People, people calm down, I wasnt seriously wanting to ban performance cars.
Given the UK government's stance on speed which is they have Gatso meters everywhere, speed bumps all over the place, other various types of radar and laser cameras and a whole division of the police thats only job really is to maintain the cameras and fine us for driving over the speed limit then why should they not just restrict our cars so that we could never go over the speed limit, ever?
Its entirely logical as you are not allowed to go over the speed limit, there is no defence under UK law. As they take a very hard line against speeding, they make you confess to the crime which is a breach of human rights. When you go through the camera (and it will happen) and it takes a photo of your car then the police will send a letter through your door telling you to provide the information of the driver, if you do not then they will convict you under the Road Traffic Act 1988. This could be called illegal as you are entitled to silence under human rights, you are innocent until they prove you guilty, murderers and rapists are intitled to this. By making you confess to the crime and threatening you if you dont then this could be called coercion.
So why dont they just restrict cars to the limit then they wouldnt have to break human rights and cost the motorist upwards of £14.6 million a year which goes to the treasury?
I know that speed cameras dont save lifes, the government has constantly been publishing mis-leading statistics although, we have found out despite all the cameras that road deaths increased last year around some "safety" camera sites. The government put this down to wreckless "born again" bikers and put it mostly down to roads that havent got cameras. So they say they are going to introduce even more to combat this. They say that most drivers love them.
They are reducing most speed limits and introducing "road calming" too, it helps make drivers more sedate so they say. Will it feck.
Slotty, I live in the west of Scotland and I am the proud owner of a snooper s6 neo which alerts me to most cameras and the fuzz with their trusty laser/radar guns
They are not going to deprive me of speed or my licence even though most people in britain are more than willing to sit quiet and pay up. I used to drive a moped, which may sound shit, has made me a very aware driver, your correct about having to dodge grannys, I was forever getting knocked off it.
Given the UK government's stance on speed which is they have Gatso meters everywhere, speed bumps all over the place, other various types of radar and laser cameras and a whole division of the police thats only job really is to maintain the cameras and fine us for driving over the speed limit then why should they not just restrict our cars so that we could never go over the speed limit, ever?
Its entirely logical as you are not allowed to go over the speed limit, there is no defence under UK law. As they take a very hard line against speeding, they make you confess to the crime which is a breach of human rights. When you go through the camera (and it will happen) and it takes a photo of your car then the police will send a letter through your door telling you to provide the information of the driver, if you do not then they will convict you under the Road Traffic Act 1988. This could be called illegal as you are entitled to silence under human rights, you are innocent until they prove you guilty, murderers and rapists are intitled to this. By making you confess to the crime and threatening you if you dont then this could be called coercion.
So why dont they just restrict cars to the limit then they wouldnt have to break human rights and cost the motorist upwards of £14.6 million a year which goes to the treasury?
I know that speed cameras dont save lifes, the government has constantly been publishing mis-leading statistics although, we have found out despite all the cameras that road deaths increased last year around some "safety" camera sites. The government put this down to wreckless "born again" bikers and put it mostly down to roads that havent got cameras. So they say they are going to introduce even more to combat this. They say that most drivers love them.
They are reducing most speed limits and introducing "road calming" too, it helps make drivers more sedate so they say. Will it feck.
Slotty, I live in the west of Scotland and I am the proud owner of a snooper s6 neo which alerts me to most cameras and the fuzz with their trusty laser/radar guns