these people and if we are to truly take back this country from the fascists and white nationalists we gonna need them. I don't think people are truly aware of the stakes here. for conservatives the choice between democracy and conservativism democracy is going to lose.
You either do not exactly understand implicit bias, or you have no idea that the first half of your argument is arguing for a biological standpoint of racism ie, "humans are naturally racist and sexist. We all have subconscious bias in this regard"..
In other words, you began your argument using the lines out of the scientific racism playbook. Scientific racism is basically seen as being bunk. It's rubbish.
No, despite your firm beliefs that racism and sexism are "natural", that actually is not the case.
There is no biological or scientific reason for racism, or race for that matter. But hey, why allow something as small as science get in your way? Eh pjdude? You were on a roll!
You then followed with that apparently, people have to learn to overcome their racism and sexism, that some is apparently not as bad as others, and that this training does not make someone evil..
By this point, I was rolling around laughing. But it isn't a laughing matter.
Do you know why? Because you just presented an argument that has been used by white supremacists for their reasoning behind hating non-whites for generations. It isn't based on fact or science. It's based on pure hatred and bigotry.
And do you know how
we know this?
Nonetheless, people who want to argue that racism is natural have tried to buttress their position with evidence that racism is in some sense biological. For example: studies have found that when whites see black faces there is increased activity in the amygdala, a brain structure associated with emotion and, specifically, with the detection of threats.
Well, whatever power that kind of argument ever had--which wasn't much, since the fact that a psychological reaction has a biological correlate doesn't tell you whether the reaction is innate--it has even less power now. In a paper that will be published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Eva Telzer of UCLA and three other researchers report that they've performed these amygdala studies--which had previously been done on adults--on children. And they found something interesting: the racial sensitivity of the amygdala doesn't kick in until around age 14.
What's more: once it kicks in, it doesn't kick in equally for everybody. The more racially diverse your peer group, the less strong the amygdala effect. At really high levels of diversity, the effect disappeared entirely. The authors of the study write that ''these findings suggest that neural biases to race are not innate and that race is a social construction, learned over time.''
So you latched onto implicit bias.. Because that shit's natural, yo!
Implicit bias.. Let me guess, you gripped it in your hot little hands because white people see black faces and freak out? Ya?
The amygdala's response to African-American faces had been observed not just in European-American adults but in African-American adults--who aren't, in this case, the "other." Apparently whatever cultural information was inculcating a particular response to blacks in whites was having a similar effect in blacks.
Maybe it's time you stopped making excuses. That behaviour is learned. The notion that people are different by skin colour, is learned.
I get it, it's Bernie and you're a Bro.
But enough excuses.
this how you lose your arguments bells. you take a minor statement about race or gender and blow it up. quoting a follow up is dishonest but you given up on honesty. its more important to lie and smear anyone who dares disagrees with your royal highness.
The only loser in this argument, pjdude, are minorities, women, LGBTQ and everyone who does not fit into the people Bernie Sanders does not consider important enough to care about their plight.
You know, everyone who does not fit into the little box of "ordinary Americans", the more important group he focuses on.
His statement was not minor. The manner in which people such as yourself bend over backwards to excuse it, shows your own bias. The reason it is not minor is because he is a well known Senator, former Presidential hopeful and he may be running again in 2020. His words matter. His statements matter. His repeated winking at racists, matters.
You keep accusing me of being dishonest, even when I quote your own words back to you.
What? You actually thought you could argue that racism is natural and no one would notice?
Most importantly..
You thought you could argue that the "white folks" down in America's South, who in our parents generations still viewed blacks as "niggers", won't vote for a black man because of "implicit bias"? Who are you trying to fool, exactly?
So what is your reasoning behind the not calling racism for what it is?
You keep winging and condemning those who attempt to solve your puzzle but offer no answer yourself.
You have suggested that it be called out for what it is... ok... it is called out... now what?
You thread question is quite straight forward.
"Why not call it by it's real name?"
Well .. what is your answer?
It's real name is racism.
Why are you so intent on changing the subject, Quantum Quack?
Do you remember this gem?
Discrimination is not always about self esteem, but racial discrimination of a racist nature is.
The self esteem of whom?
Do you know how self esteem is connected to racial discrimination, Quantum Quack?
I'll give you a hint.
Ask the victims...
You know, the people you seem to be ignoring in trying to find reasons and excuses for racist behaviour:
"Racial discrimination is not always racist"
Bernie Sanders i believe, like most people, is a person struggling with his own insecurities; his own needs to prop up his self esteem and should be admired for at least attempting to acknowledge them.
Poor Bernie Sanders, the famous, powerful rich white dude, who often spouts racist comments and exhibits bigoted behaviour.. But hey, he's really trying! So an A for effort!
Oh wait, you missed the many many links and articles provided in this thread? You didn't get the memo?
He isn't trying to acknowledge them. That's the problem.
So yeah, self esteem.. That's all you've got?
Naw, you had more..
"Racial discrimination is not always racist?"
The Human Rights Commission in Australia have this great little website, explaining racism. It is aimed at children and deals with why people are racist. But it is simple and it provides quite a bit of insight.
You should have a look at it.
And Quantum Quack, "racial discrimination"? Is always racist.
And do you know how to combat it?
It's important we aren't just bystanders to discrimination – that we are prepared, whenever possible, to speak out or stand up. We must also support those on the receiving end.
Failing to do these things risks sending a dangerous message. It risks saying that those who deal out racism have a right to do so, without being called out. And that those who experience racism have to cop it sweet. Drawing the line on racial incidents can be straightforward when it involves an overt act of hatred or vilification. It's more difficult if it involves biased attitudes or misdirected banter. Even more challenging, perhaps, is racism that involves systems or institutions.
You don't combat it or 'fix it' by making excuses for it as you have been doing repeatedly throughout this thread. By calling it something else, as you have been doing for days now.